Bye-bye F-35?

I read that. Seems like a rather weak excuse. You know going in that there are going to be security measures. If the weapons are really necessary and are vastly superior than anything else available, seems like this would be a minor consequence.

Obviously, they either don't need our weapons after all or they have a better deal cooking with someone else.
I wouldn’t blame them for looking at China’s hypersonics (if they are truly operational).

And I wouldn’t think of the F-35 as simply a weapons system.

The F-35 isn’t some hot rod fighter that’s intended to rule the skies. That’s the F-22.
I keep seeing more references to the F-35 as some “flying supercomputer” that can link up all the different components in the battle space.

It’s very closely guarded technology. We won’t even give the U.K. access to the software.
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Yea...if NATO Turkey is having difficulty as a partner in the program, then what does one expect from UAE? Not to mention the Israeli concerns. Not like this is news as this deal always been contentious. The F-35 program is actually kicking ass with foreign orders
Lockheed is taking orders by the bushel.
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Check this out...rather than hearing from supposed pundits that don't know what anything about complexity of engineering..the same pundits that decried the F-15, F-16 , M1, Apache, or any other program which inevitably became massive success. Not to discount the problems in the program

Remember 1977, When the F-16 Was America's Problem Child?
1977... a different generation and breed of engineering than 2000 and beyond. You probably still had WWII veterans working in 1977...
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1977... a different generation and breed of engineering than 2000 and beyond. You probably still had WWII veterans working in 1977...

They ever make a supersonic stealthy Harrier? The STOVL drive system is vastly superior just in itself and won an aviation engineering award.
Three variants that are stealth and have a range that is vastly superior to the replacements, built in AEW capability, etc.
They ever make a supersonic stealthy Harrier? The STOVL drive system is vastly superior just in itself and won an aviation engineering award.
Three variants that are stealth and have a range that is vastly superior to the replacements, built in AEW capability, etc.
Meh... I guess I have less faith in corporations to a actually allow engineers to be engineers nowadays. See Boeing and 737-Max.
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Meh... I guess I have less faith in corporations to a actually allow engineers to be engineers nowadays. See Boeing and 737-Max.

Actually most problems IMO seem to be software related, which at this point of time we should be more proficient
Yea...if NATO Turkey is having difficulty as a partner in the program, then what does one expect from UAE? Not to mention the Israeli concerns. Not like this is news as this deal always been contentious. The F-35 program is actually kicking ass with foreign orders
Lockheed is taking orders by the bushel.

“On December 10, Finland became the 14th country to acquire Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II fighter. While not a member of NATO, Finland is a member of the European Union and a liberal democracy—in short, the kind of country with whom the U.S. would like to share the F-35. The sale to Finland is also an indicator of the direction from which the U.S. and its allies believe the most imminent danger is coming.

Finland ordered 64 F-35A fighters (the Air Force variant of the F-35) to replace its aging fleet of F/A-18 jets in a deal worth $9.4 billion, according to a statement from Helsinki. The Finnish Air Force will begin operation of the F-35 in 2027.”
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$100 Million F-35 Jet Forced To Do Emergency 'Belly Landing' In Alarming First | ZeroHedge

It happened in South Korea on Tuesday, when a F-35A jet fighter suffered "avionic system issues" and the South Korean pilot didn't eject, but instead came in on the plane's belly, with emergency crews below having deployed a special foam on the runway to minimize damage to the aircraft.

A May 2020 crash landing happened with a US Air Force pilot in the advanced fighter at a base in Florida, while partner nations have also endured a growing number of mechanical and other failures in the aircraft:

There have been other incidents involving allies and partners in the F-35 program—members of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force have had to make at least seven emergency landings in F-35s, news agency Nikkei reported. There was also a nighttime crash into the ocean in April 2019 that killed a Japanese pilot.
More recently, a British F-35B crashed just after takeoff from an aircraft carrier in November 2021, falling into the Mediterranean Sea.
$100 Million F-35 Jet Forced To Do Emergency 'Belly Landing' In Alarming First | ZeroHedge

A May 2020 crash landing happened with a US Air Force pilot in the advanced fighter at a base in Florida, while partner nations have also endured a growing number of mechanical and other failures in the aircraft:

There have been other incidents involving allies and partners in the F-35 program—members of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force have had to make at least seven emergency landings in F-35s, news agency Nikkei reported. There was also a nighttime crash into the ocean in April 2019 that killed a Japanese pilot.
More recently, a British F-35B crashed just after takeoff from an aircraft carrier in November 2021, falling into the Mediterranean Sea.
We lost damn near 40 Tomcats till they got the engines upgraded. Learning curves are common with new tech. Still too expensive.
$100 Million F-35 Jet Forced To Do Emergency 'Belly Landing' In Alarming First | ZeroHedge

A May 2020 crash landing happened with a US Air Force pilot in the advanced fighter at a base in Florida, while partner nations have also endured a growing number of mechanical and other failures in the aircraft:

There have been other incidents involving allies and partners in the F-35 program—members of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force have had to make at least seven emergency landings in F-35s, news agency Nikkei reported. There was also a nighttime crash into the ocean in April 2019 that killed a Japanese pilot.
More recently, a British F-35B crashed just after takeoff from an aircraft carrier in November 2021, falling into the Mediterranean Sea.
That Japanese crash was due to spatial disorientation, not mechanical failure.
$100 Million F-35 Jet Forced To Do Emergency 'Belly Landing' In Alarming First | ZeroHedge

A May 2020 crash landing happened with a US Air Force pilot in the advanced fighter at a base in Florida, while partner nations have also endured a growing number of mechanical and other failures in the aircraft:

There have been other incidents involving allies and partners in the F-35 program—members of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force have had to make at least seven emergency landings in F-35s, news agency Nikkei reported. There was also a nighttime crash into the ocean in April 2019 that killed a Japanese pilot.
More recently, a British F-35B crashed just after takeoff from an aircraft carrier in November 2021, falling into the Mediterranean Sea.
The F-35 isn’t going anywhere and I just saw a contract award blurb in the latest daily rag on the next production lot. Around 110 fighters at around $75M a pop I think? That outta trigger ya 😂
We lost damn near 40 Tomcats till they got the engines upgraded. Learning curves are common with new tech. Still too expensive.
You do realize this F-35 program has been rife with an overabundance of technical issues and cost overruns, right?

This isn't about a few bugs here or there.

No different than the Boeing 737 Max.
We lost damn near 40 Tomcats till they got the engines upgraded. Learning curves are common with new tech. Still too expensive.

THE problem with F-35 is that it was designed for ground attack missions under F-22 CAP. It was given some fighting abilities for survivability, but it was not designed as an air superiority fighter and can never be an air superiority fighter. That-s the mission of F-22, and it is well capable of fulfilling that mission. But Congress banned export of F-22 to protect its technology, so both national political parties supported elevating F-35 to USAF primary fighter, for the purpose of making it marketable overseas. Other countries don't buy U.S. fighters unless they are used as such by our military. That's why F-22 was cancelled. That decision places our entire national defense in jeopardy, because it relies on air superiority and F-35 was not designed for that mission. We still have that with our old aircraft, but the air superiority required by all of our armed services is slipping away from us. Cancelling F-22 was a political, business decision forced on the USAF generals who were fired one after another because they refused to betray the country, until a noncombat pilot who went along was found and appointed. True story, bro.
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You do realize this F-35 program has been rife with an overabundance of technical issues and cost overruns, right?

This isn't about a few bugs here or there.

No different than the Boeing 737 Max.
It’s nothing like the 737 Max FFS. What an exaggeration. The F-35 is a highly ambitious effort to redefine how the attack aircraft is integrated into the automated battle space. It’s sensors and networking capabilities are unprecedented. We have learned a huge amount on how to actually do that correctly in the execution of the program and have accordingly rolled those lessons learned into the aircraft requirements. Yes we indeed had various component and system issues resulting in cost over run and delays. From everything I’ve read they are addressable and correctable.
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THE problem with F-35 is that it was designed for ground attack missions under F-22 CAP. It was given some fighting abilities for survivability, but it was not designed as an air superiority fighter and can never be an air superiority fighter. That-s the mission of F-22, and it is well capable of fulfilling that mission. But Congress banned export of F-22 to protect its technology, so both national political parties supported elevating F-35 to USAF primary fighter, for the purpose of making it marketable overseas. Other countries don't buy U.S. fighters unless they are used as such by our military. That's why F-22 was cancelled. That decision places our entire national defense in jeopardy, because it relies on air superiority and F-35 was not designed for that mission. We still have that with our old aircraft, but the air superiority required by all of our armed services is slipping away from us. Cancelling F-22 was a political, business decision forced on the USAF generals who were fired one after another because they refused to betray the country, until a noncombat pilot who went along was found and appointed. True story, bro.
Yep. I said as much to Ras a while back -

I wouldn’t blame them for looking at China’s hypersonics (if they are truly operational).

And I wouldn’t think of the F-35 as simply a weapons system.

The F-35 isn’t some hot rod fighter that’s intended to rule the skies. That’s the F-22.
I keep seeing more references to the F-35 as some “flying supercomputer” that can link up all the different components in the battle space.

It’s very closely guarded technology. We won’t even give the U.K. access to the software.
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It can and will defend itself but if an F-35 pilot winds up in a turning dogfight he did something wrong.
Not an AS fighter but from what I hear it has AoA of a Hornet which is very good and turn Rate of F-16
Not a kinetic slouch
but you know that already so really more for others
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Not an AS fighter but from what I hear it has AoA of a Hornet which is very good and turn Rate of F-16
Not a kinetic slouch
but you know that already so really more for others
His stealth and sensors should give him an advantage to where he can shoot before the opponent even knows he was there. That was my point. If he has to turn he can and will which is what I was saying but if the systems do their jobs it should never come to that that’s all.
It can and will defend itself but if an F-35 pilot winds up in a turning dogfight he did something wrong.
Sure, it’s got a rotary cannon and Sidewinders - and no 4th Gen fighter should go looking to tangle with it.

But the F-35 should be able to shoot down an adversary before ever being spotted.
His stealth and sensors should give him an advantage to where he can shoot before the opponent even knows he was there. That was my point. If he has to turn he can and will which is what I was saying but if the systems do their jobs it should never come to that that’s all.

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