Butch is a gutless coward

For all you youngsters, please remember that we are supposed to beat teams like Florida and Alabama. Don't act like we won a national championship.

I know many of you don't know what all this is like. But this is what being a Vol is supposed to be like every day of your life.

Remember to punch a bammer in the face for this is your birthright.
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That isn't right either. Juwan Jennings and the Freshman Tyler Byrd are both catching the football. And if I were the coach the rest of them would sit on the bench and watch the rest of the game. But those two will be on every offensive play.

Just finished watching the game on dvr...these were my thoughts and it happened
For all you youngsters, please remember that we are supposed to beat teams like Florida and Alabama. Don't act like we won a national championship.

I know many of you don't know what all this is like. But this is what being a Vol is supposed to be like every day of your life.

Remember to punch a bammer in the face for this is your birthright.

What I'll remember is you being a bi polar fool that shot his wad prematurely.
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What I'll remember is you being a bi polar fool that shot his wad prematurely.

LOL. Thanks! Well it's easy to say now I guess. However I've been right for 3 years. But hey let's celebrate the night and stop attacking people when you were just as mad at the half.
Terrible and premature post. I really don't like the personal attack. Criticize coaching and administrative decisions if you are so inclined, but it is way out of bounds to call him a gutless coward. I hope you had imbibed too much and you should take it back when you are sober and have your foot surgically removed from your mouth.
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I just went through this entire thread and put half you chuckleheads on ignore. If you hate TN and Jones so much, I hear Vandy needs help filling their stadium. YOU ARE THE GUTLESS COWARDS. Not one of you (idiots I put on ignore in this thread) has the mental toughness of a 5 year old that's been denied candy. GTFO, and let the true supporters of this team enjoy our win, a win that you did NOTHING to deserve you whiny little witches.

If you will it dude, then it is no dream.

Testify, brother. Testify!
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I'm gonna eat my crow and smile about it. I wrote earlier that Tennessee had nothing for Florida, and it was gonna be an even dozen. Maybe we saw the evolution of team 120 today in the 2nd half. And hat's off to Colton Jumper. I've seen a lot of negative comments on here about him, but he played a heck of a game. Whatta ya say we all quit being so negative and let's get behind the team and coaching staff. GBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Totally agree about Jumper tonight. Many here have trashed a 19-20 year old kid. He was balling tonight.
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I think Johnny Majors had good name for all he Negavols who posted earlier in this thread: Legions of the miserable.

Long may this thread live as a warning to all of the idiot who started this thread and all the other Negavols who gleefully joined in ripping the coach and team before the game was over.

Shame on all of you.
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I've watched enough TN football to know better than doing what the OP did and quitting! Now I know why he's the only one on my ignore list!
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Attacking people when it's convenient puts you in the same boat.

Just enjoy the win pal,

I'm enjoying the win as well as enjoying clowning you babies.

The classless have trolled this board with misery more than any opposing fan ever has. Trashing players and coaches with impunity.

If you can't handle some "I told you so" and well deserved harsh words than go listen to some Coldplay and /wrists.
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