Butch angers HS coach in SC

I know that you will not want to hear that UF and CWM have the same problem, but when college coaches stop recruiting or pull a tentative (grade dependent) offer when it is clear that the player won't make his grades, the HS and HS coaches blame the college and the coach. They don't blame the student who doesn't attend to his academic work. UF has lost several good recruits and CWM says he has changed his recruiting methods because of this.
As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....

Solid post good info. thanks
Are you incapable of reading and/or comprehending, or are you just playing dumb? Perhaps you are one of the reasons why Forbes recently rated UT dead last in academics of all SEC schools (yes, even Mississippi State finished ahead of us). No.1, nothing in my post states or implies that "HS grades alone will get you in." No. 2, read the following excerpt from the article which begat this thread (feel free to move your lips while you read if you find that helpful):

Lee graduated early from Dillon last December,
and was lured to Tennessee by running backs
coach Jay Graham, who was hired away by
Florida State shortly after signing day. Lee
finally made his test score recently but
was told he wouldn’t be admitted to Tennessee.

Perhaps it was the fact that: 1) you highlighted and capitalized and bolded GRADUATED as his achievement, 2) said he passed his CLASSES, 3) made no mention of any college entrance testing, and 4) your entire post is ignorant. Other than that, have a nice day.
Then how do you explain the recent Forbes ratings which rated UT academics dead last of all SEC schools? Don't know about you, but I am embarrassed to see UT rated behind Mississippi State in anything, let alone academics. I know, I know, Forbes hates us.... In all honesty, perhaps it is high time that we had some competent academic leadership at this school.

Then how the F can you rant and rave about not letting in a marginal student at best but then turn around and ***** about our academic standards? You are just one big pile of..........

Yeah, as the article stated, he made the test score that he was told he had to make to get in.

Also left out the time frame didn't it? He graduated early so that he could get into school (and probably into surgery) in January but didn't get his test scores up until recently. Sounds like the HS coach is cherry picking the requirements. Sounds like Jabo is happy. Nothing to see here.
Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.

Maybe he should have handled things more like Alabummah...

Interesting article regarding UT's handling of Jabo Lee. Sounds like we dropped the ball on communicating the issue and as a result has pissed off the HS coach of Lee. It is a top recruiting school in SC. Hopefully this will blow over soon and Butch can repair the damage.

Tennessee's Butch Jones angers high school coach | College Recruiting Blog | www.ajc.com

I believe that the truest thing the HS coach said was that Tennessee got better recruits. That is the lay of the land in major college football. Tennessee cannot get back to the top by taking marginal players physically or academically. I remember reading some stories on here over the past couple of years stating that Nick Saban is absolutely ruthless with Alabama's scholarships. The difference is that Alabama is the king of the hill right now and Tennessee is rebuilding. I doubt that that coach would be so willing to publicly diss Nick Saban about a player. The road runs both ways in recruiting and in a few years, he might want to have a relationship with Butch Jones. From what I read, Tennessee took an active part in helping Lee get in to Temple. That doesn't sound like a program that simply shut the door on him. I don't believe that Butch Jones is perfect but I don't believe that he turns his back on his players or his recruits.
The whole story isn't being told here so CBJ is made out to look bad. But if you look at the EGordon story, you know he cares about the athletes.
I wouldn`t put much stock in what a H.S. coach says. If Lee doesn't have a problem with it then his HS coach shouldn`t either. But I do think it`s funny how fans were upset last year when it came out that Dooley had hurt the feelings of a couple HS coaches and this year they are making excuses for Jones when he hurts the feelings of Lee`s coach. CBJ does not need us to make excuses for him because I would be willing to bet that most college coaches have hurt the feelings of HS many times before.
I wouldn`t put much stock in what a H.S. coach says. If Lee doesn't have a problem with it then his HS coach shouldn`t either. But I do think it`s funny how fans were upset last year when it came out that Dooley had hurt the feelings of a couple HS coaches and this year they are making excuses for Jones when he hurts the feelings of Lee`s coach. CBJ does not need us to make excuses for him because I would be willing to bet that most college coaches have hurt the feelings of HS many times before.
It was different with Dooley. He wasn't returning the calls of HS coaches or even trying to contact players. Do I need to remind you that some very highly ranked recruits had interest in Tennessee, but Dooley basically gave them the finger so they moved on elsewhere.
We can pick at the study all we want. The problem is that these ratings are published by a reputable national magazine (along with coverage in the national media when it comes out each year) and are considered by millions. You may disagree, but the people who compile this information have put a lot more time and effort into this study than you or I have. Maybe they all secretly love Mississippi State and all of the other schools that they rank ahead of us and/or are secretly jealous of/hate UT, but the truth is that their criteria is superior to us saying that "well, I just know that UT is better than them there schools just because it is and has always been."

I don't know whether the conclusions of this study are empirically "right", but the problem is that it doesn't really matter because perception and reputation is very important when it comes to the value of a college education. If you are happy with these results, that is fine, but I for one am very disappointed, especially when all we hear from UT is how hard they are working to improve the academics on the hill. Turns out that even Dooley was outperforming the administration over the past several years.

To me the 'results' are questionable considering what went in to the rankings. They are laughable in a lot of cases. You say they put "a lot of time and effort" into this study, but it looks like they just compiled numbers from websites for a good chunk of it.

Does it ding UT to a few potential students? Perhaps it does if they never set foot on campus and never dig in depth to some of UT's programs.
Who does this high school coach think he is? This just in, no one cares about you or your high school "coach smalltown"! Unreal, Next.
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To me the 'results' are questionable considering what went in to the rankings. They are laughable in a lot of cases. You say they put "a lot of time and effort" into this study, but it looks like they just compiled numbers from websites for a good chunk of it.

Does it ding UT to a few potential students? Perhaps it does if they never set foot on campus and never dig in depth to some of UT's programs.

OK - if prospective students do not in your mind look at third-party objective ratings, what empirical evidence do you suggest they examine in order to "dig in depth to some of UT's programs" which will establish the superiority of those programs over those offered by other schools in the SEC?
OK - if prospective students do not in your mind look at third-party objective ratings, what empirical evidence do you suggest they examine in order to "dig in depth to some of UT's programs" which will establish the superiority of those programs over those offered by other schools in the SEC?

First, I'd hope they'd look at what the third party is using to rank programs and determine if their methods are up to snuff.

I'd expect them to visit and examine the programs for themselves, rather than flip through a magazine, see a chart, and go "Nope."

I'd expect them to speak to people in the field they want to enter to get opinions on the program of their choice.

I'd expect them to speak to alumni in the field and see how they've done since graduation.

I'd expect them to research faculty, and then meet and discuss the program with faculty.

I'd expect them to look into research opportunities in their programs.

I'd expect them to do a lot of things beyond flipping through a book or a website. They are deciding on an education...not which TV to buy.
First, I'd hope they'd look at what the third party is using to rank programs and determine if their methods are up to snuff.

I'd expect them to visit and examine the programs for themselves, rather than flip through a magazine, see a chart, and go "Nope."

I'd expect them to speak to people in the field they want to enter to get opinions on the program of their choice.

I'd expect them to speak to alumni in the field and see how they've done since graduation.

I'd expect them to research faculty, and then meet and discuss the program with faculty.

I'd expect them to look into research opportunities in their programs.

I'd expect them to do a lot of things beyond flipping through a book or a website. They are deciding on an education...not which TV to buy.

And what evidence can you offer that if they do all these things an objective person would want to attend UT as opposed to, say, Auburn or Texas A&M, all other things being equal? Look, I am not suggesting that the Forbes ranking is the be-all and end-all of relative college merit. However, all we have been hearing lately from the administration is how much improvement in the academic realm they have been making. In my mind, this would be like Dooley last year saying "ignore the polls and the record, people, we are improving by leaps and bounds." We would not have accepted this from Dooley and I do not see why we all act like sheep and accept whatever Cheek is telling us. He may be right, but things like this really make me wonder. I promise I am now done with this topic.
Jabo could have helped this year if healthy. But, with the injury I can't blame the coaches for being honest. They've recruited assuming he wasn't going to make it. Therefore, if he sat out this year with injury, he would come back next year, way down the depth chart. Probably 4th or 5th behind several much higher rated players. Transfer likely. They likely did him a favor.
The bad thing is that you should always deliver the bad news man to man. I think the coach felt like he got the run around.
I assure you, the coach will get over it once his peers tell him he is likely burning his bridges as well. Just guessing that Butch has more pull than this clown.
And what evidence can you offer that if they do all these things an objective person would want to attend UT as opposed to, say, Auburn or Texas A&M, all other things being equal? Look, I am not suggesting that the Forbes ranking is the be-all and end-all of relative college merit. However, all we have been hearing lately from the administration is how much improvement in the academic realm they have been making. In my mind, this would be like Dooley last year saying "ignore the polls and the record, people, we are improving by leaps and bounds." We would not have accepted this from Dooley and I do not see why we all act like sheep and accept whatever Cheek is telling us. He may be right, but things like this really make me wonder. I promise I am now done with this topic.

I suppose I can't offer 'evidence' except to say that this ranking doesn't seem to match what typically comes out about UT. You've somehow managed to allow one ranking to color your entire view of the University of Tennessee. Hell, one look around at some of the things they have going at ORNL makes me want to discredit this list.

It just strikes me as over-dramatic. I don't think its like Dooley saying 'ignore the polls and the records". I think its more like Dooley saying "Ignore the Houston Chronicle Fan Poll/Computer Aggregate"...
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Yawn.....coach is butthurt over one of his players, so what. When does practice start?

Exactly it doesn't matter. HS coaches are going to get upset. Their are 1000s of kids and only so many spots a year. Coaches and kids are going to feel like they are getting the shaft. No call-backs, pulled schollys etc.

Just love the hypocrisy of the people on this site. "Wait to hear CBJs side" yadda yadda yadda. This is CFB...people are going to get upset.

This is why I think it's a weak argument when people bash Dooley for the butthurt coaches in one of the weakest recruiting areas in the country came out whining. It's going to happen, and their are reasons for everything.
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Crickets used to wait until nightfall to get deafening....how things have changed....need earplugs!
I'm late to the thread, but Coach Jones just saved this kid at least one or two years of eligibility. If he had been admitted at UT, he would have sat for 2013 to rehab the ACL injury using his red-shirt year. In 2014, Hurd and Paulk show up to push him to the bottom of the depth chart where he wastes his red-shirt Freshman season. That would leave him with 3 years to play 3 seasons. If he decided to transfer after that season, he either goes to JUCO or FCS to play right away or he has to sit another year. Then he only has two playable seasons. This way, the kid gets a shot at a full collegiate career at a D-I school. If Jabo's coach was looking at the big picture, he would see that this is the best option for Jabo given the circumstances. Could the timing have been better? Probably, but not by much since Jabo didn't even make the required test score until June. With a potential APR sanctioning buzz saw on the horizon, this would have been an unacceptable academic risk for the program. If the High School coach had really cared about his player, he would have helped him make the academic progress required to gain admission on the normal admittance schedule.
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I'm late to the thread, but Coach Jones just saved this kid at least one or two years of eligibility. If he had been admitted at UT, he would have sat for 2013 to rehab the ACL injury using his red-shirt year. In 2014, Hurd and Paulk show up to push him to the bottom of the depth chart where he wastes his red-shirt Freshman season. That would leave him with 3 years to play 3 seasons. If he decided to transfer after that season, he either goes to JUCO or FCS to play right away or he has to sit another year. Then he only has two playable seasons. This way, the kid gets a shot at a full collegiate career at a D-I school. If Jabo's coach was looking at the big picture, he would see that this is the best option for Jabo given the circumstances. Could the timing have been better? Probably, but not by much since Jabo didn't even make the required test score until June. With a potential APR sanctioning buzz saw on the horizon, this would have been an unacceptable academic risk for the program. If the High School coach had really cared about his player, he would have helped him make the academic progress required to gain admission on the normal admittance schedule.

gave you a like...two if I could.

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