Big Brother

Is this season worth watching? I havent been able to get into it for years, aside from a couple seasons.
Is this season worth watching? I havent been able to get into it for years, aside from a couple seasons.

I don’t love the casting, but they all know the game and are mostly discussing strategy instead of Instagram followers.

First couple of weeks are as expected. We will see if anyone makes moves or stays in a big group in next couple to set the rest of the season.
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Is this season worth watching? I havent been able to get into it for years, aside from a couple seasons.
For the first time probably ever, casting brought in more than two POC. Whitewashing has always been a casting problem. But I'm not a fan that all the black contestants have formed what's called the "Cookout" alliance. I understand it, but I hate that it's specifically based on race. People can talk about past all-white alliances all they want, but they were more the product of casting than anything else. None of those alliances were expressly formed over race.

Honestly, I've been kind of bored with this season because the main strategy in the house seems to be race related.

But that's JMO.
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I don’t love the casting, but they all know the game and are mostly discussing strategy instead of Instagram followers.

First couple of weeks are as expected. We will see if anyone makes moves or stays in a big group in next couple to set the rest of the season.

This has been my issue lately. Big group forms and everyone falls in line, and just hope to last long enough to get more followers.
For the first time probably ever, casting brought in more than two POC. Whitewashing has always been a casting problem. But I'm not a fan that all the black contestants have formed what's called the "Cookout" alliance. I understand it, but I hate that it's specifically based on race. People can talk about past all-white alliances all they want, but they were more the product of casting than anything else. None of those alliances were expressly formed over race.

Honestly, I've been kind of bored with this season because the main strategy in the house seems to be race related.

But that's JMO.

Sounds fantastic. Lol
I guess I'll finally make a Challenge thread since it starts in 3 days, and I dont want to cluster**** this thread with weeks of overlapping conversations, vs the usual couple weeks.
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Finally caught up and I like this season. I don't really hate anybody, the comps have been good, they've been going after big threats basically every week...I could use a little more house drama. The Royal Flush can't last much longer now that we're down to 11 contestants, so that's going to get interesting.
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Last nights episode was good. This season has been better than the last few IMO. No super alliance, you have the cookout and the royal flush, but they both have some cracks forming in their alliance. Big D about blew up the cookout and the royal flush aren’t that tight. You’ve got a lot more small 2-3 people groups who are really tight with each other instead of mega-alliances.
I can't this year. BB or Love Island. The virtue signaling casting has ruined the products.
It’s never going to stop. I’m fine with the diversity or whatever. It’s dumb that it’s even come down to arguing about race and casting in the first place. Just look at how many whites people there are v black v Asian v w/e. If anything they over compensated with blacks and didn’t put any Hispanic/Mexican Americans
It’s never going to stop. I’m fine with the diversity or whatever. It’s dumb that it’s even come down to arguing about race and casting in the first place. Just look at how many whites people there are v black v Asian v w/e. If anything they over compensated with blacks and didn’t put any Hispanic/Mexican Americans
It isn't about race for me. It's more that the choices they made were really poor. Frenchie? Tell me that wasn't an inflammatory choice.

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