Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

Do not watch and do not pay it no mind I wish every country in the world would stick it to China and throw the middle finger at them and not attend. I won’t watch one second of it. It’s time for the world to unite and come together and cut off China as if they don’t exist.

Winter Olympics is an easy pass
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Not our call. The games are always a financial bust for the host, so if you have issues with China you should cheer this.

They dont expect to get money from it - heck, they are using OUR money to pay for it. They are getting prestige on the global stage - they are telling people now its China's time and this is the China century of ascendance. And with idiots like we have in office now (and many on both sides who are already bought and paid for) I cant say they are wrong sadly
It’s a small step in the right direction try to look at the long game view of this China situation
It's a meaningless gesture. But whatever. I'm not going to lose any sleep one waybor the other. But I'm also not going to be getting the warm and fuzzies thinking that I would be sticking it to China by boycotting some Winter Olympic games.

If you are so concerned about CCP influence on your grandkids, maybe you need to be worried about some of the politicians we have right here in America and not what is going on at some ice rink in China.

Just my .02 cents
It's a meaningless gesture. But whatever. I'm not going to lose any sleep one waybor the other. But I'm also not going to be getting the warm and fuzzies thinking that I would be sticking it to China by boycotting some Winter Olympic games.

If you are so concerned about CCP influence on your grandkids, maybe you need to be worried about some of the politicians we have right here in America and not what is going on at some ice rink in China.

Just my .02 cents
Oh I am that’s a big problem too. Our politicians sold this country out to China we need a complete overhaul in Washington.
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They dont expect to get money from it - heck, they are using OUR money to pay for it. They are getting prestige on the global stage - they are telling people now its China's time and this is the China century of ascendance. And with idiots like we have in office now (and many on both sides who are already bought and paid for) I cant say they are wrong sadly

2024 Paris
2026 Milan
2028 Los Angeles
2030 Brisbane

Tell me how the olympic selection committee is telling people this is China's century? Next two are in Europe, one after that comes back to the good ole US of A, the furthest out is in Australia.

2024 Paris
2026 Milan
2028 Los Angeles
2030 Brisbane

Tell me how the olympic selection committee is telling people this is China's century? Next two are in Europe, one after that comes back to the good ole US of A, the furthest out is in Australia.

Paris will have a terrorist bombing.

Calling it now.
Some indications that China disappeared a star tennis player right after she accused a senior government official of sexual assault.

Women’s Tennis Takes On China With Threat to Pull Its Business

The Question the I.O.C. Is Too Weak to Ask
One truly galling aspect of this, is that Chinese state media publicized a purported e-mail from her in which she supposedly walked back the sexual assault accusations, while also adding that she was "resting at home and everything was fine." An assertion that her family is disputing. If Chinese state media releases a "suicide note" from her next week, that means she was given an acid bath.

We think we have dishonest and immoral government leaders in the United States... our guys are amateurs compared to the Chinese.

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