Butch's Escort

I don't think the dressing as cops and barging in would sit well with Malone and family. Given the distrust African-Americans have regarding cops, this wouldn't be funny. What it would do is piss them off and they'd bolt for Bama or OSU, maybe even TAMU.
Wow, what a racist comment :eek:hmy:
Ridiculous, silly, adolescent, cheesy, and consistent with many of the tools in the Butch Jones skill set...also in fairness he appears to know what his audience wants and what appeals to 18 year old kids in tight and shinny pants AND the zealots who stalk them....

Creepy post is creepy
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Wow, what a racist comment :eek:hmy:

You'd say that because you've been sheltered. I on the other hand have either lived in or visited numerous states where I directly observed unjustified assault on African-American citizens. Many doing nothing more than sitting at a bus stop, and in two cases merely entering their own apartments.

The fact, son, is like any profession, you have people who abuse their position. You will see it in daycare centers, residential schools, nursing homes, academic departments, the military, the police department and so on. The fact also is that in too many locations, officers stop and assault African-Americans more often than their paler countrymen. When you have seen a 14 year old boy whose hands are cuffed behind his back shot in the back because started to walk away (which he shouldn't have done) down the sidewalk. You can then talk to me about racism. The kid wasn't getting far, couldn't swing his arms to run faster if he had ran. With two other cop cars there, all you had to do was drive or run 40 feet and drag him back. But no, it was OK to blast him in the back. But I've seen worse. Including an 8 year old kid having a gun shoved into his nostril. His crime? He was being beaten and kicked when down by a bigger 12 year old White kid. I ran over to stop the fight but was ordered to back off by cops. I guess the kid saw the cops were just going to watch. Boy got up off the ground and lit into the bigger kid for all he was worth. Bloodied the bully's nose and was really giving more than he was getting. Then he gets gun nosed and I'll not recite the language the officer used with him. You talk to me when you've seen a tenth of what I have witnessed. Such stuff happen often enough, folks learn to be distrustful.

Personally, I think PD's just need to weed out those who insist on being bullies with a badge. I think most cops are an honor to the uniform. And we don't pay them nowhere near the value of the job they do. Just too many others are on power trips and little else who sow distrust and even fear.
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Man most of them pigs are over paid and harass people for simple stuff like walking to the store instead of solving real crimes.

If it walks like a duck and quack likes a duck...its a duck. If you look like a suspicious thug and carry yourself that way and hate the police...you're most likely a thug. Many crimes are solved by police stopping these thug like people while they are walking to the store so if u don't want to get stopped walking...get a job...buy a car....and ride to the store.
So let me get this straight - you are stating that by sending a police officer with Butch on a recruiting trip is going to significantly impact the bottom line. Ha. In the grand scheme of things, do you really think that one factor will sway a recruits decision on where to attend thereby creating a better football team thereby creating more victories thereby increasing UT's income? NOPE, it will not mean squat in the grand scheme of things. That is a huge stretch Einstein.

Now, having said that, as I stated previously I have no issue if the University paid for it. It's cool and makes Butch look very important and that's about it. My only issue was if UT didn't pay for it as I think that is a misuse of their time.

This is how extra-duty employment works

A company calls the department and states we would like to hire a uniformed officer for extra-duty employment

The municipality will then set up the schedule and let officers sign up for the extra-duty employment. This can be anything from escorts, security. etc..

The municipality usually charges the company over what the officers actual hourly salary is and they pocket the rest. It generates a little extra money for the municipality so that they can purchase items without having to use taxpayer money

Regardless, a very small percentage of your actual tax dollars go to pay for officers salaries.

For example:

A department with 200 officers and the annual salary per officer is $60,000( that's a very generous number. Most officers won't make that unless they work for a bigger department)

So, that equates to $12,000,000 a year for the city in officers salaries only.

Now lets factor in the tax base. The city has a population of 65,000 people(give or take). You will also have to factor in sales tax revenue as well as property tax, but for this, we are just going to take into account the 65,000and their property taxes

12,000,000/65,000= $185 a year per person
185/12= $15 a month
15/30= 51 cents a day
51/24= 2.125 cents per hour

So, just remember this the next time you are so kind enough to tell an officer that "I Pay your Salary"

Have a blessed day
Take it from someone who routinely hires police escorts, they ain't cheap. They are scheduled in advance so municipalities have plenty of law enforcement on hand. In this case I'm sure it was paid for by recruiting budget dollars and thus not tax payers monies.

Most are done off-duty, so they don't actually figure into the daily manpower to begin with
So, just remember this the next time you are so kind enough to tell an officer that "I Pay your Salary"
Where in the world did you get the impression I would ever say that to a policeman? My only position is if UT DIDN'T pay for it, which I'm sure they did, I think it is a misuse of their time. Maybe saying our tax dollars was the wrong statement, I just personally believe it is frivolous use of their time if they were not off duty and paid for by the University.
You'd say that because you've been sheltered. I on the other hand have either lived in or visited numerous states where I directly observed unjustified assault on African-American citizens. Many doing nothing more than sitting at a bus stop, and in two cases merely entering their own apartments.

The fact, son, is like any profession, you have people who abuse their position. You will see it in daycare centers, residential schools, nursing homes, academic departments, the military, the police department and so on. The fact also is that in too many locations, officers stop and assault African-Americans more often than their paler countrymen. When you have seen a 14 year old boy whose hands are cuffed behind his back shot in the back because started to walk away (which he shouldn't have done) down the sidewalk. You can then talk to me about racism. The kid wasn't getting far, couldn't swing his arms to run faster if he had ran. With two other cop cars there, all you had to do was drive or run 40 feet and drag him back. But no, it was OK to blast him in the back. But I've seen worse. Including an 8 year old kid having a gun shoved into his nostril. His crime? He was being beaten and kicked when down by a bigger 12 year old White kid. I ran over to stop the fight but was ordered to back off by cops. I guess the kid saw the cops were just going to watch. Boy got up off the ground and lit into the bigger kid for all he was worth. Bloodied the bully's nose and was really giving more than he was getting. Then he gets gun nosed and I'll not recite the language the officer used with him. You talk to me when you've seen a tenth of what I have witnessed. Such stuff happen often enough, folks learn to be distrustful.

Personally, I think PD's just need to weed out those who insist on being bullies with a badge. I think most cops are an honor to the uniform. And we don't pay them nowhere near the value of the job they do. Just too many others are on power trips and little else who sow distrust and even fear.
My point was you didn't clarify, you said African Americans which implies every one of them distrusts the police and would be pissed off. When you make a statement about all African Americans, that is racist. But, hey, you are entitled to your opinion.
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Where in the world did you get the impression I would ever say that to a policeman? My only position is if UT DIDN'T pay for it, which I'm sure they did, I think it is a misuse of their time. Maybe saying our tax dollars was the wrong statement, I just personally believe it is frivolous use of their time if they were not off duty and paid for by the University.

Just jerking your chain a little

My point was you didn't clarify, you said African Americans which implies every one of them distrusts the police and would be pissed off. When you make a statement about all African Americans, that is racist. But, hey, you are entitled to your opinion.

Yes, I am entitle to my opinion. especially when I've directly witnessed the things I have.
If it walks like a duck and quack likes a duck...its a duck. If you look like a suspicious thug and carry yourself that way and hate the police...you're most likely a thug. Many crimes are solved by police stopping these thug like people while they are walking to the store so if u don't want to get stopped walking...get a job...buy a car....and ride to the store.

In a number of ways, I agree with you. I can also tell you I have some dead friends and acquaintances who had jobs, dressed fashionably (but not exaggerantingly so) but were stopped and ended up being shot because the officer thought they were driving too nice a car. One they couldn't possibly afford. Made accusations the driver had attacked them. Got cleared of any guilt despite the video clearly showing these people complying instead of attacking. I suggest you walk a year in these people's shoes before presuming you even know what a duck is.
In a number of ways, I agree with you. I can also tell you I have some dead friends and acquaintances who had jobs, dressed fashionably (but not exaggerantingly so) but were stopped and ended up being shot because the officer thought they were driving too nice a car. One they couldn't possibly afford. Made accusations the driver had attacked them. Got cleared of any guilt despite the video clearly showing these people complying instead of attacking. I suggest you walk a year in these people's shoes before presuming you even know what a duck is.

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You'd say that because you've been sheltered. I on the other hand have either lived in or visited numerous states where I directly observed unjustified assault on African-American citizens. Many doing nothing more than sitting at a bus stop, and in two cases merely entering their own apartments.

The fact, son, is like any profession, you have people who abuse their position. You will see it in daycare centers, residential schools, nursing homes, academic
departments, the military, the police
department and so on. The fact also is that
in too many locations, officers stop and
assault African-Americans more often than
their paler countrymen. When you have
seen a 14 year old boy whose hands are
cuffed behind his back shot in the back
because started to walk away (which he
shouldn't have done) down the sidewalk. You
can then talk to me about racism. The kid
wasn't getting far, couldn't swing his arms to
run faster if he had ran. With two other cop
cars there, all you had to do was drive or
run 40 feet and drag him back. But no, it
was OK to blast him in the back. But I've
seen worse. Including an 8 year old kid
having a gun shoved into his nostril. His
crime? He was being beaten and kicked
when down by a bigger 12 year old White
kid. I ran over to stop the fight but was
ordered to back off by cops. I guess the kid
saw the cops were just going to watch. Boy
got up off the ground and lit into the bigger
kid for all he was worth. Bloodied the
bully's nose and was really giving more than
he was getting. Then he gets gun nosed and
I'll not recite the language the officer used
with him. You talk to me when you've seen
a tenth of what I have witnessed. Such stuff
happen often enough, folks

learn to be distrustful.

Personally, I think PD's just need to weed out those who insist on being bullies with a badge. I think most cops are an honor to the uniform. And we don't pay them nowhere
near the value of the job they do. Just too
many others are on power trips and little
else who sow distrust and even fear.[/

Malone in a station camp kid. Not alot of gang violrence in that area. It is the land of stay at home moms, gymnastic classes, and strong neighborhoods. I doubt Malone has seen anything other than positives from the police.

They do get a lil rowdy during the christmas parade though as they do their circle thing on bikes but so dont the shriners.

That's to be expected from an ethno-centric person who hasn't lived or walked in the shoes of people other than his own. They build a blindfold fence around themselves and discount the EXPERIENCES of other people.
You'd say that because you've been sheltered. I on the other hand have either lived in or visited numerous states where I directly observed unjustified assault on African-American citizens. Many doing nothing more than sitting at a bus stop, and in two cases merely entering their own apartments.

The fact, son, is like any profession, you have people who abuse their position. You will see it in daycare centers, residential schools, nursing homes, academic
departments, the military, the police
department and so on. The fact also is that
in too many locations, officers stop and
assault African-Americans more often than
their paler countrymen. When you have
seen a 14 year old boy whose hands are
cuffed behind his back shot in the back
because started to walk away (which he
shouldn't have done) down the sidewalk. You
can then talk to me about racism. The kid
wasn't getting far, couldn't swing his arms to
run faster if he had ran. With two other cop
cars there, all you had to do was drive or
run 40 feet and drag him back. But no, it
was OK to blast him in the back. But I've
seen worse. Including an 8 year old kid
having a gun shoved into his nostril. His
crime? He was being beaten and kicked
when down by a bigger 12 year old White
kid. I ran over to stop the fight but was
ordered to back off by cops. I guess the kid
saw the cops were just going to watch. Boy
got up off the ground and lit into the bigger
kid for all he was worth. Bloodied the
bully's nose and was really giving more than
he was getting. Then he gets gun nosed and
I'll not recite the language the officer used
with him. You talk to me when you've seen
a tenth of what I have witnessed. Such stuff
happen often enough, folks

learn to be distrustful.

Personally, I think PD's just need to weed out those who insist on being bullies with a badge. I think most cops are an honor to the uniform. And we don't pay them nowhere
near the value of the job they do. Just too
many others are on power trips and little
else who sow distrust and even fear.[/

Malone in a station camp kid. Not alot of gang violrence in that area. It is the land of stay at home moms, gymnastic classes, and strong neighborhoods. I doubt Malone has seen anything other than positives from the police.

They do get a lil rowdy during the christmas parade though as they do their circle thing on bikes but so dont the shriners.

Would be interesting to talk to Malone in person.
Like when he outside his neighborhood, what his life is like. I know you aren't interested in actually learning what's true with this issue. But if you ever change your mind, the Internet has tons of info showing what I said. here's two, and you don't even have to be in the USA for it to happen either:

On Wealthy Island, Being Black Means Being a Police Suspect - New York Times

A middle-class black man raised by white parents, Ben had always respected the police. Until one night they stopped his car... | Mail Online

Nothing new to me, i have actually witnessed such incidents. And on this note, I abandon the topic. Freak has been ultra tolerate of my won and other such posts thusfar. But he surely has a breaking point, I don't doubt. So I'm heading elsewhere to read football related posts.

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