BUTCH JONES said: This is unacceptable when you play football at the University of TN

To all the folks who keep using Saban's first 7-6 season as proof of something... Bama was 6-7 the year before. He improved the record in spite of the discipline issues he had to deal with.

Can we get the "Stupid Police" in here to remove this idiot from the board? I swear, if I were at a tailgate with you and heard you rattling off the nonsense you continually spew on here, I'd slap you in your face. Get on board with this staff or GTFO.
I take the quote as against the coaching, I see no player finger pointing

Saying "we need to recruit better players" right after the blowout while answering questions about this game is not pointing finger at current players?
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Saying "we need to recruit, recruit, recruit" isn't necessarily throwing the players under the bus. It means we need to keep recruiting like hell because honestly that's what wins you games when you bring great players in. Obviously great coaching and I believe we have that. I saw no quitting from anyone out there. But we don't have the talent level right now. That's what he meant so don't put too much stock in it. I love how we lose a game and now everyone is trashing Butch. You people don't understand how low this program has fallen. This is a worse rebuilding job than people thought in preseason. Also, I don't think you people understand how great Oregon is. Tennessee isn't anywhere close to being close to Oregon right now.
We did not have to beat the ducks or stay within 21 points. That's not what the disappointment is about - it's about having the whole summer to fix the most obvious issues (assignments and playing the gaps on defense) and coming up with more than 5 offensive plays. We lost without even putting up a fight. The coaching staff was way to conservative, especially after the game started getting out of reach I expected them to pull out all the stops and at least go down swinging - they just rolled over and played dead. Even the TV commentators figured out that it was necessary to go for it on few of those 4th downs in the second quarter (not like it makes any difference to Oregon offense or our defense whether Oregon has extra 25-30 yards to drive before they score so punting did not make any sense - especially when they could not figure out until the second half that Palardy should always punt out of bounds (how hard was that to figure out even after looking at just the opening kickoff)?
Coaches coach, players play. Coaches can't run onto the field and make the tackle for the player who missed his assignment. He also can't catch the football for the receivers nor make the throw for Worley. Is it better on 4th and 2 to punt and make the ducks go 70 yards or fail on the play and give them only 35 yards to go for the TD? It's called playing the averages. If you can't make 10 yds in 3 plays then what makes you think you can make 2 yards in 1 more play? If you don't, then you give up valuable field position, any coach knows that. I also noticed you didn't answer my question, where the list of other teams that could beat the ducks and please provide evidence not just speculation. Jones, like Kiffin and Dooley before him are making the best with the players he has. What do you think the team would look like had we not lost Bray and the others to the NFL? Ohhhhhh, that would be different wouldn't it? Not saying we would have won but we would have had more talent to compete with.
Coaches coach, players play. Coaches can't run onto the field and make the tackle for the player who missed his assignment. He also can't catch the football for the receivers nor make the throw for Worley. Is it better on 4th and 2 to punt and make the ducks go 70 yards or fail on the play and give them only 35 yards to go for the TD? It's called playing the averages. If you can't make 10 yds in 3 plays then what makes you think you can make 2 yards in 1 more play? If you don't, then you give up valuable field position, any coach knows that. I also noticed you didn't answer my question, where the list of other teams that could beat the ducks and please provide evidence not just speculation. Jones, like Kiffin and Dooley before him are making the best with the players he has. What do you think the team would look like had we not lost Bray and the others to the NFL? Ohhhhhh, that would be different wouldn't it? Not saying we would have won but we would have had more talent to compete with.
Just a side note; I was at a 5A high school football game last night here in San Antonio and after 3 minutes have gone by 1 team was up 21 pts. Bizarre. 15 seconds are gone off the clock and it's 7-0 because they ran the kickoff back. The next 2:45 was a blur because there was a fumble, a TD pass next, a tipped pass, and another TD. It all happened so fast I don't even remember what happened. The other team came back but couldn't catch them, Final score O'Conner Panthers 49 Clark Cougars 28. Just one of those games because both teams were pretty evenly matched.
Thirsty? Sounds to me like you're filled to the brim with............


Florida looks horrible......they have showed NOTHING so far to look anymore threatening then Mizzou...I am not saying it will be easy given the way our offense looks, but it is still doable.

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