VSPN, just how involved do you think Butler really is since you seem to know the most about him out of all of us.
And do you know if any of the rumors about Arthur transferring are true?
I have spoken to Bryce on several occasions and have never had to or been asked to interact with Butler. Partly b/c I made it clear that I had no desire to do so.
I think Butler's involvement/influence is a little overblown. I think Bryce's parents trust him more than most people, so they've allowed him to be involved, help guide and in some cases speak for the young man. It's been very clear to me in the numerous conversations I've had with him, that Bryce's views don't necessarily match many of the spoken words of Butler.
I can't say I know the full truth on Arthur.
Didn't Miami pull their offer? According to these two articles, it expired and Miami stated they would not renew it, so they essentially did "pull" it.
N.C.A.A. Investigates Role of a Recruits Adviser
Arthur Brown focuses on 'Canes without his brother
Seems like I read somewhere recently that there was at least one other school that did too, but I could be mistaken.
I know what the articles say, and the other rumor you are referring to is about Oregon, which was started by another fan base and was picked up by a news outlet who didn't do their homework.
As it pertains to Miami, yes the letter ran out. But, Bryce was told the day the initial news came out that he was still welcome at Miami and as soon as he told them he wanted one, he'd be issued a new letter.
The Oregon rumors are false.
I understand where you are getting your information and understand why you think what you do. But I directly asked Bryce these questions and these are the answers I got, and they were emphatic.