Bush Doing Unconstitutional Stuff?,

(therealUT @ Jul 27 said:
Troops that rape and massacre should be exposed for what they are: criminals! However, these actions by a few rogues, should in no way cause a mass generalization of US troops and should in no way be used to halt our efforts in Iraq.
(volinbham @ Jul 27 said:
When's the last story you saw about the heroism of the troops. Even one anecdotal story about the brave or humane actions of a service member. They are happening much more frequently than the event you reference.

Again it is a matter of context.

My post wasn't written about the bravery of our troops, the good they're doing, etc.

It was to Smokem, who said all CNN does is try to bring down our troops, etc., etc.

I never said that a few of our bad apples represents our troops as a whole.

What, is CNN or Fox News just supposed to ignore stories like these?

(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 27 said:
My post wasn't written about the bravery of our troops, the good they're doing, etc.
It was to Smokem, who said all CNN does is try to bring down our troops, etc., etc.
I never said that a few of our bad apples represents our troops as a whole.
What, is CNN or Fox News just supposed to ignore stories like these?

I honestly think there is more bias in the stories the networks choose to air, than in the stories themselves. I agree that allegations of rape and massacre need to aired, and any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine found doing such should spend considerable amount of time pondering over their actions at Ft. Leavenworth. However, I also believe there are stories of heroism that should have been front page news...and, well, were not.

While leading his platoon north on Highway 1 toward Ad Diwaniyah, Chontosh's platoon moved into a coordinated ambush of mortars, rocket propelled grenades and automatic weapons fire. With coalitions tanks blocking the road ahead, he realized his platoon was caught in a kill zone.

He had his driver move the vehicle through a breach along his flank, where he was immediately taken under fire from an entrenched machine gun. Without hesitation, Chontosh ordered the driver to advanced directly at the enemy position enabling his .50 caliber machine gunner to silence the enemy.

He then directed his driver into the enemy trench, where he exited his vehicle and began to clear the trench with an M16A2 service rifle and 9 millimeter pistol. His ammunition depleted, Chontosh, with complete disregard for his safety, twice picked up discarded enemy rifles and continued his ferocious attack.

When a Marine following him found an enemy rocket propelled grenade launcher, Chontosh used it to destroy yet another group of enemy soldiers.

When his audacious attack ended, he had cleared over 200 meters of the enemy trench, killing more than 20 enemy soldiers and wounding several others.
More on Brian Chontosh
As the fight developed, Sergeant First Class Smith braved hostile enemy fire to personally engage the enemy with hand grenades and anti-tank weapons, and organized the evacuation of three wounded soldiers from an armored personnel carrier struck by a rocket propelled grenade and a 60mm mortar round. Fearing the enemy would overrun their defenses, Sergeant First Class Smith moved under withering enemy fire to man a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on a damaged armored personnel carrier. In total disregard for his own life, he maintained his exposed position in order to engage the attacking enemy force. During this action, he was mortally wounded.
More on Paul R. Smith

There are countless other examples of bravery and heroism that go unreported every single day.
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 27 said:
My post wasn't written about the bravery of our troops, the good they're doing, etc.

It was to Smokem, who said all CNN does is try to bring down our troops, etc., etc.

I never said that a few of our bad apples represents our troops as a whole.

What, is CNN or Fox News just supposed to ignore stories like these?

I wasn't attacking your point - more using it as an example of the balance issue in reporting.

The story definitely needed to be reported. Since there is a paucity of stories such as I suggested, the effect is to suggest that are troops as a whole are doing very bad things. I understand that "if it bleeds, it leads" but unfortunately when the reporting consistently focuses on the bad (rape, Abu Ghrarab, civilian death) is it any wonder that public opinion is so low.

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 27 said:
Troops should not be bashed for serving our country. PERIOD!! They do not try to show all of the good things that are occuring in Iraq because of our presence.

How is raping someone "serving our country"? I wholeheartedly respect people who defend our country and secure the freedoms I enjoy :hi:

But if they screw up like this, they should be punished.

Rape is unconscionable.
(therealUT @ Jul 27 said:
Troops that rape and massacre should be exposed for what they are: criminals! However, these actions by a few rogues, should in no way cause a mass generalization of US troops and should in no way be used to halt our efforts in Iraq.

I should read more before I post.

I concur.

(vader @ Jul 27 said:
How is raping someone "serving our country"? I wholeheartedly respect people who defend our country and secure the freedoms I enjoy :hi:

But if they screw up like this, they should be punished.

Rape is unconscionable.
I never said that they should not be punished. Of course they should be. The media just needs to make sure that they don't let this one incident look like this is all our men and women are doing over there.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 27 said:
I never said that they should not be punished. Of course they should be. The media just needs to make sure that they don't let this one incident look like this is all our men and women are doing over there.

I agree that we should be exposed to the good as well as bad. See the link in my previous post
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 27 said:
I never said that they should not be punished. Of course they should be. The media just needs to make sure that they don't let this one incident look like this is all our men and women are doing over there.

I missed the report that said this is happening on a daily basis with every soldier over there. I must have been watching Spongebob Squarepants that day.
(CSpindizzy @ Jul 27 said:
I missed the report that said this is happening on a daily basis with every soldier over there. I must have been watching Spongebob Squarepants that day.
Just watch CNN
(therealUT @ Jul 27 said:
I agree that allegations of rape and massacre need to aired, and any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine found doing such should spend considerable amount of time pondering over their actions at Ft. Leavenworth. However, I also believe there are stories of heroism that should have been front page news...and, well, were not.
There are countless other examples of bravery and heroism that go unreported every single day.
I completely agree with that. The reporters over there should give us the whole story, the good and the bad, and even though I oppose the war I know there are some good things going on over there.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 27 said:
Bush did something to Saddam that Clinton didn't have the balls to do during his term.
Unless my memory has failed me, it was Bush 41 who made the decision to not take out Saddam when we were on the brink of overrunning Baghdad back in 91.

(therealUT @ Jul 27 said:
I honestly think there is more bias in the stories the networks choose to air, than in the stories themselves. I agree that allegations of rape and massacre need to aired, and any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine found doing such should spend considerable amount of time pondering over their actions at Ft. Leavenworth. However, I also believe there are stories of heroism that should have been front page news...and, well, were not.
There are countless other examples of bravery and heroism that go unreported every single day.

real what does that even mean?
(allvol123 @ Jul 27 said:
real what does that even mean?

I will accept a grammar error once or twice out of 1,488 posts. I believe that an error rate of 0.1344% is most certainly acceptable. In fact, I would accept an error rate of 3%. Good luck finding 45 of my posts which contain grammar and/or spelling errors.
(therealUT @ Jul 27 said:
I will accept a grammar error once or twice out of 1,488 posts. I believe that an error rate of 0.1344% is most certainly acceptable. In fact, I would accept an error rate of 3%. Good luck finding 45 of my posts which contain grammar and/or spelling errors.

Not looking for them. Just pointing out poor grammar. It really seemed to be an important issue to you last night.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 27 said:
It's a waste of time with you. Go back and read some of my posts from about 2 months ago if you really care.

Big Mistake. I'm bored enough to do just that....and I did. 3 pages worth of your posts containing the word Iraq, dating all the way back to December 8th 2005. Guess what I found......or didn't find. I found a whole lot of attacks on Bush, and ONE post that remotely mentioned your feelings on what to do in Iraq, and it was certainly "Kerryesque".

Iraq is a difficult situation. I for one, would also like to see the troops come home, but it's just not going to happen for a long long time. We're building huge bases over there right now that even have Burger Kings and other American comforts.

The difficult thing about it is, if we leave now and the new government isn't strong, we're leaving a gateway open for someone like Saddam or worse than Saddam to turn around and restore Iraq back to the way it was and then we'd be back at square one.

It's hard to just cut you losses and run when so many troops have lost their lives combined with all the money that we've spent. It would be hard to say that it was for nothing. On the other hand, we don't want to lose anymore soldiers and billions and dollars.

Not to mention the whole Iran thing.....

It's just a huge mess that doesn't have any clear cut plan and probably never will (at least that what it feels like to me)....and to think, it was supposed to be a "mission accomplished" 3 years ago.......yeah.

You're a mod, and I respect that. I respect your right to have your opinion. But please and ESPECIALLY because you are a mod, don't call posters out and tell them to research your posts to find something you never wrote. I expect better out of you guys, and I know you're better than that. I'm not going to attack it, or you, but I would VERY much like to see what your opinions are on an "exit strategy" for Iraq. I am an Independant and I support Bush on some issues, but I'm ready for us to resolve Iraq so I am wanting to see differing opinions on this.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for calling you on your comments, but I would expect to be held to the same standard, I want to restress, I mean no personal disrespect to you, I just want to see this issue resolved.
(OrangeSquare @ Jul 27 said:
Big Mistake. I'm bored enough to do just that....and I did. 3 pages worth of your posts containing the word Iraq, dating all the way back to December 8th 2005. Guess what I found......or didn't find. I found a whole lot of attacks on Bush, and ONE post that remotely mentioned your feelings on what to do in Iraq, and it was certainly "Kerryesque".

You're a mod, and I respect that. I respect your right to have your opinion. But please and ESPECIALLY because you are a mod, don't call posters out and tell them to research your posts to find something you never wrote. I expect better out of you guys, and I know you're better than that. I'm not going to attack it, or you, but I would VERY much like to see what your opinions are on an "exit strategy" for Iraq. I am an Independant and I support Bush on some issues, but I'm ready for us to resolve Iraq so I am wanting to see differing opinions on this.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for calling you on your comments, but I would expect to be held to the same standard, I want to restress, I mean no personal disrespect to you, I just want to see this issue resolved.


Aren't you just great? Here's my exit strategy... :finger:

Seriously though, that was it.

By the way, I never mentioned how much I wrote on anything. What you quoted sums up how I feel about Iraq pretty well. Don't like it? Don't read it.

(OrangeSquare @ Jul 27 said:
Big Mistake. I'm bored enough to do just that....and I did. 3 pages worth of your posts containing the word Iraq, dating all the way back to December 8th 2005. Guess what I found......or didn't find. I found a whole lot of attacks on Bush, and ONE post that remotely mentioned your feelings on what to do in Iraq, and it was certainly "Kerryesque".
You're a mod, and I respect that. I respect your right to have your opinion. But please and ESPECIALLY because you are a mod, don't call posters out and tell them to research your posts to find something you never wrote. I expect better out of you guys, and I know you're better than that. I'm not going to attack it, or you, but I would VERY much like to see what your opinions are on an "exit strategy" for Iraq. I am an Independant and I support Bush on some issues, but I'm ready for us to resolve Iraq so I am wanting to see differing opinions on this.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for calling you on your comments, but I would expect to be held to the same standard, I want to restress, I mean no personal disrespect to you, I just want to see this issue resolved.

It's "Independent", not "Independant"



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