I think it's going to be pretty quiet, at least from the Browns. I don't foresee them nor know of them taking any actions to warrant much conversation.
Bryce is on a fast right now, weighing his decision. That's something that gets said in his interviews, but gets ignored. Mainstream media guys and most fans like to harp on a lot of the things they hear him say they perceive as "negative", but they omit or ignore that his decision making process does and always has included a fasting period. He and his family have deep religious beliefs and that's what he's doing now.
Firstly, just so there's no misinterpretation by people who have bad intentions, I have done anything to "recruit" Bryce. I have shown interest in Bryce since he was open to talking to me and have kept up with him since then. I think Bryce has heard my defense of him on several media outlets and that's a big reason he maintains an open line of communication. I don't ever promote UT to Bryce, I don't try and persuade him to come to UT and I don't try and alter anything he says or thinks. That's a very, very touchy subject and I don't want anyone out there to be able to misconstrue what it is I actually do.
On Arthur Jr., I think you are right on they would like to see the two boys together. However, I don't think it's a deciding factor. I think it falls into the "it would be nice" category. Bryce has openly told me his brother has encouraged him, along with his parents, to do what's best for himself, no matter where that takes him.
I don't believe UT should have done anymore than they have regarding Arthur, Jr. I can't speak for UT's actions and don't know if they've had any contact with anyone about Arthur, but I have a suspicion that the family believed if Arthur wanted to transfer, he probably could. Take that FWIW, as it's nothing but speculation on my part.