Big Brother

Yeah, it will be interesting to see how the do the cast next year. I think CBS wanted a minority winner, but not sure this is how they wanted it to play out.
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Love how there are people like Heavy D that are happy just being this far. He has zero chance to win but still thinks he's doing great. What a loser.

Most that have been voted out are dumb and very short sighted. Just give the money to X and call it a day. Not that I want him to win. I think he's a pompous ******* that I'd love to see kicked next week.

I get you want it to all minorities. But only person 1 person wins. D thinks he's done some great thing now by following others directions and nothing else.

If Azah and Heavy D really wanted to have a chance, they should have formed a sub group with Tiffany and her side piece to break up the cookout a week or two ago. Then again, let's be real, they never had a chance from day 1.
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Love how there are people like Heavy D that are happy just being this far. He has zero chance to win but still thinks he's doing great. What a loser.

Most that have been voted out are dumb and very short sighted. Just give the money to X and call it a day. Not that I want him to win. I think he's a pompous ******* that I'd love to see kicked next week.

I get you want it to all minorities. But only person 1 person wins. D thinks he's done some great thing now by following others directions and nothing else.

If Azah and Heavy D really wanted to have a chance, they should have formed a sub group with Tiffany and her side piece to break up the cookout a week or two ago. Then again, let's be real, they never had a chance from day 1.
It's been a bad season.

I really don't like Tiffany.

Honestly, I'd be okay with Hannah or Azah winning, even though they haven't really done anything.
If a bunch of white contestants banded together and voted out all the POC contestants, it would be shouted down as racism. But a group of black contestants band together to vote out anyone who isn't black and it's lauded as some great accomplishment. Hooray for "equality".

If a bunch of white contestants banded together and voted out all the POC contestants, it would be shouted down as racism. But a group of black contestants band together to vote out anyone who isn't black and it's lauded as some great accomplishment. Hooray for "equality".


But whites are the majority and have won like 19.5 of 21 (hooray for equality) seasons so we don't have to band together. It also wouldn't work because being white (just like being female) isn't enough glue to keep an alliance that big together.
But whites are the majority and have won like 19.5 of 21 (hooray for equality) seasons so we don't have to band together. It also wouldn't work because being white (just like being female) isn't enough glue to keep an alliance that big together.
Big Brother has always had a casting problem. This is the first time they've actually cast a number of POC rather than 2 or 3. But I still believe forming an alliance based completely on the the color of one's skin is wrong. You're not gonna convince me otherwise.
Big Brother has always had a casting problem. This is the first time they've actually cast a number of POC rather than 2 or 3. But I still believe forming an alliance based completely on the the color of one's skin is wrong. You're not gonna convince me otherwise.

Also, they cast stereotypes. How many times did they cast a weird Jesus freak lady with a temper? Of course that kind of person is gonna have trouble in the house. Too many things that make them different.

To me, it's not even about morality or right/wrong. It's smart. They basically made an impenetrable alliance. It only worked because they are minorities. A white alliance wouldn't work because it's not enough glue and societal pressure pushes them the other way. A POC alliance has societal pressure to maintain itself. None of these contestants wanted to be the one to break the alliance and go home to face their family and community. It's pretty genius. This game is wrong. You lie, deceive, manipulate, and backstab...aligning with people you culturally relate to is whatever. It happens all the time. Christians align with Christians. Young against old. Why? Because they are trying to win a game that relies on trust and familiarity, not because they are trying to discriminate.
How much production manipulation do you think has gone on this year? It's no secret that there is a good amount of it every year. Imagine if there were accusations of racist manipulation. That could end the entire ViacomCBS legacy in quick order.
How much production manipulation do you think has gone on this year? It's no secret that there is a good amount of it every year. Imagine if there were accusations of racist manipulation. That could end the entire ViacomCBS legacy in quick order.

Let's just speculate that something might exist so we can be mad about it. I assume you mean racial and not racist? Unless you are actually meaning to call production (or their motives) racist. Accusations won't lead to anything. Real hard evidence of wrongdoing could but that ain't happening.

If there are accusations and I'm production I would say, "Yeah there was manipulation. We decided we would have 6 black/mixed houseguests this time and only 8 pure-blooded whites. We're sorry for being so unfair!"
Let's just speculate that something might exist so we can be mad about it. I assume you mean racial and not racist? Unless you are actually meaning to call production (or their motives) racist. Accusations won't lead to anything. Real hard evidence of wrongdoing could but that ain't happening.

If there are accusations and I'm production I would say, "Yeah there was manipulation. We decided we would have 6 black/mixed houseguests this time and only 8 pure-blooded whites. We're sorry for being so unfair!"

It had been reported before either BB or Love Island cast that production had changed casting companies to have a more inclusive casting. I mean racist. And there is a long history of production manipulation. Usually something pointless, but you never know what sort of goofiness will trigger someone.
It had been reported before either BB or Love Island cast that production had changed casting companies to have a more inclusive casting. I mean racist. And there is a long history of production manipulation. Usually something pointless, but you never know what sort of goofiness will trigger someone.

Why is inclusive casting racist?
Let's just speculate that something might exist so we can be mad about it. I assume you mean racial and not racist? Unless you are actually meaning to call production (or their motives) racist. Accusations won't lead to anything. Real hard evidence of wrongdoing could but that ain't happening.

If there are accusations and I'm production I would say, "Yeah there was manipulation. We decided we would have 6 black/mixed houseguests this time and only 8 pure-blooded whites. We're sorry for being so unfair!"
Biggest manipulation was when they were pushing Paul to win. Off topicish from the other guys post but that was so blatant. Can’t lie, I wanted Paul to win that year.
Biggest manipulation was when they were pushing Paul to win. Off topicish from the other guys post but that was so blatant. Can’t lie, I wanted Paul to win that year.

Yeah, I'm definitely not disputing that production tries to control the direction of the show.

Their motivation is to do what's best for ratings. They just want to be as successful as possible. They aren't racist. Their actions aren't racist. They don't have racist motivations. The decision-makers are probably mostly white. If indeed they were thinking "You know what would be good for the show? If minorities were successful in it." and then they cast accordingly, and even maybe tried to manipulate the show, their motive is $ and ratings. That's it.

Also, if they were trying to manipulate it and make it so we had a black final 6, why introduce the special powers? When that came about, the cookout was in full control of the game, and the new powers had the potential to flip that.
Let's pretend I'm an idiot. Explain it to me.
Because "inclusive" is a crutch to place more POC on the show in order to pander to the current social movements and earn CBS more social justice points. I bet the number will go back down next year.

What it SHOULD be is that they take all applicants, and evaluate them evenly. If 10 out of 16 houseguests are Asian, Black, White, etc, it doesn't matter. The most deserving people get on. Problem is that they're artificially limiting it based on race so they don't piss anyone off. We don't know who applies, so in the end, we can't know what basis they're using behind the scenes. We can go off of breadcrumbs though.

This year specifically (the first season cast after George Floyd and the events of last year), they noticeably increased the number of POC relative to years past (which I believe largely followed population ratios). It appears to be racist, however we'll probably never actually know.
Because "inclusive" is a crutch to place more POC on the show in order to pander to the current social movements and earn CBS more social justice points. I bet the number will go back down next year.

What it SHOULD be is that they take all applicants, and evaluate them evenly. If 10 out of 16 houseguests are Asian, Black, White, etc, it doesn't matter. The most deserving people get on. Problem is that they're artificially limiting it based on race so they don't piss anyone off. We don't know who applies, so in the end, we can't know what basis they're using behind the scenes. We can go off of breadcrumbs though.

This year specifically (the first season cast after George Floyd and the events of last year), they noticeably increased the number of POC relative to years past (which I believe largely followed population ratios). It appears to be racist, however we'll probably never actually know.

Pandering isn't racist. It's capitalist.

Race matters to the application process. It always has mattered in showbiz. When they were casting more overwhelmingly white casts, they were doing that because they thought it was good for ratings.
Yeah, I'm definitely not disputing that production tries to control the direction of the show.

Their motivation is to do what's best for ratings. They just want to be as successful as possible. They aren't racist. Their actions aren't racist. They don't have racist motivations. The decision-makers are probably mostly white. If indeed they were thinking "You know what would be good for the show? If minorities were successful in it." and then they cast accordingly, and even maybe tried to manipulate the show, their motive is $ and ratings. That's it.

Also, if they were trying to manipulate it and make it so we had a black final 6, why introduce the special powers? When that came about, the cookout was in full control of the game, and the new powers had the potential to flip that.
I think you're right on, but I also think that it can be racist to sit in a production room and deny a person a legitimate chance to be on a show that they have likely dreamed to be on, on the basis of their skin color, because an executive wants to avoid being lynched.
Pandering isn't racist. It's capitalist.

Race matters to the application process. It always has mattered in showbiz. When they were casting more overwhelmingly white casts, they were doing that because they thought it was good for ratings.
Yeah, I'm definitely not disputing that production tries to control the direction of the show.

Their motivation is to do what's best for ratings. They just want to be as successful as possible. They aren't racist. Their actions aren't racist. They don't have racist motivations. The decision-makers are probably mostly white. If indeed they were thinking "You know what would be good for the show? If minorities were successful in it." and then they cast accordingly, and even maybe tried to manipulate the show, their motive is $ and ratings. That's it.

Also, if they were trying to manipulate it and make it so we had a black final 6, why introduce the special powers? When that came about, the cookout was in full control of the game, and the new powers had the potential to flip that.
I’m not getting into the race stuff
I think you're right on, but I also think that it can be racist to sit in a production room and deny a person a legitimate chance to be on a show that they have likely dreamed to be on, on the basis of their skin color, because an executive wants to avoid being lynched.

That's how it's always worked. You think Dick Clark would have got the American Bandstand gig if he were black? You think Ellen would have got a network sitcom in 1994 if she had already come out? As a baseline, "does this demographic play?" has always been a consideration in showbiz. They've always tried to get the right ratio whether it was no black people, a token black person, or 6 out of 16. I'm not gonna complain because the scales have tipped a little bit.
That's how it's always worked. You think Dick Clark would have got the American Bandstand gig if he were black? You think Ellen would have got a network sitcom in 1994 if she had already come out? As a baseline, "does this demographic play?" has always been a consideration in showbiz. They've always tried to get the right ratio whether it was no black people, a token black person, or 6 out of 16. I'm not gonna complain because the scales have tipped a little bit.
Idk, it seems racist to do it in either direction! Just put the best people on, that's my opinion. The only reason why it's an issue is because executives don't want to lose money. You're right, general society wouldn't have probably accepted a black American Bandstand host back in the day, or a gay sitcom lead either. BUT, shame on us for allowing that, and shame on the executives for perpetuating it.
Idk, it seems racist to do it in either direction! Just put the best people on, that's my opinion. The only reason why it's an issue is because executives don't want to lose money. You're right, general society wouldn't have probably accepted a black American Bandstand host back in the day, or a gay sitcom lead either. BUT, shame on us for allowing that, and shame on the executives for perpetuating it.

I think we're trying too hard to villainize ourselves and production.

There are people who call everything racial "racist". If you fall under that umbrella, then yeah, it's subjectively racist. But I don't think racism is their motivation. I don't think discrimination is the point. I think the point for CBS is $. I think the point for the audience is representation. Asking for or wanting representation is not racist. If you're an audience member who says "I will never watch American Bandstand with a black host." then yeah, that is racist. But an Asian American deciding to tune in because he/she heard that Big Brother has an Asian American who doesn't fit a stereotype is not racist. It just means that the casting sparked their interest.

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