Bush Doing Unconstitutional Stuff?,

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 28 said:
Why don't you care for her Vader? :birgits_giggle:

(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Jul 28 said:
There are several good conservative writers, but Coulter is not one of them. She is nothing more than a vitriolic hatemonging witch with a Capital B, who uses soundbites instead of logical argument to make her point. I'm really surprised at the way so many evangelical christians eat her up considering how open she is about her love of getting drunk and getting laid.

What he said.
I've never been much of a fan of hers. I probably share some of her views, but she is extremely predictable to the point of being boring.
What she has said about widows of 911 was uncalled for.

She is sensationalist just to sell books. [Expletive deleted] her.
(vader @ Jul 28 said:
What she has said about widows of 911 was uncalled for.

She is sensationalist just to sell books. [Expletive deleted] her.
Its funny how only the liberals get pissed at her.
Not true. I have a lot of neocon friends who hate her. I would not necessarily call realUT a bleeding heart either.
(vader @ Jul 28 said:
Not true. I have a lot of neocon friends who hate her. I would not necessarily call realUT a bleeding heart either.

All my bleeding comes out of my ears and eyes after hearing and reading certain things.
(therealUT @ Jul 28 said:
All my bleeding comes out of my ears and eyes after hearing and reading certain things.
She does make a lot of good points. What really pisses the liberals off is the fact that she can defend what she says. They hate that because they can't win an argument with her. She knows her stuff. Chris Matthews tried that last night and lost.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 28 said:
She does make a lot of good points. What really pisses the liberals off is the fact that she can defend what she says. They hate that because they can't win an argument with her. She knows her stuff. Chris Matthews tried that last night and lost.

She knows her stuff like you do. Blind faith that you are right.
I agree with her sometimes, but mainly she's just an annoying person to listen to.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 28 said:
I still respect you OrangeSquare and I also forgive you. Despite your spite, I'll continue to pray for you and wish you well. :peace:

That's very Republican of you. There might be hope for you yet. :biggrin2:
Coulter gives Conservatives a bad name. She is too far right in my opinion.

I agree with what she said about the 9-11 widows, but not the way she said it. She is right that if those women are going to use their husband's deaths to become activists, that they are fair game, but that doesn't mean you need to stoop to their level by being rude to them.

She was also right that if Hillary should worry about the way her husband treats/has treated women, before condeming Ann, but to say it in public, is tacky. Despite what you think of Hillary, living with a cheating spouse isn't something I would wish on anyone, and I wouldn't "celebrate" that it happened infront of the World media.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 28 said:
Coulter gives Conservatives a bad name. She is too far right in my opinion.

I agree with what she said about the 9-11 widows, but not the way she said it. She is right that if those women are going to use their husband's deaths to become activists, that they are fair game, but that doesn't mean you need to stoop to their level by being rude to them.

She was also right that if Hillary should worry about the way her husband treats/has treated women, before condeming Ann, but to say it in public, is tacky. Despite what you think of Hillary, living with a cheating spouse isn't something I would wish on anyone, and I wouldn't "celebrate" that it happened infront of the World media.
She can get carried away, but I love how she just says it like it is. She takes no prisoners.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 28 said:
She can get carried away, but I love how she just says it like it is. She takes no prisoners.

I suppose you are a big Rush fan, too.

Clarification, the pill popper, not the band.
(vader @ Jul 28 said:
I suppose you are a big Rush fan, too.

Clarification, the pill popper, not the band.
Rush is the man. I loved how Rush made Kerry show his *** to him on Kerry's website. He is just another example of someone that the liberals can't argue with because he is RIGHT. They hate the fact that the American people actually listen to his show.
Used to love Rush when I was 17-21 and just learning the political landscape......then I realized he was a bomb-thrower for the Republican party.

Rush is good entertainment, but I don't let him shape my political views.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 27 said:
You have no better plan. Your plan is the same as Kerry's. Turn and RUN!!! Then we will just start all over again.

smokem = ignorance

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