Anyone heard how his LSU trip went?
His website potential players said it went well but everyone is saying that his brother got into a pretty intense fight (maybe a gun was drawn) at a bar at the visit and said that his brother "aint never coming here (lsu)"... Don't know what to think. Right now i like our chances though. Id say about 45% he comes to us 15% chance he goes to LSU 30% chance he goes to Oregon and 10% chance he goes to Miami.
His website potential players said it went well but everyone is saying that his brother got into a pretty intense fight (maybe a gun was drawn) at a bar at the visit and said that his brother "aint never coming here (lsu)"... Don't know what to think. Right now i like our chances though. Id say about 45% he comes to us 15% chance he goes to LSU 30% chance he goes to Oregon and 10% chance he goes to Miami.
So, welcome... or who were you in your previous VN life? :hi:
Nice avatar! Pretty good summary on BB's odds, but a bit high for the Tigers, imo.
It seems to me that Miami isn't offering him a scholly, unless of course he picks the U. Its kinda like asking a girl out and if she says yes great, but if she says no, you say "well you are kinda fat anyway and I just remembered that I dont actually want to go out with you." I think Miami still wants this kid bad, but they just don't want to look like a fool.
I was a lurker for a few weeks before sucking it up and making an account. I read a few posts from tigerdroppings and tidefans and they make volnation sound like he11. But than again what do those rednecks know?
Yeah. Tough to say. Some kids are do-what-your-parents-say kinds of kids. Others set out to make their own decisions. I've seen that go both ways with football.
These comments are pretty recent and seem to favor the Ducks: AMP: Bryce Brown breaks it down - Video
I haven't heard anything since that was unexpected or suggesting that he has changed directions.
As the days go by the closer UT comes to getting Bryce. It's been said many times that the longer BB waited to sign somewhere, the better UT's chances were to get that sig.