Butch angers HS coach in SC

Nick and Butch need neither charisma or tact. A backbone would have to be a priority though.

Maybe so we don't need some fan of a program that is riding high a the moment and most likely doing the same thing to these kids to come on here and take the high road at our coaches expense.
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But he did get the ACT score which, according to his high school coach, was the key to acceptance of Butch's offer. If Butch reneged, it is sad.
wtf does "grad school" have to do with anything??
I understand that you want to stick up for Big Orange, but if that requires making false statements about high school kids, maybe you should rethink your priorities.
Love your avi!

Of course you will find something negative to talk about the Tennessee Volunteers, you are not a vol fan, It is possible that you are a vandy fan, I checked your post history and there is no doubt that you will latch on to anything that put Tennessee on a negative light. :dry:
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Do you have trouble with reading comprehension, or are you simply blinded by the orange-tinted glasses that you have been wearing since Kif got here? Per the article, this kid GRADUATED from high school in December. That means that he passed his classes. Curious why you nevertheless say "it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass". Please explain why you feel the need to publish false statements about this kid. Thanks!

Something red is dripping from your panties...take care before bears smell it :)
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But he did get the ACT score which, according to his high school coach, was the key to acceptance of Butch's offer. If Butch reneged, it is sad.
wtf does "grad school" have to do with anything??
I understand that you want to stick up for Big Orange, but if that requires making false statements about high school kids, maybe you should rethink your priorities.
Love your avi!

I think they would have kept this commitment had two things not occurred. 1. He had passed his ACT in December covering up the main reason 2. which is he has a bad knee that requires massive surgery that it appears we didn't know about. It seams his coach sees a missed opportunity to go to a big school for Lee that he may now never receive due to his injury. This may have been just a huge blessing for us as we can't afford to give players scholarships when they physically can't preform.
I notice we blame only Lee and the former golden boy Graham..not much to throw Jones' way..this is not all the kid's fault..he listens to and believes the recruiters..try looking at it objectively ,if that's possible here
I notice we blame only Lee and the former golden boy Graham..not much to throw Jones' way..this is not all the kid's fault..he listens to and believes the recruiters..try looking at it objectively ,if that's possible here

I think the avg person knows this doesn't add up. Lee could have avoided this had he passed his ACT before Dec and enrolled in Jan. Second, Lee either hide a knee injury or had an injury right before or after passing the ACT. Do you really want to take on a kid who just suffered and injury when you gave him a chance to get in already? No SEC team would take on someone who had ample time to pass their ACT and then end up getting hurt after NSD while still not being able to get qualified. It's sad he took so long to pass his ACT and finally got cleared to play, but it seams by this time he's either suffered a knee injury or hide one from our staff. It's not fair for UT to have to take on someone hurt who had time to pass their ACT before NSD.
Article kind of contradicts itself.. as it clearly states UT helped him get a scholly from Temple after admissions would not let him into UT.

What more should have been done? Are they really that Butt hurt over not getting a phone call from Jones personally? We got him a spot somewhere else... I don't get it
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Article kind of contradicts itself.. as it clearly states UT helped him get a scholly from Temple after admissions would not let him into UT.

What more should have been done? Are they really that Butt hurt over not getting a phone call from Jones personally? We got him a spot somewhere else... I don't get it

This thread illustrates the sole reason why our country is where it is. YOU decide your grades. YOU put in the work to make YOUR grades. YOU have to have the work ethic, heart, and determination to go out and do what needs to be done to make good grades in school. When you don't make the grades YOU and YOU alone are to blame; not your teacher, not your school, and not your family life. At some point you have to become and adult, accept responsibility, and move forward. If you aren't gifted in school and did try hard then so be it that's what JuCo is for, but man up to it and don't be ashamed of it and do what you have to do.
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I left a comment on the article...it seems like the coach would understand that by preventing TN recruiters he isn't hurting TN, he is hurting his players chances at getting a college scholarship...if Jabo would have gotten his grades together sooner than later, we wouldn't be having this convo...

Seriously. Think this guy will tell Spurrier not to bother visiting Dillon when he does the same thing next year, or the year after? Please......
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Sounds more like a lane kiffin, actually.

But whoever, man up. It will be one of the classes the coaches will be insisting on when they get on campus. Be what you want these kids to be.

Can you give us a link where Saban found a kid that he decided he didn't want a place to play that wasn't JC?
Kid barely qualified, and who knows if he would have maintained his grades. And talent wise...he would have been planted on the bench next to Tom Smith.

Hate to tell you, but Tom Smith looked damn good in the O&W game. At least he runs downhill.
He would have been 4th on the depth chart at best. If we ever want a speed guy/scat back we can just use young, pig, etc. I think the only reason the staff picked him up was b/c of the uncertainty with Lane but once they knew Lane was coming back, And that they've already recruited over him they did the right thing by getting him to Temple. My first comment was about some people saying it was all Jabo's fault. I stand by what I said Butch told the kid sorry, but we cant take you. Then did right by him by hooking him up with temple.

He was in line for knee surgery right? Who knows if he would be the back he was in HS.
Can you give us a link where Saban found a kid that he decided he didn't want a place to play that wasn't JC?

You guys are all caught up in who did what to whom. Kids are going to do dumb, kid things. As ridicules as that can get, coaches play by different grown up rules. They have to do things the right way, otherwise folks are going to talk. That apparently would include high school coaches.
Lol....... if the player from his school has an offer from Tennessee he likely will have offers from 20 other d1 schools. And what does "he should of got his grades together sooner" have anything to do with it. He graduated in Dec. we knew what his grades looked like and still recruited him.

Any idiot can graduate HS a semester early. Are you sure that the test scores that he couldn't make weren't something like taking the ACT 50 times to get it above a minimum score? I don't know, but I would think that either an SAT or ACT score was what he was trying to bring up to get in.
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension, or are you simply blinded by the orange-tinted glasses that you have been wearing since Kif got here? Per the article, this kid GRADUATED from high school in December. That means that he passed his classes. Curious why you nevertheless say "it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass". Please explain why you feel the need to publish false statements about this kid. Thanks!

Please explain why you think HS grades alone will get you in?
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i agree with what you have said,if he was offered and met the requirements,CBJ probably should have kept his end of the deal and it will hurt in recruiting in SC,of course there is probably a lot not known on what went on behind the scenes

this part is disturbing too

"What really upsets Hayes and others is the lack of communication from head coach Butch Jones or Tennessee’s new running backs coach. Hayes said the only person he heard from was an administrator in Tennessee’s football office"

Since when is the HS coach the primary POC in the recruiting process. Isn't that the kid and the parents?
When Butch starts winning, the coach is going to look like a dumbass when he tries to tell his kids not to talk to him. They will talk to Jabo and he will tell them he was treated fairly. End of story.
You guys are all caught up in who did what to whom. Kids are going to do dumb, kid things. As ridicules as that can get, coaches play by different grown up rules. They have to do things the right way, otherwise folks are going to talk. That apparently would include high school coaches.

So when Butch says pass the ACT by December, he really meant June? WTF are you talking about? You are the one talking about Butch doing or not doing something to someone. STFU. You embarrass AL fans.
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Please explain why you think HS grades alone will get you in?

Are you incapable of reading and/or comprehending, or are you just playing dumb? Perhaps you are one of the reasons why Forbes recently rated UT dead last in academics of all SEC schools (yes, even Mississippi State finished ahead of us). No.1, nothing in my post states or implies that "HS grades alone will get you in." No. 2, read the following excerpt from the article which begat this thread (feel free to move your lips while you read if you find that helpful):

Lee graduated early from Dillon last December,
and was lured to Tennessee by running backs
coach Jay Graham, who was hired away by
Florida State shortly after signing day. Lee
finally made his test score recently but
was told he wouldn’t be admitted to Tennessee.

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