Butch Jones vs. Jon Gruden

my main concern is will butch have this same appeal in the minds of all these recruits after we win only 4-7 games next season? We as Vols fans understand the rebuild process but recruits may not see it in the same fashion.

I agree with u on the first part about recruits, but not the second part about this fan base understanding the concept of rebuilding. If we lose 8 games in a season for the first time in history this fan base will scare away recruits on its own. Now CBJ will be fighting dirty hot seat talk by other coaches like dooley had to going into his first official NSD. All with the help from "The Legion of the Miserable."

People still cant get over dooleys 13 or his KY loss. CBJ will never live down being the first coach in UT history to lose 8, and leaving OSU with the crown. All these "jump on the train now or find another team" chumps will be the first ones off the train, and trying to derail it. It will be the patient ones that sat back and took the cautiously optimistic route that will sit here and try to prevent another flame out. Which will end up in a new AD and coaching search.

CBJ can lose games versus the main teams but he can't afford to lose to anyone else that many on here have already decided should be gimmies. Even though some have equal or better talent and coaches with more SEC experience. He definitely can't make any bone-headed errors and must be perfect cause he'll be eaten alive. Honestly at this pt I can just hope for no less than 5 wins and mistake free coaching this upcoming season. I think he'll be able to survive getting the heat turned on under his seat if this happens. Which is a good start imo.
I am just amazed it took someone this long to make this thread...figured it would've been months ago...Now lets delete this thing and get back to reality.

This type of thread has been made a couple times now. Almost word for word the same.
Mods please disallow the use of Jon gruden in thread titles..... It's over man get over it, he's not coming, he never was, it's not gonna happen.
This is great! I can't wait till we get to Butch Jones vs. Jon Gruden XIII.
I dont see how any vol fan alive would wont that BOS at Tennessee got on tv and make fun of our Be loved Tennessee Vols we were a joke to him he laugh at us and made jokes about the big orange i would not pick the BOS up walking in a snow storm much less wont that turd as our football coach i hope that BOS WILL take another job in college football then one day we Tennessee can kick his sorry stinking piece of hit and Butch slap that hit eating grin of that turds face i hate that stinking BOS.:banghead2:

Got a damn headache tryin to make sense of this! Punctuation against your religion? Sorry but what is a BOS? Is that dyslexic for SOB?? Thanks for the aneurysm, Ima go pop a couple ibuprofen.
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I dont see how any vol fan alive would wont that BOS at Tennessee got on tv and make fun of our Be loved Tennessee Vols we were a joke to him he laugh at us and made jokes about the big orange i would not pick the BOS up walking in a snow storm much less wont that turd as our football coach i hope that BOS WILL take another job in college football then one day we Tennessee can kick his sorry stinking piece of hit and Butch slap that hit eating grin of that turds face i hate that stinking BOS.:banghead2:
you might want to go get an E.P.T. because you've missed a couple of periods
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Mods please disallow the use of Jon gruden in thread titles..... It's over man get over it, he's not coming, he never was, it's not gonna happen.

You obviously read the title and assumed that I wouold rather have jon gruden over Butch jones, without reading the op. You, sir, are wrong.
has anyone noticed that butch jones sounds just like gruden?:)
Did Gruden get that divorce? I remember idiots on here saying his wife was forcing him to knoxville, or else!
I do find it funny all that Gruden talk and basically the whole Tennessee convo was like this,

Hart: Would John be interested in the Tennessee Job?

Gruden's Agent: No

Lol Months of speculating and Convo down to that.
I like what Butch has done in recruiting and don't think he could do anything more than he has. He isn't getting the buzz nationally or even here in Atlanta a Gruden hire would have. I hope he is the answer and think he is off to a good start.
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Gruden would already have the '14, '15, and '16 classes filled up with nothing but 4 and 5 star players.

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