
Wrong again; these are estimations of net worth by Forbes and Bloomberg Billionaires Index and have nothing to do with Trump's claims. The 2nd link also notes a more recent (as in 2020) Forbes estimation placed his net worth just above $2B, which would be less than his estimated $4.5B before the presidency. Estimating net worth is not rocket science.

I can post it, but can't make you read or comprehend it. "lol" The articles clearly demonstrate that Trump is not profiting from being president.

And how much did they factor in all his debts we are just now finding out about as well as his secret Chinese bank account and any others he might have. You realize they can’t actually verify every single asset and debt he has, right? Yes, they’ll use what information they can, but it should be clear from the variations in these estimates that they’re very rough estimates, and Forbes has made it quite clear he has lied to them about his net worth before. He was probably never actually worth 4.5 billion.

And how much did they factor in all his debts we are just now finding out about as well as his secret Chinese bank account and any others he might have. You realize they can’t actually verify every single asset and debt he has, right? Yes, they’ll use what information they can, but it should be clear from the variations in these estimates that they’re very rough estimates, and Forbes has made it quite clear he has lied to them about his net worth before. He was probably never actually worth 4.5 billion.

Now you're just being dumb.

What debts and "secret Chinese bank account" are you referring to, and who is the "we" just finding out about them? Have you reported your insider info scoop to the SDNY and Mueller?

It isn't a count to the last dollar. If they estimate a net worth based upon what is known four years ago and compare that to today and it's half or less, it's a relative estimate and as valid as any such analysis done annually on hundreds of the worlds' wealthy. And that analysis shows he's NOT profiting from being president - as you claimed - whether he was worth $4.5B or not.

As much as you TDSers want him to be a penniless failure, it just isn't so by any objective measure; he's wealthy.
You may resume involuntarily twitching.
Now you're just being dumb.

What debts and "secret Chinese bank account" are you referring to, and who is the "we" just finding out about them? Have you reported your insider info scoop to the SDNY and Mueller?

It isn't a count to the last dollar. If they estimate a net worth based upon what is known four years ago and compare that to today and it's half or less, it's a relative estimate and as valid as any such analysis done annually on hundreds of the worlds' wealthy. And that analysis shows he's NOT profiting from being president - as you claimed - whether he was worth $4.5B or not.

As much as you TDSers want him to be a penniless failure, it just isn't so by any objective measure; he's wealthy.
You may resume involuntarily twitching.
Not sure if you actually don’t know about the debts or Chinese bank account, but that may be the case if you only follow right wing media.

Also, we all know he’s rich. We just never knew how rich because he has always lied about it. The estimates of his wealth were always inflated, and usually by his own “estimate.” And the point was he’s using his office to benefit him and his family financially. Anyone who touts the fact that he gives up his $400,000 a year salary while ignoring the fact that he is still running his businesses from the Oval Office is delusional.
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Not sure if you actually don’t know about the debts or Chinese bank account, but that may be the case if you only follow right wing media.

Also, we all know he’s rich. We just never knew how rich because he has always lied about it. The estimates of his wealth were always inflated, and usually by his own “estimate.” And the point was he’s using his office to benefit him and his family financially. Anyone who touts the fact that he gives up his $400,000 a year salary while ignoring the fact that he is still running his businesses from the Oval Office is delusional.

Well, no again: it's not "secret" - read 'nefarious' - simply because you didn't know about it, and was opened to pay taxes there for biz exploration activities there 2013 to 2015 and been inactive since. That's in his "secret tax returns" and doesn't change an iota his correctly identifying China as the greatest geopolitical and economic threat facing the U.S. while Joe's still shouting "Russiaaaah!". Biden touts being Wall St.'s poster boy as they encourage business as usual with China to the detriment of this country, the Biden clan has done damn well "secretly" using the Veep as their currency, it would appear. Now contrast that with Trump's actions regarding China; really no contest, is it?

You've presented no proof he or family are benefitting financially from his presidency and your claim he is, is plainly peeing into the wind of facts.
Well, no again: it's not "secret" - read 'nefarious' - simply because you didn't know about it, and was opened to pay taxes there for biz exploration activities there 2013 to 2015 and been inactive since. That's in his "secret tax returns" and doesn't change an iota his correctly identifying China as the greatest geopolitical and economic threat facing the U.S. while Joe's still shouting "Russiaaaah!". Biden touts being Wall St.'s poster boy as they encourage business as usual with China to the detriment of this country, the Biden clan has done damn well "secretly" using the Veep as their currency, it would appear. Now contrast that with Trump's actions regarding China; really no contest, is it?

You've presented no proof he or family are benefitting financially from his presidency and your claim he is, is plainly peeing into the wind of facts.
Someone just got bitch slapped!
Not sure if you actually don’t know about the debts or Chinese bank account, but that may be the case if you only follow right wing media.

Also, we all know he’s rich. We just never knew how rich because he has always lied about it. The estimates of his wealth were always inflated, and usually by his own “estimate.” And the point was he’s using his office to benefit him and his family financially. Anyone who touts the fact that he gives up his $400,000 a year salary while ignoring the fact that he is still running his businesses from the Oval Office is delusional.
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Well, no again: it's not "secret" - read 'nefarious' - simply because you didn't know about it, and was opened to pay taxes there for biz exploration activities there 2013 to 2015 and been inactive since. That's in his "secret tax returns" and doesn't change an iota his correctly identifying China as the greatest geopolitical and economic threat facing the U.S. while Joe's still shouting "Russiaaaah!". Biden touts being Wall St.'s poster boy as they encourage business as usual with China to the detriment of this country, the Biden clan has done damn well "secretly" using the Veep as their currency, it would appear. Now contrast that with Trump's actions regarding China; really no contest, is it?

You've presented no proof he or family are benefitting financially from his presidency and your claim he is, is plainly peeing into the wind of facts.
It's pretty clear from your posts that you get the majority of your info from ridiculous right wing news sources, which would explain why you're oblivious to some of this. This bold is just irrelevant screeching. Trump's actions to benefit his family are in plain sight. Here's a link with some examples.

If Trump was "truly" in it for the country, and not himself and family, he wouldn't be charging taxpayers to stay at his properties, would use a blind trust, wouldn't have his kids in the white house, etc.
This is pretty silly. He was one out of 100 senators. All he can do is be a vote and a voice. Either give him credit (and blame) for all the things he voted for that passed (or against that didn't pass), or stop throwing out this idiotic talking point.
He took full credit for the Crime bill of ‘94. Why do you think it’s called the Biden Crime Bill? Duh
Not sure if you actually don’t know about the debts or Chinese bank account, but that may be the case if you only follow right wing media.

Also, we all know he’s rich. We just never knew how rich because he has always lied about it. The estimates of his wealth were always inflated, and usually by his own “estimate.” And the point was he’s using his office to benefit him and his family financially. Anyone who touts the fact that he gives up his $400,000 a year salary while ignoring the fact that he is still running his businesses from the Oval Office is delusional.

So, the account is known about, and secret?

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