Do you think that the negative reaction by the media and sports fans in general to Kiffin's actions/comments could hurt a recruit like Browns value as a franchise player in the NFL? In other words, if Kiffin turns UT into a team that sports fans like to root against (like Notre Dame and Ohio State) could that damage Brown's ability to sell tickets on an NFL team across the country?
He was never on our list before, but I don't think Kiffin would be afraid to go after him. He was a soft verbal with Miami already.
Bryce Brown - Football Recruiting
I was talking to Bryce the other day on facebook and ask him how come he hasn't considered Tennessee, and he said that he has never been contacted by Tennessee. So I asked him would he be interested if he was contacted and he said most deffinatly. Does Kiffin not know that he is interested or is this just Kiffin not wanting him like Tajh Boyd?
That is the most disappointing news I have heard in a very long time. I lived across the street my Junior year and went there a million times. My favorite part was late night weekends when the Carousel crowd was in there. Some hilarious times.
Why is that?