For those who are concerned about Hurd's shoulder or have issues with him shutting his Senior season down I have a little info that I would like to pass along...
1)The shoulder was not as bad as people made it seem. It needed work but it was not the reason he shut his season down
2)He shut his season down because Butch Jones personally called his HS coach and told him "he's done for the season and will not be taking any other snaps. Please do not ask him to play as he will not be."
This info comes from someone as about as close to Hurd as you can get.
The funny thing of this story, and the reason I am relaying it, is because the guy who told me while he stood next to me said it with such inflection that it was almost like "Butch is the man."
I personally think Hurd is going to shock a lot of people his freshman year and be a much bigger impact than some are even thinking.
I personally think all the news networks are garbage and feed us what we want to hear so we can continue bickering with each other while the people in office cackle and get rich. But using ratings as an indication of superior reporting isn't the most intelligent argument I've ever seen. Lots of dumb people it seems. Wipeout gets huge ratings too. It's a show where people get hit in the head with stuff.
For those who are concerned about Hurd's shoulder or have issues with him shutting his Senior season down I have a little info that I would like to pass along...
1)The shoulder was not as bad as people made it seem. It needed work but it was not the reason he shut his season down
2)He shut his season down because Butch Jones personally called his HS coach and told him "he's done for the season and will not be taking any other snaps. Please do not ask him to play as he will not be."
This info comes from someone as about as close to Hurd as you can get.
The funny thing of this story, and the reason I am relaying it, is because the guy who told me while he stood next to me said it with such inflection that it was almost like "Butch is the man."
I personally think Hurd is going to shock a lot of people his freshman year and be a much bigger impact than some are even thinking.