You know..this makes no sense whatsoever. He was as solid as could be until this hostess gate situation....HE was part of group who has the NCAA sniffing our leg.
I remember seeing a photo on here shortly after a visit and the one blond hostess (L. Pearl?...not sure what her name is) was really inclined upon his lap all chummy-like...too chummy. I felt then that they were really pushing things, and that sort of interaction was not good for our program. Sure enough, that has cropped up to bite us in the bum.
I have to wonder, in light of this inquiry and his involvement in the circumstances, that he's bailing cause he knows he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar...or somewhere else, if you know what I mean.
Thanks girls, and thanks Brandon....for giving this program a black eye. I think they need to scrap that whole thing. It's so superficial...don't see how programs cock-teasing recruits like that can help us.