Burning Fossil Fuels Makes the Earth Greener

Better buckle up. This country is becoming more and more tolerant with every passing generation. The days of thinking that old, white Christians rule the roost are coming to an end.

A ha! Another liberal passage. So what if gays are out there? Treat them like everyone else and there is no story.
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Mama Earth locked the carbon waste, along with methane underground for a reason. Humans released the kraken to feed monetary greed mostly, in the name of progress. Odd, that Repubs denigrate progressives while lauding environmental destructive progress exploitation of our planet. We had a nice environmental balance before mankind forked it up. Hail the Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites, well depending on which faction at least.
I think this spring proves the theory of global warming....

High of 59 predicted for May 4th????
What people misunderstand is that global warming doesn't mean a sudden permanent hot weather pattern. The Earth is too big to do that, absent a massive asteroid strike, and its immediate short term consequences. You know, plasma spewing, heated rocks returning to the surface etc. What really happens otherwise, is the planet swings back and forth regionally and globally between one extreme and another. Until an equilibrium until it reaches the final consequence of the stimulant event. So it is expected you will see unusually warm winters, then usually cool summers, wild variations in rivers and lake elevations, rain patterns and so on. It's not a sudden, event. It's an unsettling that gradually reaches it's new setting long term. Then Earth spends eons recovering and resetting itself. However, man's activities are accelerating this process. One of the things we will see sooner, rather than later, is water wars. Because the warming will greatly reduce the supply of fresh water. Glaciers met, so the feeding of rivers and streams eventually diminish to a trickle or stop. Precipitation becomes less and less frequent for longer and longer durations. Countries, and later, communities will wage war with one another to secure access to what fresh water remains. Global warming isn't the joke, or hoax certain factions insist it is. It also isn't imminent as other factions alarmingly portray it to be. BUT, if we don't modify our destructive activities, we will hasten the day global warming steps on our faces. Right now, we're seeing thawing artic tundra releasing enormous stores of methane into the atmosphere. This is a planet killing gas, and governments are quietly showing increasing concern about it.

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