Why should I?
The Bible teaches a view of the world. And sorry, this will take some "words" to answer that question.
Every story invented to explain metaphysics... the nature of reality answers four basic questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is morality? And what happens at the end?
Materialism is well expressed by Sagan. "The universe is all there is, was, or ever will be". But how does that view really do with any of the other questions or even ultimately the origin of everything? Is logic not real? Your mind? Those are immaterial things.
Spiritualism teaches that all that exists is "mind". A very simplistic way o explaining it would be that we're all part of a god-mind... that's having a dream.
Supernaturalism says that both the immaterial and material are real and part of the same reality.
Logic teaches that every effect has a cause ultimately greater/more powerful than itself. So what started it all? Spiritualism says that there is no beginning. Materialism says there is a beginning... but has no cause for that beginning. Supernaturalism says there was a beginning and an eternal God was the cause of it.
One view denies cause/effect logic applies. One ignores a cause/effect failure. The last one... provides an intelligent cause for the "effect".
God- God created. God owns. God has a right to judge. God's character includes infinite love. We instinctively understand that a song writer, inventor, sculptor, craftsman, etc has a "right" to what they create... even to destroy it if it displeases them. God has that right as well.
Man- Man was created in God's image. Not necessarily physical... but as a free moral agent. God created someone who could choose to love and obey Him or hate and rebel against Him. God granted man a will. Man chose to rebel against God in large measure because he wanted to be equal to God... to put his opinions and will on par with God's. Romans 5 explains how Adam represented us just as our own willful choices now represent us.
Jesus- God was not satisfied to simply destroy mankind who He loved but His justice would not allow Him to ignore man's rebellion. So He took on flesh Himself and began a rescue mission. His desire again from Romans 5 was to make His enemies His friends again... and He was willing to suffer the pain of man's curse to do it. Every other religion in the world including some that go under the label of "Christian" teach that man must work to ascend to or become God. Only NT Christianity teaches that man was so helpless in his attempts to be morally good enough that God condescended to man... and even submitted to die at the hands of wicked false accusers to pay for man's real guilt.
The Cross- The Cross is where God in flesh satisfied the price for the sins of those would simply accept His sacrifice on their behalf and then repent to follow Him. In the providence of God, the Romans did something interesting when they executed someone. They posted the charges against the criminal and then wrote on the death warrant a word roughly pronounced "testelati"... which simple meant "debt has been paid." That was Jesus' last recorded words before dying. The price has been paid.
Resurrection- The Bible teaches that everyone will be resurrected. Everyone will be judged. Christ's righteousness is imputed to the believer. Their sins are no less bad than unbelievers. They're no more worthy of reward. But their debt has been paid... and they've claimed that payment. Those who did not accept Christ's offer will face God on their own merits. They will face the same charge that Jesus faced- sedition... rebellion against man's rightful sovereign.
There's a lot more meat to put on those bones. But that's a start.