Big Orange Exodus

well I'm from NC, grew up in Nashville, and my family is from Ohio. I do believe I'm allowed to like the teams that I like without have my fan hood called into question. Growing up I never knew UT had a basketball team until Pearl got there.

Then why are you bothering to talk about the team now? Seems to have nothing to do with you at all.
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Well who are you to sit there and say it has nothing to do with me? I obviously like Tennessee duh.


Why are we bashing them for leaving?? should be thanking them for even wanting to show up to watch an underachieving basketball team. I find it hard to watch it on TV.

I try not to watch something that will just end up pissing you off in the end. They aren't going to make the tournament this year and they are gonna be just as bad next year.

it's cool accept the fact they suck and support a coach who again won't make the tourney. So own being a fan of mediocrity. congrats


you're really good at making that obvious
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Ive noticed the majority of the ones leaving are the people with lower level seats (the ones who have season tickets and can afford to go to as many games as possible). I know growing up my family was not as financially stable to attend many games and we usually sat in the upper deck and stayed until the final buzzer, mainly because we were just excited to be able to go. I wish more poeple looked at it in a sense that its a privelege to be a TN fan and be able to attend games. Ill always go whether they are winning or losing just because I feel that is what the definition of a fan is.
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Well kudos to you sir for putting that well constructed portfolio together. I am glad you are able to put up with a terribly coached basketball team because I sure as hell can't. Does that mean I don't like the team or school I would think not, but you are a mets fan so I think you should be used to mediocrity by now.
+1. There are a number of "fans" that leave at a predetermined time, no matter the score or situation. People can do as they please, but I just don't get it. Why go through the time and effort then miss the end? Plus, I'm sure the kids would like to see some celebrating...especially after toughing out a back and forth game.

This. It would be like watching a movie and turning it off or worse still, walking out of the movie theatre with 15 mins left.

But ppl do this kinda stuff everywhere if it means beating a crowd. What they dont realize is that it happens so much that they are the crowd.

Preacher says every head bowed, every eye closed, and ppl book it for the door. It's 10 mins ppl! I promise the line at the Golden Corral isnt gonna be that much longer 10 minutes from now.
No they won't. Same thing happened when Pearl was here. It happens everywhere. Happened at Rupp last weekend when it was a two-possession game in the final minute. People are fickle anymore. They are more interested in beating 15 people to their car than celebrating a win at the end.

This. The people turning this into yet another bash Martin thread are missing the point the OP was making. People were freakin leaving the South Carolina football game this year before Palardy hit the FG.

It's been happening a long time, and while it seems to be happening at other places too, I noticed it more for Vol fans. It wasn't as bad but I remember people leaving the 2004 Florida game early, and I mean while we were still driving to set up the game winner.
I love the argument above: "got lucky against Kentucky."

That's great humor right there. Plus, I will give extra points for the level of sarcasm. Almost had me believing he was serious. But, then I realized only an idiot would make a statement like that and be serious about it.

Yes I love this too. I wonder what his opinion was on our victory over South Carolina in football this year.
well I'm from NC, grew up in Nashville, and my family is from Ohio. I do believe I'm allowed to like the teams that I like without have my fan hood called into question. Growing up I never knew UT had a basketball team until Pearl got there.

You mean you didn't bother rooting for them until Pearl showed up.
You said that he was missing the point, why go at all?
I replied that with the empty seats a lot of fans are doing what you suggested.

Yes, I understand. That's fine. And my point is why leave early (and complain about it) if you actually go? Again, your comment was not directly related to the original question.
Well kudos to you sir for putting that well constructed portfolio together. I am glad you are able to put up with a terribly coached basketball team because I sure as hell can't. Does that mean I don't like the team or school I would think not, but you are a mets fan so I think you should be used to mediocrity by now.

It sounds like you only support the team when they are successful. Feel free to keep defending that stance, but don't act appalled when people are disgusted by it.
Enough of this fair weather fan b.s. Were Tennessee fans..its been a long time since we were good at anything. I think the fair weather fans are long gone...
This. The people turning this into yet another bash Martin thread are missing the point the OP was making. People were freakin leaving the South Carolina football game this year before Palardy hit the FG.

It's been happening a long time, and while it seems to be happening at other places too, I noticed it more for Vol fans. It wasn't as bad but I remember people leaving the 2004 Florida game early, and I mean while we were still driving to set up the game winner.

Had friends who left the 2004 Fla game early. They were up visiting their daughter who went to UT and left after Wilhoit missed the XP. They had made it to almost the strip when Wilhoit hits the FG to win it. That's the only game they went to in her 4 years up there so those are some of the "fans" you'll get at games. Some are not really fans. They're just there. I still give them sh*t over leaving that early. Of course, they then like to tell me that they've seen UT beat Fla as many times as I have since 2004 and they've only been once and I've been 4 more times. Bastards.

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