Big Brother 15

Nice to see people going after Helen for a change.......Dang if Jesse would wear that bikini more often I could handle her staying longer!
WTF is going on here? This house is so stupid. I can't believe it's Jessie and Spencer on the block. I was rooting for Andy, but now I'm going with McCrae.
Helen or Elissa needs to win HOH just to shake things up. Otherwise the next 3 weeks go Jessie, Spencer, then GM. This season is so horribly bad. I can't stand Amanda, and she was my favorite for a few weeks. Honestly I couldn't care less who wins.
Back to yesterday's episode. Not very smart people in this house, and here's why:

If Helen is talking about getting Amanda out, why didn't they use the POV to backdoor Helen? If Helen or Elissa win HoH tonight, Amanda is looking to go home. Tonight they are sending home somebody they could easily have made a deal with.

If McCrae and Andy really want to have Helen in their final 3, then why wouldn't they have backdoored Amanda last night? This is the question Helen needs to be asking.

After seeing that unfold, I'd have to say McCrae is clearly the best social player in this game. Amanda and Helen are in each others' crosshairs and he is sitting pretty.
I hope Aaryn wins to make everyone mad! She is eazy on the eyes too! Dang that exit dress Jesse had on was next level!
I've been telling friends for awhile that McCrae is the real mastermind of the house. It's not Helen or Amanda. I hope both of those beeches get eliminated.
In seasons past I'd get upset whenever I felt like the producers were manipulating the game, but this season has been out of their control and I have to say I'd rather have them manipulate things more.

I think Julie asking Helen why there are no big moves is the producers' way of jabbing the house guests.
Hopefully they will backdoor Amanda, if not send Helen packing

Need Helen gone.. I enjoyed Amanda talking bout her when she was crying bout Elyssia not giving her vote to her.. Your right guys this BB is pretty boring but I still watch it..
If Helen were to win the Veto comp, Elissa would get the boot of course. Look for Helen to pair up with Spencer and whoever winds up being the returning houseguest and try to take out one of Amanda/McRae/Aaryn.
I know things can change overnight, but it just seems McCrae and Andy are both completely off everyone's radar. I think Andy is in danger because if they are smart at all they'll realize they can't go to the finals with Andy and win the jury votes.
I know things can change overnight, but it just seems McCrae and Andy are both completely off everyone's radar. I think Andy is in danger because if they are smart at all they'll realize they can't go to the finals with Andy and win the jury votes.

I don't think Andy is off anyone's radar, he's just low in the pecking order in any alliance he's had to this point and he's not made any big moves to gain allegiance from other possible sway votes. He's third, at best, in the 3AM alliance and he'd be third amongst Helen, Elissa, and himself. He could do something big this week, if he wanted to.
well that just sucked, She should have put up Amanda instead of Spencer

Agreed. She said this is the corner I have been backed in to. No its not! Go to Spencer and say, I won't put you up vote for Amanda. Then you have him, GM, and Elissa vote for Amanda it's really simple. This season is dreadful.
I hope Judd wins it. But how funny would it be if they vote Helen out, she wins the jury comp, then wins hoh and puts Amanda and McCrae up?
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It would be funny, but has Helen won anything? I can't wait to see her go. She drives me nuts. She's one of those people that seems nice, but deep down she thinks she's better than everyone. She seems so fake to me. I understand how Amanda has controlled the house. She's slick. I feel like I can see right through Helen, and I don't know why others can't.
I hope Jessie gets back in tonight and then Jessie, Aaryn and GM make a final 3 alliance. But, seriously I hope Aaryn wins this thing. Also, if Judd gets back in I hope he will win! So many scenarios!
It would be funny, but has Helen won anything? I can't wait to see her go. She drives me nuts. She's one of those people that seems nice, but deep down she thinks she's better than everyone. She seems so fake to me. I understand how Amanda has controlled the house. She's slick. I feel like I can see right through Helen, and I don't know why others can't.

Agreed but I feel like she's the only one brave enough to put up Amanda.
If it ain't Helen or perhaps Judd that gets back in the game, it won't matter. Candice and Jessie won't get anything accomplished and would probably be right back out next week.

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