I read everything you guys contribute from a scientific standpoint. I learn a lot from the conversations you have amongst yourselves on cutting edge scientific theories like string theory etc. I love science. Always have. Graduated top 10 in my highschool class but never made it through college (kids, wife etc)
I am a firm believer in the God of the Bible. I gave my life to Christ as an adult and its the best decision I ever made. I ask this question not to provoke you, but looking for an honest answer. If you truly believe in science, and follow the scientific method, how can you conclude that evolution is the origin of life? I can see people believing that life was created and then evolved...that is very likely from a purely logical standpoint.
Evolution and Abiogenesis are completely different. I don't know that anybody in their right mind would say differently.
Who said that Abiogenesis had to arise here on Earth? Maybe it arose somewhere else. There is reason to believe that life either exists currently on Mars or has at some point. We are now convinced that life is not a special gift bestowed upon Earth. Thus, it did not have to originate here. As much as the ancient astronaut theory is out there sometimes, it not out of the realm of possibilities. Another life form could have "given" us life. Life might have hitched a ride through the universe to Earth from a place where Abiogenesis is more efficient than here on Earth.
Any mathematician could tell you that even a simple life form evolving from primordial soup is all but impossible.
The experiment of MillerUrey in 1952 proved that is it not impossible. In fact, it proved that it is indeed
possible. We have not been able to recreate Abiogenesis outright in a laboratory yet, but that does not mean it is impossible. There are plenty of things in antiquity which was once believed impossible. The only things that are truly impossible are those events which contradict the natural laws of the universe. Abiogenesis is not one of those events.
Someone stated that over a long period of time the probability of everything becomes 1. I think that's a lie...but according to data that modern science swears by the universe is only like 15 billion years old. To say that the biodiversity of our earth would occur in this limited period of time is illogical. Its like believing that a large group of monkeys jumping around on a huge field of typewriters for an extended period of time would eventually write one of Shakespeares plays...or that a wind of limitless velocity blowing across the sahara desert for a billion years would eventually erect the empire state building. That is simply not science.
I think rjd970 did an excellent job of responding to this portion of your post. I'll defer to his post.
The scientific method is rigid and logical and requires absolutely no faith. None. Evolution as the origin of life on our planet requires huge amounts of faith. So much that most scientists when asked about the subject bristle at the word "faith". To say that these things occurring has a probability of 1 is just stupid. The truth is that it is mathematically and logically impossible for a group of amino acids or anything else to jump from inanimate to living.
1) Again, there is a big difference between Evolution and Abiogenesis. Let's not confuse the two.
2) There is no faith required. Scientists just say that it is merely
possible for Abiogenesis to happen. They cite the experiment which proves that point. Evolution is certainly fact.
3) Logically impossible? Really? Let me know what logic you are using. I guess you could take me to school on logic.
4) rjd970 addressed the mathematical probability. Keep in mind, Abiogenesis did not necessarily happen on Earth. Thus you do not really know what kind of odds we are dealing with here.
5) We do know with 100% certainty that creation as outlined by the Bible did not happen. You cannot say the same about scientific Abiogenesis.
I don't push my faith on anyone...ever...don't go with my church members knocking on doors trying to save peoples souls. I deeply resent mainstream science pushing their religion...which is exactly what it is...on impressionable kids who don't know enough to tell them that what they are saying is not just unlikely but impossible. If an idea abandons logic, the scientific method, and any reasonable probability then it is not science. Its religion.
A religion, eh? Do you have a clue what the word "religion" entails? Traditional religion is metaphysics. You cannot dispute metaphysics because it is not testable. It is not even observable or even experience related. One can make whatever metaphysical claim he wants and does not have to worry about the ramifications because it is not verifiable. Thus, it is no wonder there is a plethora of diverse metaphysical claims out there.
Why would you want to teach "impressionable" children that metaphysical claims are true? Only those which can be scientifically tested ought to be allowed in our schools.
Given that between the two of us, there is only one guy that has taken an upper level evolution class and majored in BCMC, I can assure you that scientific schooling is centered around only those claims which are verifiable. You are taught from a very early age that a "theory" is not fact but rather a testable, falsifiable hypothesis which has withstood the rigorous testing which hoped to falsify said theory. Such is the foundation for the philosophy of science.
I would much rather teach testable and falsifiable hypotheses than unverifiable metaphysical claims to impressionable children.