Burning Fossil Fuels Makes the Earth Greener

You say that climate change occurs by natural causes, therefore climate change cannot occur by man made causes. That makes no sense. Natural causes do not eliminate man made conditions as a possible cause.

Have you even looked at the data, or have you sought refuge in total ignorance of the facts?

1) There are a ridiculous amount of factors that go into climate (and thus climate change). The least potent of which are the effects of man.

2) I have. Sat through a whole class on it and read various books in said class. I was throughly unconvinced. From that class and traveling overseas, you are talking to someone/a libertarian who supports the existence of the EPA (most libertarians don't). However, I do not buy into man causing global warming. I will certainly say that we are not doing anything to help the cause.
1) There are a ridiculous amount of factors that go into climate (and thus climate change). The least potent of which are the effects of man.

2) I have. Sat through a whole class on it and read various books in said class. I was throughly unconvinced. From that class and traveling overseas, you are talking to someone/a libertarian who supports the existence of the EPA (most libertarians don't). However, I do not buy into man causing global warming. I will certainly say that we are not doing anything to help the cause.

Okay. So let's take out the word cause. Now, you said that man is certainly not doing anything to help it. Wouldn't the efforts we are putting in to mitigate our impact be worth it? Is it all matter of semantics? If we stop saying man-made global warming, and instead said man-assisted global warming, would that make it all better?
Okay. So let's take out the word cause. Now, you said that man is certainly not doing anything to help it. Wouldn't the efforts we are putting in to mitigate our impact be worth it? Is it all matter of semantics? If we stop saying man-made global warming, and instead said man-assisted global warming, would that make it all better?

You want to compare 200 years we have been a industrial world to the 4.5 billion years the earth has been here. You are a nut.

The earth has been hit by rocks of massive proportion. Volcanoes have exploded exponentially. But my f250 diesel is screwing up the earth. Humans are nothing more than a ant on the moon compared to what our planet has been through and survived.
You want to compare 200 years we have been a industrial world to the 4.5 billion years the earth has been here. You are a nut.

The earth has been hit by rocks of massive proportion. Volcanoes have exploded exponentially. But my f250 diesel is screwing up the earth. Humans are nothing more than a ant on the moon compared to what our planet has been through and survived.

You bring up things that seem to imply I'm worried about the earth surviving. I'm not at all worried about the earth surviving. Global warming won't destroy the earth. It will however have adverse affects on humans, and eventually threaten our existence.
Okay. So let's take out the word cause. Now, you said that man is certainly not doing anything to help it. Wouldn't the efforts we are putting in to mitigate our impact be worth it? Is it all matter of semantics? If we stop saying man-made global warming, and instead said man-assisted global warming, would that make it all better?

You don't have to get me or anyone else on the helping the environment bandwagon. However, dishonesty/misrepresentation/semantics will turn people away from a worthy cause.

The biggest problem is making solutions feasible. Making such solutions economical in a free market.

I view it much like the recycling effort at UT when I was there and here in my county. Environmentalists worried for years why recycling was abysmal. What they didn't understand after many years of failure was that it wasn't that the public didn't want to recycle but that they didn't want to go out of their way to recycle. When they realized this, they put recycle bins next to all the trash cans at UT and gave everyone recycle bins with curbside pick up on trash days here. Recycling went through the roof at both places.
You want to compare 200 years we have been a industrial world to the 4.5 billion years the earth has been here. You are a nut.

The earth has been hit by rocks of massive proportion. Volcanoes have exploded exponentially. But my f250 diesel is screwing up the earth. Humans are nothing more than a ant on the moon compared to what our planet has been through and survived.

It is about more than your one F250 diesel. There are millions of internal combustion engines and with more industrial development, the numbers are going up fast. You keep talking as if the Earth's climate was always rosie, and I'm telling you...it wasn't. Conditions of moderate climate were very rare in the history of our planet. It's definitely not something you want to eff up.
It is about more than your one F250 diesel. There are millions of internal combustion engines and with more industrial development, the numbers are going up fast. You keep talking as if the Earth's climate was always rosie, and I'm telling you...it wasn't. Conditions of moderate climate were very rare in the history of our planet. It's definitely not something you want to eff up.

That's my point. The earth's climate hasn't always been Rosie. I agree. I know the things we do as humans damn sure don't help the earth. But I also know it isn't hurting it either. One volcanoe eruption would be 100 fold the amount of pollution we have contributed in 200 of years. And she has had her fair share of eruptions, floods, fires etc.

When she tires of us she will deal with us.

Besides country's like china and Japan screw up more than we do. Get them on board as well. In the mean time gore is flying around in a personal jet laughing at all of you.
That's my point. The earth's climate hasn't always been Rosie. I agree. I know the things we do as humans damn sure don't help the earth. But I also know it isn't hurting it either. One volcano eruption would be 100 fold the amount of pollution we have contributed in 200 of years. And she has had her fair share of eruptions, floods, fires etc.

When she tires of us she will deal with us.

Besides country's like china and Japan screw up more than we do. Get them on board as well. In the mean time gore is flying around in a personal jet laughing at all of you.

No, you don't know that "things we do as humans don't hurt the Earth." You do not know that. And you do not know that "One volcano eruption would be 100 fold the amount of pollution we have contributed in 200 of years." I rarely call you out, because you are typically very sensible, but I have to say that is pure bull****.
No, you don't know that "things we do as humans don't hurt the Earth." You do not know that. And you do not know that "One volcano eruption would be 100 fold the amount of pollution we have contributed in 200 of years." I rarely call you out, because you are typically very sensible, but I have to say that is pure bull****.

Proof that said actions done by humans is hurting the earth.

Science has proven in history what a volcano eruption has done and will do in the future.

I am very sensible as you are too. But I am not naive enough enough to believe micheal Moore or al gore.
No, you don't know that "things we do as humans don't hurt the Earth." You do not know that. And you do not know that "One volcano eruption would be 100 fold the amount of pollution we have contributed in 200 of years." I rarely call you out, because you are typically very sensible, but I have to say that is pure bull****.

Btw. I always look forward you your post on the Middle East. You seem to have a very good grasp of it and able to explain it so my country ass can understand it.
Btw. I always look forward you your post on the Middle East. You seem to have a very good grasp of it and able to explain it so my country ass can understand it.

Thanks; I appreciate many of your comments also. I've lived in both city and country; I'll take the country. Don't mind saying that I envy you that. Even though I claim to live in the country, it is actually a Florida dune, so there are no rolling hills, fresh streams, or real trees.

After spending some time looking into this topic a few years ago, I realized that it's not simple or easy. I started with the personal feeling that it was just another nut job product, but realized that there is a lot of good science supporting the hypothesis. On top of the complex science, it's highly politicized, which makes it more difficult to appraise. I certainly did not come away from it assured that all is well.
Better buckle up. This country is becoming more and more tolerant with every passing generation. The days of thinking that old, white Christians rule the roost are coming to an end.

If this is indeed true then that means the rapture is coming and the anti- Christ is here.

The day people stop worshipping God is when it's over. I hope you bite your tongue for that comment.
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If this is indeed true then that means the rapture is coming and the anti- Christ is here.

The day people stop worshipping God is when it's over. I hope you bite your tongue for that comment.

Lol. Forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that day to come.
:thumbsup: That sounds like what those people in Noah's day said so you had better watch what you say it just may come true.:salute:

I was thinking about Peter's warning.

"Where is the promised coming? Since our fathers have fallen asleep things remain the same"

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