Butch is a gutless coward

He's an idiot. Set the team back 10 plus years more.

I see you still struggle with the normal daily activities of life like dressing yourself..... Come on D4..... Think before you post bro..... I like you and all..... But this is some dumb ass goofy **** you've posted here. Get it together man
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I don't think anyone that suits up and represents your university at the level that UT is with the expectations that thousands put on them are gutless cowards. I mean damn guys be realistic and humanistic about the situation.

guys?,,..your quoting one ass hat..dont say guys.:hi:
We're going to lose anyway

I just got home from work and i'm sure that you've probably already heard it anyway but, YOU SUCK. Try to have a little faith sometimes, you might just get surprised or let me guess, we were lucky to win and will never win a game again. I have lurked on VolNation for many years and you sir are just plain heart breaking. I don't know or pretend to know your personal life but, I think you need to lighten up a bit and believe in our program. Thats all, have a good night and, OH, GO VOLS.
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Totally agree about Jumper tonight. Many here have trashed a 19-20 year old kid. He was balling tonight.

Yep without his calls on defense and with the crowd noise we might not win that game. A lot of supposedly grown men owe that kid and apology!!!
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Fans in the stadium around me wanted a time out and take a shot downfield. I said then that Butch did the right thing - the line could not hold so regroup a halftime. The last time I remember taking a time out deep in our territory and "taking a shot" was against Notre Dame was Eric Ainge was knocked out of the game. Stupid call then cost us the game. Smarter call today
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I just went through this entire thread and put half you chuckleheads on ignore. If you hate TN and Jones so much, I hear Vandy needs help filling their stadium. YOU ARE THE GUTLESS COWARDS. Not one of you (idiots I put on ignore in this thread) has the mental toughness of a 5 year old that's been denied candy. GTFO, and let the true supporters of this team enjoy our win, a win that you did NOTHING to deserve you whiny little witches.

If you will it dude, then it is no dream.

Wait, there's an "Ignore" button? I must find this...and use it...
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During Halftime!
2 timeouts, 40 secs, at home, needing points and don't try? GTFO HERE

After the Win!
I'm glad we got the win, but at that point, you either go down swinging, or crawled up in ball taking licks

Quick FACT ... Coach did EXACTLY what he should have done in that situation. How do I know ... the final results. We didn't "go down" or "crawl up in a ball" ... we regrouped, came back out, received kickoff, and stomped a mudhole in them.

Great job man! Just deny it all till the end and maybe nobody will remember. :eek:lol:
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I came here looking for a thread like this for the enjoyment factor...but as I read (the whole damn thing, by the way), it made me sad. Every season I start the year excited for what's to come, I read and sometimes post on here, just to help pass the time till football season. Invariably, several weeks in, the constant ramblings of a few clueless "fans", makes me decide to live my life without that negativity in it, and I go on my way, leaving the board behind.

Occasionally I'll pop back in to see what a few of you level headed people who know how to analyze things, has to say...you know who you are. Don't get me wrong, I get down on the team...it's part of my right as a fan to complain about the team, just like my job, or my country. It's healthy and fosters debate. But wow, what is day to day life like for some of these folks...they must be miserable human beings. Or maybe they are just beat down by the fall from grace our team has experienced over the past couple of years. I get it, but damn, some of this is rough, and is most likely addressing some other disaster in their lives.

I agree, it wasn't all sunshine and roses at the half, but it wasn't the end of the world. Hell, this is the SEC, I knew Mcelwain would play conservative, and try to burn clock...so does the rest of the league (this makes me want to pull my hair out, if I had any, and never seems to work). I didn't think we'd win, necessarily, but I was remembering the Jawja game last year, and knew we would be tied with them if we didn't drop the ball so often, or crap out on 4th down. The only possible unfixable item at the time, was defensive play. We had to figure out how to stop them. Well luckily, Shoop finally did what he's promised all along, and that's turned them loose. Finally got to see the Barnett I was used to seeing in last year's SEC play, and got to see a lot of guys step up, that shouldn't have. I'm so proud of these guys for filling in for NFL caliber players, and playing how they had no business playing (until now)!

Kudos to anyone that read this whole mess. I think I'll stick around all year this time, experiencing it all...although I may take a cue from some others on here, and learn how to use the "Ignore" button.

tl;dr Just a fan rambling and complaining.
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During Halftime!

After the Win!

Quick FACT ... Coach did EXACTLY what he should have done in that situation. How do I know ... the final results. We didn't "go down" or "crawl up in a ball" ... we regrouped, came back out, received kickoff, and stomped a mudhole in them.

Great job man! Just deny it all till the end and maybe nobody will remember. :eek:lol:

Large number of fans disagreed :question:
I came here looking for a thread like this for the enjoyment factor...but as I read (the whole damn thing, by the way), it made me sad. Every season I start the year excited for what's to come, I read and sometimes post on here, just to help pass the time till football season. Invariably, several weeks in, the constant ramblings of a few clueless "fans", makes me decide to live my life without that negativity in it, and I go on my way, leaving the board behind.

Occasionally I'll pop back in to see what a few of you level headed people who know how to analyze things, has to say...you know who you are. Don't get me wrong, I get down on the team...it's part of my right as a fan to complain about the team, just like my job, or my country. It's healthy and fosters debate. But wow, what is day to day life like for some of these folks...they must be miserable human beings. Or maybe they are just beat down by the fall from grace our team has experienced over the past couple of years. I get it, but damn, some of this is rough, and is most likely addressing some other disaster in their lives.

I agree, it wasn't all sunshine and roses at the half, but it wasn't the end of the world. Hell, this is the SEC, I knew Mcelwain would play conservative, and try to burn clock...so does the rest of the league (this makes me want to pull my hair out, if I had any, and never seems to work). I didn't think we'd win, necessarily, but I was remembering the Jawja game last year, and knew we would be tied with them if we didn't drop the ball so often, or crap out on 4th down. The only possible unfixable item at the time, was defensive play. We had to figure out how to stop them. Well luckily, Shoop finally did what he's promised all along, and that's turned them loose. Finally got to see the Barnett I was used to seeing in last year's SEC play, and got to see a lot of guys step up, that shouldn't have. I'm so proud of these guys for filling in for NFL caliber players, and playing how they had no business playing (until now)!

Kudos to anyone that read this whole mess. I think I'll stick around all year this time, experiencing it all...although I may take a cue from some others on here, and learn how to use the "Ignore" button.

tl;dr Just a fan rambling and complaining.

Ignore button is a god send! An absolute must.
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