
I tried asking what the allegation was a few days ago and got a bunch of deflections to the impeachment. Interested to see if they’ve got it sorted out. Only like 5 days left to get their **** together and build a coherent narrative.

Maybe when the dog craps out Tucker’s homework we’ll get it figured out.

10% for the big guy
Smh. Seriously? 10% of a $30 million deal with a Chinese energy firm. Ring any bells???

Funny stuff, man.

Your theory has one little minor teeny tiny hole in it:

Over 1/3 of all eligible voters have already voted.

Is dumb Donald so stupid that he would wait to drop some sort of bonafide Chinese/ Joe Biden connection right before the election day? I mean you do realize that over 50% of people will have voted already before next Tuesday.

If this were a real thing (hint hint it's not) we would have already had all the details and photographs and evidence and Trump would be blaring it 24/7.

Even a Fox news host got into it with Guiliani recently ... he was so pissed he demanded an apology during the interview.

Totally unhinged.

Oops. Conspiracy theory down the drain.
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Well, no again: it's not "secret" - read 'nefarious' - simply because you didn't know about it, and was opened to pay taxes there for biz exploration activities there 2013 to 2015 and been inactive since. That's in his "secret tax returns" and doesn't change an iota his correctly identifying China as the greatest geopolitical and economic threat facing the U.S. while Joe's still shouting "Russiaaaah!". Biden touts being Wall St.'s poster boy as they encourage business as usual with China to the detriment of this country, the Biden clan has done damn well "secretly" using the Veep as their currency, it would appear. Now contrast that with Trump's actions regarding China; really no contest, is it?

You've presented no proof he or family are benefitting financially from his presidency and your claim he is, is plainly peeing into the wind of facts.
Brings to mind the following colorful expression uttered numerous times in my presence by a Cajun instrument man in the big petrochemical where I worked as a newbie engineer in Plaquemine, LA some 40 years ago: "... pizzing up a manila hemp..."
Tucker is the only one in the media reporting on this story.

The one reporter on an obscure channel (Cheddar) who tried to get a Biden spokesman to speak to the Bobulinski reportage could only say "Fair Enough" when his question was ignored.

Shameful state of affairs that the media are protecting Biden.
Tucker is the only one in the media reporting on this story.

The one reporter on an obscure channel (Cheddar) who tried to get a Biden spokesman to speak to the Bobulinski reportage could only say "Fair Enough" when his question was ignored.

Shameful state of affairs that the media are protecting Biden.
This is what the MSM has been thinking the past 4 years. “If we’d just ignored everything negative about Hillary she would have beat Trump”.

So now they’re putting it into practice.
Smh. Seriously? 10% of a $30 million deal with a Chinese energy firm. Ring any bells???
Stake of the profits in Hunter and Jim Biden’s business venture with China.
That business venture fell through. No such deal was ever made. It seems like it was just all talk by the kid... Hence, the reason Bobulinski is disgruntled.
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Assuming it was indeed dealing for the Big Guy; do you think this was the first time out of all the deals that the Big Guy would be included?
I think Hunter Biden is a loser, who probably does try to use his dad's name to make high end international business deals. I also think he probably strung this Bobulinski guy along and made him feel like his dad was playing ball, and would throw his weight around and assert some influence where he had some. However, there is no evidence to this point, that Joe ever did play ball. I think it's all talk by the loser kid. If you want to fault Joe for having a loser son? That is fine... there just isn't much else tying him to Hunter's "deals". That business venture in China, never got off the ground.
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I think Hunter Biden is a loser, who probably does try to use his dad's name to make high end international business deals. I also think he probably strung this Bobulinski guy along and made him feel like his dad was playing ball, and would throw his weight around and assert some influence where he had some. However, there is no evidence to this point, that Joe ever did play ball. I think it's all talk by the loser kid. If you want to fault Joe for having a loser son? That is fine... there just isn't much else tying him to Hunter's "deals". That business venture in China, never got off the ground.
That’s a whole bunch of rationalization to just say “LA LA LA I can’t hear you!”


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