Black Coaches (split)

Read a lot into things don't you. OK in simple terms over 90% of the athletes on football fields are black. Having a black DC is not a BAD thing. Other than previous DC experence he checks all the boxes. Seems I remember a world renown DC who couldn't teach how to defend a slant. Give the man a chance based on his knowledge, being black is icing on the cake.

I asked a question. That's all.

And I agree that him being black is not a bad thing. I don't remember anyone claiming that it was, as a matter of fact. I was actually asking the question based on your support of his race being a "good" thing.

I merely wonder if feeding high school kids' preference to not play for someone of a different race is a good thing. Or, as you just put it "icing on the cake".

Seems to me that if NCAA schools played 90% white kids and hired according to those white kids' racism, we would be having a very different conversation about problems in the system.
I asked a question. That's all.

And I agree that him being black is not a bad thing. I don't remember anyone claiming that it was, as a matter of fact. I was actually asking the question based on your support of his race being a "good" thing.

I merely wonder if feeding high school kids' preference to not play for someone of a different race is a good thing. Or, as you just put it "icing on the cake".

Seems to me that if NCAA schools played 90% white kids and hired according to those white kids' racism, we would be having a very different conversation about problems in the system.

Who says these kids don't want to play for a different race or it's rather a matter of being able to identify with someone who understands their life experiences?
Come on guys, if you want to argue about race and who is right or wrong, go start a new thread. The OP started a thread on Washington as potential DC. You both sound ignorant arguing about this race garbage. It is clear you have different views, move on or hopefully FREAK will ban you for a bit.
If the guy is this uncertain about the job here, forget him. Let him stay at OSU and let's move on to the next guy. I'll be damned if I'll beg anyone to come here and coach.

If you think he's the guy to bring you success, don't let your pride inhibit the chance to make it happen.
I asked a question. That's all.

And I agree that him being black is not a bad thing. I don't remember anyone claiming that it was, as a matter of fact. I was actually asking the question based on your support of his race being a "good" thing.

I merely wonder if feeding high school kids' preference to not play for someone of a different race is a good thing. Or, as you just put it "icing on the cake".

Seems to me that if NCAA schools played 90% white kids and hired according to those white kids' racism, we would be having a very different conversation about problems in the system.

Who is feeding kids your different race BS?
Who says these kids don't want to play for a different race or it's rather a matter of being able to identify with someone who understands their life experiences?

Stating the reason for the supposed preference indicates your belief that the preference exists.

I merely wonder if feeding high school kids' preference to not play for someone of a different race is a good thing.

Shalom, my friend.
Stating the reason for the supposed preference indicates your belief that the preference exists.

Shalom, my friend.

So, how many HBCUs did you, or would you, consider attending? Some good schools out there, any of them make the list? You talk to your mom or did you talk to your dad about certain life situations?
So, how many HBCUs did you, or would you, consider attending? Some good schools out there, any of them make the list?

That's a pretty wounded red herring. It won't swim.

(Edited to fix the mixed metaphor.)
I am. Completely. You on the other hand seem to be untethered. Discrimination including discrimination by race occurs. It always has. It always will. But it is VERY minimal in the US today. Unequal outcomes are NOT evidence of discrimination. The most JUST society you can have is one that pursues equality of opportunity PERIOD.

I've done well. I have a great job with significant responsibility and good pay. I grew up in a lower middle class home in one of the poorest counties in southern Appalachia. My parents by modern measures came out of extreme poverty. My public school came up short in its ability to prepare us for competition at top colleges. Other than having two great parents... I faced most of the disadvantages that SJW's complain about. I've had several set backs and disappointments in my career to include reverse discrimination. In all that... I was responsible for what I did with my blessings and challenges. My accent held me back so I learned to be more "professional". I worked harder than my peers. I didn't give up even when I really had been treated unfairly.

I don't hate or resent anyone and especially not because of their race. But I DO resent the idea that it is my fault that someone fails when they're failure is a product of their own repeated bad decisions.

The left leaning Brookings Institute proved that behavior is by far and away the dominant factor in a person's success. When young people finish high school, stay away from crime, and wait until marriage to have children... their prospects for work and success are comparable regardless of their race.

It isn't color... it is culture. It is self-destructive behavior and decisions. Right now in corporations there is more discrimination IN FAVOR of black applicants than against them. I have yet to work for a company that was not looking for ways to find and hire qualified black people especially in entry level managerial roles. You cannot hire people who do not apply. You cannot promote people who do not perform.
Only word you should have left out was reverse.
That's a pretty wounded red herring. It won't swim.

(Edited to fix the mixed metaphor.)

It references the point about preferences, familiarity, as it would in the real world. You choosing not to go to an HBCU does not make you racist any more than a black kid being able to connect with a guy who shares his life experience is being closed minded.
If the guy is this uncertain about the job here, forget him. Let him stay at OSU and let's move on to the next guy. I'll be damned if I'll beg anyone to come here and coach.
Agreed! When the guy starts making demands(allegedly wanting to be AHC) then it’s time to move on.
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Move on, this is not the place for your arguments. Childish at best.

I'm not interested in your chastisement, especially with it focused on me and the topic in question not initiated by me. Ok?

When we get actual news on Washington, it will be drowned out, anyway.
I am. Completely. You on the other hand seem to be untethered. Discrimination including discrimination by race occurs. It always has. It always will. But it is VERY minimal in the US today. Unequal outcomes are NOT evidence of discrimination. The most JUST society you can have is one that pursues equality of opportunity PERIOD.

I've done well. I have a great job with significant responsibility and good pay. I grew up in a lower middle class home in one of the poorest counties in southern Appalachia. My parents by modern measures came out of extreme poverty. My public school came up short in its ability to prepare us for competition at top colleges. Other than having two great parents... I faced most of the disadvantages that SJW's complain about. I've had several set backs and disappointments in my career to include reverse discrimination. In all that... I was responsible for what I did with my blessings and challenges. My accent held me back so I learned to be more "professional". I worked harder than my peers. I didn't give up even when I really had been treated unfairly.

I don't hate or resent anyone and especially not because of their race. But I DO resent the idea that it is my fault that someone fails when they're failure is a product of their own repeated bad decisions.

The left leaning Brookings Institute proved that behavior is by far and away the dominant factor in a person's success. When young people finish high school, stay away from crime, and wait until marriage to have children... their prospects for work and success are comparable regardless of their race.

It isn't color... it is culture. It is self-destructive behavior and decisions. Right now in corporations there is more discrimination IN FAVOR of black applicants than against them. I have yet to work for a company that was not looking for ways to find and hire qualified black people especially in entry level managerial roles. You cannot hire people who do not apply. You cannot promote people who do not perform.

When I actually stop and think back on my life, it is amazing how many times that I can be pretty sure that I was discriminated against, for one reason or another. In fact, right now I am contemplating confronting a group that I feel has discriminated in a major way. I too, was raised in what would be considered near poverty. So, I agree completely. Life isn't fair, but it is a lot more fair for the rich. The poor pretty much all have the same kind of road blocks, regardless of race.

We should be focusing more on giving all the poor a better chance, rather than focus on race. It only clouds the picture, it doesn't fix it.
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Wowsy, we are all proud of you. But you have thrown out a lot of garbage that has no bearing on the post I made. Get a dose of reality.
Yeah. It actually does. You implied that here is persistent racial discrimination against coaches who are black. You threw out the race card because you think it trumps everything else.

My story isn't unique.... but it is a refutation of the notion that "white privilege" is why black people aren't succeeding. The success I've had wasn't handed to me. I failed several times and refused to quit. I wasn't born with a silver spoon. As far as I know, no one on either side of my family had graduated college for generations... maybe never. The only "privilege" I had going for me was two good Christian parents who instilled values and personal responsibility into us.... and that is a pretty big deal. Maybe the problems experienced by many black folks would be better solved by focusing on supporting the rebuild of the black family unit rather than blaming someone else for bad behavior and decisions?

The big lie you are perpetuating is that the deck is somehow stacked against black people who have skill and have prepared themselves for opportunities. Nothing could be further from the truth. Washington seems to be a guy Heupel wants... and not because he's black but because he's talented and ready. That's the ONLY way it should be.
I'm not interested in your chastisement, especially with it focused on me and the topic in question not initiated by me. Ok?

When we get actual news on Washington, it will be drowned out, anyway.
Then move on and let the grown men talk. Take your race bating discussion elsewhere. You are mighty grandiose thinking anyone really cares about you.
Who TF let the debate team in here?
(Edit: this was posted when all this horseshit was taking over the DC search thread. As far as I am concerned the debate club can have free reign to pontificate to their hearts content. Ima go back to the coaching search threads).
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Then move on and let the grown men talk. Take your race bating discussion elsewhere. You are mighty grandiose thinking anyone really cares about you.

If you don't care, then why respond? And, is everyone "grandiose" for posting their opinions on a message board?

All these nonsense arguments today, damn.
Yeah. It actually does. You implied that here is persistent racial discrimination against coaches who are black. You threw out the race card because you think it trumps everything else.

My story isn't unique.... but it is a refutation of the notion that "white privilege" is why black people aren't succeeding. The success I've had wasn't handed to me. I failed several times and refused to quit. I wasn't born with a silver spoon. As far as I know, no one on either side of my family had graduated college for generations... maybe never. The only "privilege" I had going for me was two good Christian parents who instilled values and personal responsibility into us.... and that is a pretty big deal. Maybe the problems experienced by many black folks would be better solved by focusing on supporting the rebuild of the black family unit rather than blaming someone else for bad behavior and decisions?

The big lie you are perpetuating is that the deck is somehow stacked against black people who have skill and have prepared themselves for opportunities. Nothing could be further from the truth. Washington seems to be a guy Heupel wants... and not because he's black but because he's talented and ready. That's the ONLY way it should be.
Go read the original post, has nothing to do with your crying and complaining. This post is about A Washing and possibly being hired. No where in the OP was anything about race brought up. Maybe we need to have rules for immature indivuals that want to rant about race. We have enough anger and hate in the world, this site is for Vol fans to enjoy talking all things related to UT sports.

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