did they announce the agenda, isn't that the law? Or just that they are having a meeting?
The link was posted above, but here it is again for the click impaired:
UT Board of Trustees Holds Fall Meeting Nov. 8-9 in Knoxville
November 01, 2012
KNOXVILLE -- The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees will meet Nov. 8-9 in Knoxville.
The full board's meeting will begin at 1 p.m. EST, Friday, Nov. 9 in Hollingsworth Auditorium on the agricultural campus.
The meeting will be webcast live and archived for later viewing. For a link to the webcast, go to
The University of Tennessee.
Agenda items include:
Presidents report
Strategic Plan implementation update
UT Knoxville Top 25 update
FY 2012-13 merit increase to base salary of President DiPietro
Performance and retention plan for executive officers
Revised TUAPA rule on library fines at UTC
Use of UHS proceeds to fund fee waivers for leased employees and their spouses and dependents
FY 2013-14 operation budget appropriations request
FY 2013-14 capital outlay and capital maintenance projects
FY 2013-14 revenue/institutionally funding projects
Grant of permanent utility easements to Tuckaleechee Utility District for the benefit of the Universitys dairy farm
Quitclaim of Haywood County property to Tennessee Department of Transportation
Dissolution of John C. Hodges trusts and transfer of funds to an endowment
Modification of administrative provisions for the Caesar and Edith Stair Music Education Fund
FY 2012 annual flight operations report
Program of study leading to Master of Medical Science-Physician Assistant
Honorary degree, UT Knoxville
Annual Report to the General Assembly
Amendment of the UT-UTFI affiliation and services agreement to change the reporting line for athletics departments personnel at UT Knoxville
Various board committees will meet Nov. 8-9. All meetings will be held in the Hollingsworth Auditorium. Here is a schedule of their meetings:
Thursday, Nov. 8
10 a.m. Health Affairs Committee
11:15 a.m. Executive and Compensation Committee
1 p.m. Research, Outreach, and Economic Development Committee
3:15 p.m. Finance and Administration Committee
Friday, Nov. 9
8:30 a.m. Academic Affairs and Student Success Committee
10:45 a.m. Advancement and Public Affairs Committee
1 p.m. Full Board
I believe you can watch the meeting via webcast if that gets you jazzed. I'm thinking about watching the webcast for the discussion over "the grant of permanent utility easements to Tuckaleechee Utility District for the benefit of the Universitys dairy farm" That should be a burner!