Butch says no grey uniforms for Florida, undecided if we'll wear them at all in 2014

It's not like the players unilaterally decided to have gray uniforms. So you better teach the disrespectful adults of your generation that made the decision to go ahead with the jerseys your lesson about tradition.

I agree it was probably initiated by adults (my guess CBJ). But it looks like CBJ has figured out this was probably a mistake and backed off - or someone even more adult in upper administration set him straight). :)
You are the grumpiest of grumpy. Not everything revolves around your personal feelings.

Thankfully the University isn't run by you.

My personal feelings? If you read through this thread I believe you will find most people agree with me and are against gray uniforms (and I did not spend any time lobbying or paying anyone to come to this conclusion).
I agree it was probably initiated by adults (my guess CBJ). But it looks like CBJ has figured out this was probably a mistake and backed off - or someone even more adult in upper administration set him straight). :)

Luckily CBJ has more sense of tradition than some of our younger fan base. The rest of you hippies can GTFO my lawn.
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My personal feelings? If you read through this thread I believe you will find most people agree with me and are against gray uniforms (and I did not spend any time lobbying or paying anyone to come to this conclusion).

Most people in this thread or volnation doesn't represent the entire fan base. I could care less what they wear, I would rather see wins & a uniform has no bearing on that.
Most people in this thread or volnation doesn't represent the entire fan base. I could care less what they wear, I would rather see wins & a uniform has no bearing on that.

Of course the thread does not represent the entire fan base, but since nobody to my knowledge has run a wider survey of what fans think about this topic the thread opinion is as good as anything else - if you disagree of find this a stupid topic why do you even bother reading the thread? Also, since you bring up winning/losing (not sure why in this thread?) let me add that l I would rather win (or lose) wearing orange.
Of course the thread does not represent the entire fan base, but since nobody to my knowledge has run a wider survey of what fans think about this topic the thread opinion is as good as anything else - if you disagree of find this a stupid topic why do you even bother reading the thread? Also, since you bring up winning/losing (not sure why in this thread?) let me add that l I would rather win (or lose) wearing orange.

It's a good thing every uniform we wear has orange, even the gray ones.
someone needs to tell the baseball team that since black is not a official color they need to change their uni's
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I'm wondering if he knew that the Florida game was going to be at noon? It's only cool to pull out new uniforms during a national audience in the evening. Just saying...
I'm all for respecting student/athletes - I was one as well many years ago (at UT, but not football). However, I think that athletes should show greater respect to the traditions of programs they join, especially when they join big time storied programs like Tennessee. Every new generation should not have the right to just step in and change whatever they want, even if it seems trivial to some - and that's what they would do if we let them. So adults need to step in and teach these kids the importance of keeping and caring for our traditions (does not only apply to football but life in general).

Traditions have to start somewhere. I'd rather start a new tradition where we only pull out the uniforms for a specific team...maybe GA. Make it where we know it's coming and people will start to enjoy it. I don't see how that is changing anything we currently have.
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It kind of loses it's shock value when you announce when you do it....

I think that's the part we should try to get away from. Make it something just like "the 3rd saturday of Oct".

I like it better when we prep up for it. You can market it easier.

Imagine every year we only pull out the uniforms against a certain team. "The Smokey Game".. put a spin on it maybe.
Here you go:

Our Palette | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sorry. It's official. I know you guys hate it, but you really need to get over it.

What does it take to make a color "official". At least a vote from the entire student body I would think. A coach or athletic director shouldn't be able to just up and do it. I agree that all this alternate color stuff has just been recently made up. Let's stick with orange and white.
Here you go:

Our Palette | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sorry. It's official. I know you guys hate it, but you really need to get over it.

What does it take to make a color "official". At least a vote from the entire student body I would think. A coach or athletic director shouldn't be able to just up and do it. I agree that all this alternate color stuff has just been recently made up. Let's stick with orange and white.

That wasn't the coach or athletic director. That was the entire university. Why do people insist on dragging **** back from 10 pages ago

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