Butch Jones stays on go in rebuilding Vols

strong did Hart and VN a big favor , I'm so damn glad Butch is our coach and he will have my support until he proves otherwise. l'ville sucks.

Cause no one wanted the Louisville coach that beat FL? I like Butch but I'm not going to lie I think Strong would be doing well here.
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Wow!Didn't know stating facts was considered being a troll!He DID go after Fedora,Strong & Gundy.Then he went after Jones.Those are FACTS not rumors.

Really! I guess you were right there in the middle of the process and know for a fact these people were offered the position. Please tell me the source of the FACTS you speak of. Could it be simply some or maybe all of the above were simple JOB INTERVIEWS, you know the process of an employer simply looking at who would be the best fit. You guys, the ones that state alleged FACTS, and really do not know what you are talking about, amaze me. Please get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions. Sounds like a bunch of rumors to me ...

Just admit you are speculating just like everyone else and that is OK but don't say things are FACTS when they are not true. Then we get some ****** on here, not you, who then maliciously call people names and make insane comments on a bunch of rumors. See my point?
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I like CBJ. But if you're saying Hart just "got lucky" or backed in to this and is just riding it out...You're insane. In fact, I can't remember ONE PERSON. Not one, who was promoting Butch Jones on here prior to his hire. Hart struck out a few times, but he didn't just happen to stumble upon CBJ. He did have other options that were more popular with this fanbase at the time.
Volbraniac is just one of the many many trolls on this board. I kind of wish people would quit quoting him. I have him blocked and reading his stuff makes me feel slightly dirty.

Yes, why has no one made fun of him for misspelling his username? I'm guessing "braniac" is imposing that he is supposed up be somewhat smart.
1. Gruden was never coming.

2. Gundy's interest was a smoke screen for a raise. Gundy was at least more obvious in his use of UT for a step up than Strong was.

3. I (yes, just me based on what I was told) believe that we knew going in that Strong wasn't leaving Louisville. Strong never made a strong indication that he was interested in UT publicly. I am certain that the powers at Louisville told Hart "you can talk to him, but we will beat anything you offer". They even stated this publicly after it got out that we were showing interest in him. Ergo a contract for Strong that is absolutely ridiculous at his level. I personally didn't want CCS. Glad he stayed at Louisville. Glad we could help him get a raise.

4. The only real candidate that had expressed ANY real interest in UT was Coach Jones.

If you choose to believe that Gruden was a rejection of UT, Gundy was a rejection of UT, and Strong was a rejection of UT, I can't help you. Coach Jones was the first and only "real" offer to come coach. Of the first three the ONLY one that even had a FAINT interest in UT was Strong. He would have been stupid to leave Louisville, he knew it, and we knew it going in. People in Hart's position don't get there by being stupid. I am fairly certain that he knows a little bit about what he is doing. I am certain he knows more than the posters on VN.

You do know I wasn't mocking YOU right?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yes, why has no one made fun of him for misspelling his username? I'm guessing "braniac" is imposing that he is supposed up be somewhat smart.

Multiple posters jumped on this...my favorite inferred that his evil superpower was regularity
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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Yes, Xlarge. I have 4 kids to feed, decided a large wouldn't be big enough. Makes the best pulled pork ever.

Agree! I use mine at least 3-4 days a week. I cook everything from pizza, steaks, pulled pork, chicken, veggies (to make the absolute best salsa), etc.

It's very versatile.
Really! I guess you were right there in the middle of the process and know for a fact these people were offered the position. Please tell me the source of the FACTS you speak of. Could it be simply some or maybe all of the above were simple JOB INTERVIEWS, you know the process of an employer simply looking at who would be the best fit. You guys, the ones that state alleged FACTS, and really do not know what you are talking about, amaze me. Please get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions. Sounds like a bunch of rumors to me ...

Just admit you are speculating just like everyone else and that is OK but don't say things are FACTS when they are not true. Then we get some ****** on here, not you, who then maliciously call people names and make insane comments on a bunch of rumors. See my point?
Tennessee coaching search: Top 4 said no, so let's list every possible candidate - SBNation.com
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Hey y'all, been a longtime reader of the site, but never made a profile, so this is my first (outside of my head) post! Now that that's out of the way, I read this article this morning, and thought it was great. Butch may not have been the first choice (btw, who cares?) but he's been the right choice. Everything he's done off the field has been great, and Tennessee has momentum. I'm watching CFB Live right now and they just talked to Hugh Freeze, about how Ole Miss left signing day as the "it" team with momentum. I think if we have a bowl winning season, hold what we have now and add some quality players, we could be in the same position after NSD 2014. Go Vols!
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BTW, I read ALOT of KNS and chatt TFP and Tennesseean and some others (recently moved back to K-town after a stint in Ohio), and I also follow the beat writers on Twitter and Patrick Brown and the TFP seem to have the most positive, factual articles on UT athletics. Wish the News Sentinel would take note. Go Vols!
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I would hope you don't actually find that article to be factual. I think we all know now that Gruden was a ploy to distract us while they were searching for candidates. There's one down, Gundy may have shown interest in UT, but are you serious? Why would he leave OSU with the success he's having? He went public with interest to get the attention of his ALMA MATER to give him a raise. Two down. Fedora declined an interview, but the call had to be made to find out. That happens. No offer was made, as was the case with Gundy AND Gruden. Three down. I believe Strong was our only "swing and miss" and for decent reasons. UofL was intent on competing to keep him. Strong was getting paid either way, but has a foundation built for himself at UofL. Why leave? Only reason would be to compete in SEC. An offer was made, and interest was shown. But UofL was going to raise it to keep him there. Butch Jones, who had been in contact with Peyton Manning in regards to the CU job, made Hart aware of his interest in UT. Jones was having trouble pulling the trigger on Purdue and CU because of their situations and his position at UC. But they stayed up all night to discuss a deal and one was made. So sure, 4 names were put out there before CBJ. But I think there was only one real target before Jones, that being Strong. And Tennessee made a solid hire. Go Vols!
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Thank you volnation for helping me with this. You can only take fact for exactly what it is... Fact. Nothing less nor nothing more.
You just made my point again! I see you believe a sports wetter from SB Nation does not print anything but facts. If you believe that I suggest trying MSNBC for world event facts! Again all you are doing is repeating what some guy in the media is saying to make a few bucks.

The reason that I think Strong and Fedora for that matter were simply due diligence is that Fedora wasn't really a candidate (IMO) and Louisville told the world when UT showed interest that they were keeping Strong. For that reason alone, I believe that knew going in that he didn't have Strong. As stated many times before, I believe that Jones was the only real candidate.

P.S. Had Louisville not stated up front that they were prepared to make Strong the highest paid coach, I would not have this opinion.

P.S.S. Gundy loves UT.....just ask Wes Lunt.
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The reason that I think Strong and Fedora for that matter were simply due diligence is that Fedora wasn't really a candidate (IMO) and Louisville told the world when UT showed interest that they were keeping Strong. For that reason alone, I believe that knew going in that he didn't have Strong. As stated many times before, I believe that Jones was the only real candidate.

P.S. Had Louisville not stated up front that they were prepared to make Strong the highest paid coach, I would not have this opinion.

P.S.S. Gundy loves UT.....just ask Wes Lunt.

I agree with your comments and think it is certainly in the realm of possibility. You know, the bottom line is we got the coach who is the best fit for UT and the other coaches I wish good luck but when they play the Vols!

I just get tired of alleged Vol fans who feel the need to jump on some story, factual or not, and put down members of the program they allegedly support. It does nothing to further our RISE TO THE TOP. Some people just like to buy into gossip and label it fact.
Besides the difference in opinion,I am glad Jones is our coach.No matter how it came about.Just because I don't like or think Hart is a good AD doesn't make me any less of a fan.If you don't like what I post simply put me on ignore.I don't know you or care to know you honestly.
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The Gruden thing was ludicrous. I admit, I read every post and spent far too much time on this board during the search. I wanted to believe that it was possible and so many of our beloved "insiders" had such "good" information that it was all real that I admit there were times when I gave in.

The times that I began questioning people on here, especially the insiders, I was told that I was smug and nobody liked me (which while that might be true is not an answer to the questions that I had about huge holes in the Gruden storyline as told by the "insiders").

Having several months to digest the Jones hire, I tend to agree that Jones was probably the second job offered, the first being Strong. Initially I really liked the idea of Strong as I always liked him and thought his connections for recruiting in the SEC would be an asset. I think that interest was gauged in several coaches, including Gundy but that no offer was actually made. As someone said before, a job interview is not a job offer.

Just because Hart didn't get his (our) first choice, does not mean it was a bad choice. In fact, the more I learn about Jones, the more that I see what he is doing, the more I am certain that fortune smiled on us when Louisville dumped a boat load of cash at Strong to keep him there.

Few people remember that Bama's first choice was not Saban. Sometimes it takes a whole process to end up with the right hire. Don't forget a glaring problem, that there is no hire that is guaranteed to be a "home run". So far though, I feel certain that Butch is as close to a home run as we could have gotten. I don't think anyone could have said with any certainty that any name on their dream list of coaching hires would be making the waves in the recruiting world that Jones is making. That is all we have to go on right now and he is doing an impressive job.
You just made my point again! I see you believe a sports wetter from SB Nation does not print anything but facts. If you believe that I suggest trying MSNBC for world event facts! Again all you are doing is repeating what some guy in the media is saying to make a few bucks.

Put them and Fox news on two TV's side by side and your head will explode.

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