Butch Jones embraces team chaplain Tim Miller

Easily explained but I don't believe in the 6k year thing. God created the heavens and the earth and it was with form and void. Why create something like that? Between those two verses is a gap. It is called the gap theory. I think it is very credible and you can go to Isaiah about Satan not Saban going up (from where) to the heavens to take his place. This is what I think was happening between initial creation of the earth and the revolt of Satan and him and those angels being cast down and the earth destroyed. Then the rest of the Genesis account of creation happens. I know you don't believe it but I think verse one and two had millions of years between them.

Lucifer never carried that kind of control, according to scripture. We can't go with the fact that this dark time was Satanic in origin. There is no proof in scripture. Likely it is related to creation, and the seven day mythology is a representation of human history.
Your momma does. I'm filming her and posting all at the same time.

My mom is dead, so if you are filming her, you may want to rethink your stance on spiritual things.

But i will say, your insistence on this subject proves you are either very curious or dead set on proving how smart and stubborn you are. Which is cool, i was that way before i was saved. Some people that talked to me about told me that noone has made them question their faith like i did. Keep searching buddy.

And find a better life coach than obama.lol
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I read them. So what is the point you are trying to make?

the bible is full of absolute nonsense

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18
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the bible is full of absolute nonsense

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18

Yes, but must of this is pre covenant.. That matters.
the bible is full of absolute nonsense

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18

Also, I don't usually defend the Church any longer. Hard for a Buddhist to answer.
They just can't deal with a person who doesn't conform to their belief. I don't believe and it bothers them. They believe and I could care less. It is whatever makes you happy in my opinion.

Careful with the usage of "They". Many Christians, including myself, have no problem at all "dealing" with a person who doesn't conform to their/my beliefs. Furthermore they/me couldN'T care less what you believe..

I agree with you, people should be happy.... In all things...
the bible is full of absolute nonsense

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18

All of these verses should be condemnd
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Love like Jesus. Live a life in servant hood to others always reaching out to those in need. Accept who Jesus is. Spread the news always and know when it is not being heard and move along. Each of us can only do so much. It takes personal responsibility overall. I am very thankful that there is a man in Knoxville reaching out to the students in a time of massive need in their lives during their college years. Go big Orange !
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Like when Butch responded to adversity from the fans by saying "F all of them".

As I have had to patiently explain to many friends of faith, it is not scientifically possible for teachings that originated with Hebrew language speakers and recorded originally in Hebrew, Aramaic and translated to Greek, to outlaw fine and efficient Anglo-Saxxon and Germanic exclamations which did not appear in human utterance for well over a millenia after the first books of the New Testament.

So, basically, Jesus (a word made up for Latin speakers for Yeshua Ben Yosef, as he was known by his contemporaries) from the Bible didn't address this modernist censorhip, nor did any Semitic Law. I bet Yeshua dropped some pretty raw stuff in the Aramaic of his time that day he went off on the money changers in the Temple, though. Too bad we only get the sanitized version.

206 days to kick off!
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Lucifer never carried that kind of control, according to scripture. We can't go with the fact that this dark time was Satanic in origin. There is no proof in scripture. Likely it is related to creation, and the seven day mythology is a representation of human history.

Isaiah 14:12
He fell which means he had to be above or up, I believe, in stature. I believe heaven isn't a place of chaos but a place of order and rank. Think of the early church. You had Jesus, the twelve apostles, bishops, and preachers, and then the congregation. Our world view today think of "rank" as a negative thing but somebody has to be in charge and make decisions. I imagine heaven is the same set up.
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All of these verses should be condemnd

You need to read the previous 2-3 and following 2-3. Look them up and you'll
see they're taken out of context. This is a troll job. Ex. Romans 1:27. Read Romans 1:16-32. These are the "vile" things Paul is saying you'll be punished for.
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You need to read the previous 2-3 and following 2-3. Look them up and you'll
see they're taken out of context. This is a troll job. Ex. Romans 1:27. Read Romans 1:16-32. These are the "vile" things Paul is saying you'll be punished for.

It's kind of like reading posts/threads here. IMO.
Isaiah 14:12
He fell which means he had to be above or up, I believe, in stature. I believe heaven isn't a place of chaos but a place of order and rank. Think of the early church. You had Jesus, the twelve apostles, bishops, and preachers, and then the congregation. Our world view today think of "rank" as a negative thing but somebody has to be in charge and make decisions. I imagine heaven is the same set up.

That still doesn't explain what many want explained.
Originally Posted by volfan102455 View Post
I suspect if the article was written with references related to Mr. Miller's faith and church removed and focused only on the positive culture he had instilled without calling attention to the fact that he is a Christian - those of you who are offended would not be so.

The key message is that a good man takes the time to reach out to young college students in a time when their life could go in many different directions. And we have a coaching staff who cares enough about those young men to understand the importance of that.

Those of you who have any problem with this because of someone's faith need to get over yourself.
Haven't seen this post bumped in the past few pages....
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That still doesn't explain what many want explained.

Just move on because it doesn't matter how it's explain you are not listening. If you want in depth discussion on the gap theory then Google it and read what it is. It does explain your question but is a theory and not law or fact but a theory. I have work to do and is much easier to discuss in a conversation than trying to type out what could be almost a book. Also, creationist object to it because it doesn't fit their beliefs of 6k. Do I know this is what happened? No but neither do you or anyone else. Thing is the entire universe is too big for our human minds to really grasp. I choose to believe in God others do not. I hope I am right and others hope they are. Regardless, it is called faith for a reason. I wrote this last sentence then saved it then read the post after it saying the same thing. Cool stuff and very much truth.
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The eye of the needle was a small entrance in to Jerusalem that camels had to get down on their knees and crawl through. That was a "humble yourself" reference shot at rich people.

Small arches that easily allowed human foot traffic but kept out camels were not uncommon. Especially around the markets where you wanted to manage times of access of the big beasts who can be surly and dangerous.
faith is a choice. you choose to have it, or you don't. that's really all the explanation needed.
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the bible is full of absolute nonsense

read 1 Timothy 2:12

read 1 Samuel 15:3

read Psalm 137

read Romans 1:27

read Genesis 22

read Judges 19:25-28

read Judges 11:30-1, 34-5

read Ephesians 5:22

read 1 Peter 2:18

When reading the Bible, it is imperative to read the entire chapter sometimes the former and latter to get the context of what the author is saying. I'll answer verse by verse.

1 Timothy 2:12 - But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

(This goes back to the Order God has ordained for man (humans). God made man the head.Adam was formed first, then Eve. But it was Eve who was deceived and transgressed first. Woman is also considered the weaker vessel fort this reason. This verse comes from instructions to Timothy about Ephesus. (some) Women had fallen to false teaching and we know how alluring women can be even today. It's to promote (Order). There were great women who were filled with the Spirit of God. Ana was Priestess in the Jerusalem Temple who Joseph and Mary took Jesus to see. Another Prophetess, Deborah was the ONLY Female JUDGE (5th Ruler of Israel). God uses whoever He pleases and whenever He pleases.

1 Samuel 15:3 - Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Again context. Read the verse before as the reason for the command. They had opposed God and His chosen people. Deut 25:17-19 “Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt. When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and attacked all who were lagging behind [typically women and children]: they had no fear of God. When the LORD your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!”

Psalm 137 -

Discusses Jews exiled to Babylon who are hoping to forget their homeland. The last verses are regarding the Edomites who destroyed Jerusalem. The Edomites were the children of Esau, who was tricked out of his birthright. God said Jacob (Israel) I loved, but Esau I hated.

Romans 1:27 - And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women,.... The very sin of "sodomy" is here designed, so called from Sodom, the place where we first hear of it, Genesis 19:5, the men of which place, because they
burned in their lust one towards another, as these Gentiles are said to do, God rained upon them fire and brimstone from heaven: an exceeding great sin this is, contrary to nature, dishonourable to human nature, and scandalous to a people and nation among whom it prevails, as it did very much in the Gentile world. Thus God, because men dishonour him with their evil principles and practices, leaves them to reproach their own nature, and dishonour their own bodies: men with men working that which is unseemly; and of which nothing like it is to be observed in the brutal world:receiving in themselves the recompence of their error, which was meet: God punishes sin with sin;

Ephesians 5:22 - Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord

Submit to as in rank. Just like the military there is rank structure for order. God made man the head. Adam was created first. Women and men are equal in Christ. Galatians 3:28 No Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female for all are one in Christ.

Just wanted to answer some of your concerns. The Word of God is True. 2 Tim 3:16 (All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.) I hope this helps.
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