Auburn deserved a BCS bid IMO. Boise St and ND receiving a BCS bid over Auburn is a travesty.
They have been screwed royally by the BCS twice. Thats twice to many.
When you're 10-2 and don't get into the BCS, it's not being "screwed royally." Maybe if they had shown up for 2 games instead being blown out, they'd have an argument. As of right now, it's not Notre Dame's fault that there is a rule not allowing more than 2 teams from the same conference into the BCS.
LSU, Florida, and Arkansas are all more deserving than Auburn.
LSU and Auburn should both get BCS bowls. At least 3 teams from the SEC should get BCS bowl IMO.
Auburn has beaten 2 teams in the top 10, they are ranked 11th in both polls and much more deserving then Boise St or ND.
The BCS should pick the best 12 teams in the nation regardless of conference.
Who's to say that the bag tag isn't from one of the past Capital One Bowls?
Interesting that they are there, but not dispositive.
At 10-2, it is a shame if they are having to lobby themselves INTO the C1B. Seems like it should be vice-versa, no?
Good to know that Penn St. is the worst team available, I wasn't aware of that.