Byron De'Vinner

How fantastic would it be if this breaks big and they use the pic of him drop stepping the girl in the paint on ESPN?
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Big Will is calling out DeVinner. Says BVD has hung Redmond out to dry @ Mississippi State. Just to sell his "new book"

Says he is about himself (which we all know)
Says he is tied in with Saban and Lance Thompson. Says that Alabama is tied in with BDV. BDV has been in Tuscaloosa every weekend.

Says BDV delivered a player to Bama from the West TN Express.

BDV uses government Non-profit grants to run his non profit and uses them to purchase nice cars, etc. Reason he goes into Memphis to get recruits is because everyone in Nashville is on the up and up about him.

Who the hell would buy his book anyway?
It seems to me that nobody on here has any proof whatsoever about where he gets his money or not. If he doesn't say where he works you deduce that makes him shady. Because you've played sports and seen this and that, it makes him shady. Where's the proof that he's dirty. Not the I heard this and that. Concrete evidence that's he's corrupt. He's operating in the state and some surrounding states so he must be doing something right. It seems to get worse when a recruit doesn't go to TN. Can't have it both ways. If he steered all of them here, that would be a problem. Where's the proof man.

Listen my friend I know a lot and have seen a lot with BDV. I am a former UT player who does a lot of one on one work with middle and high school kids. Several kids and their parent have told me how BDV and his associate the Auburn grad bash the foundation and people I work with at InFullMotion including myself and Buck Fitzgerald. Byron has taken money and has no job. Byron has been banned from Metro Davidson and Rutherford County school systems. Byron has also been banned from being allowed to participate and/or attend TSSAA events. He was involved in a big booster club incident in M'boro and also came into Nashville trying to do the same. He is not to be trusted and is all out for self and money to live off of. Big Will from Alcoa that used to help him has now turned on him for crossing him out in a situation involving some kids Will sent to him. I can keep going but I won't but this here is all fact.
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Big Will is calling out DeVinner. Says BVD has hung Redmond out to dry @ Mississippi State. Just to sell his "new book"

Says he is about himself (which we all know)
Says he is tied in with Saban and Lance Thompson. Says that Alabama is tied in with BDV. BDV has been in Tuscaloosa every weekend.

Says BDV delivered a player to Bama from the West TN Express.

BDV uses government Non-profit grants to run his non profit and uses them to purchase nice cars, etc. Reason he goes into Memphis to get recruits is because everyone in Nashville is on the up and up about him.

Who the hell would buy his book anyway?

And there you have it sports fans, BDV uses your tax dollars and mine to fund his 'non-profit' organization. Someone should report him and have the government audit his books.

If he's not using the grant money for the intended purposes he has claimed his organization uses them for he is committing a crime. If proven, he will be forced to repay the grant money or be put in jail. Either way, I hope a flashlight gets shined on this cockroach.
Says he is about himself (which we all know)
Says he is tied in with Saban and Lance Thompson. Says that Alabama is tied in with BDV. BDV has been in Tuscaloosa every weekend.

Says BDV delivered a player to Bama from the West TN Express.

Give me a break. First off, if BDV is "tied in" with Lance Thompson, shouldn't Tennessee have a lot to worry about?

Second, what player did BDV deliver to Saban out of West TN? The Jones brothers are Bama legacies and never participated in the 7-on-7s, Brandon Ivory was a 2-star who only had offers from Bama and Memphis, and Keiwone Malone was kicked off the team before ever playing a down. Those are the only Memphis-area players that Saban has signed.
Give me a break. First off, if BDV is "tied in" with Lance Thompson, shouldn't Tennessee have a lot to worry about?

Second, what player did BDV deliver to Saban out of West TN? The Jones brothers are Bama legacies and never participated in the 7-on-7s, Brandon Ivory was a 2-star who only had offers from Bama and Memphis, and Keiwone Malone was kicked off the team before ever playing a down. Those are the only Memphis-area players that Saban has signed.

Brandon Hill the OL that didn't qualify and ended up at Hargrave last year is who I believe he is talking about...

This guy seems like one helluva reliable source to base an investigation around.

"Not one person out here has given me anything," De'Vinner said. "I'm the scapegoat for everything that's going on. … I'm telling the truth."

to later say in the same article:

"Denton said he could hook me up to stay at the Old Waverly Resort," De'Vinner said of the elite golf club with traditional southern lodging in nearby West Point, Miss.

De'Vinner also said that on Redmond's official visit to Mississippi State he ate at least one complimentary meal at Anthony's Good Food Market, a restaurant in nearby West Point, Miss. De'Vinner said Herring instructed him to speak with the owner of the restaurant, Ray Hamilton, and to say that he was sent there by Herring and his bill would be taken care of. De'Vinner said he ate complimentary meals at Anthony's on three separate trips to Starkville.

So, which is it, Byron? Sounds like alot of sour grapes to me over not getting a job...

Nashville coach says former Mississippi State booster gave money to recruit - Yahoo! Sports
In his mind he's defending himself in all these media interviews but in reality he's making himself look more and more like the shady handler he is.
This guy sounds like a complete dumbass if he was smart he'd shut his mouth!

BVD would be the kind of witness a district attorney would salivate at the chance to cross examine.

And I'm extremely disappointed by the guys on 3HL for having him on and not asking more pointed questions...that's the kind of guest I figured clay would have torn into.
BVD would be the kind of witness a district attorney would salivate at the chance to cross examine.

And I'm extremely disappointed by the guys on 3HL for having him on and not asking more pointed questions...that's the kind of guest I figured clay would have torn into.

I didn't hear the interview , but I don't think he will go on a show without telling them what he will and will not talk about.
Give me a break. First off, if BDV is "tied in" with Lance Thompson, shouldn't Tennessee have a lot to worry about?

Second, what player did BDV deliver to Saban out of West TN? The Jones brothers are Bama legacies and never participated in the 7-on-7s, Brandon Ivory was a 2-star who only had offers from Bama and Memphis, and Keiwone Malone was kicked off the team before ever playing a down. Those are the only Memphis-area players that Saban has signed.

Jabriel Washington played for Byron. He is from west Tennessee.
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In his mind he's defending himself in all these media interviews but in reality he's making himself look more and more like the shady handler he is.

I've thought that every time I've heard or read his comments.
does he really think people are dumb enough not to realize if this booster confided in him so much it is pretty good chance he was following through with these deeds for the booster? He didn't get the job and is spilling the beans now that NCAA has the goods. It is not a coincidence that majority of his kids are being looked at and why TN backed off them. It all makes sense now to why we stopped recruiting Redmond, Jovon, Dawson and Herron

if it was one kid then ok you may be a victim but seriously fat boy your entire team is being investigated.
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does he really think people are dumb enough not to realize if this booster confided in him so much it is pretty good chance he was following through with these deeds for the booster? He didn't get the job and is spilling the beans now that NCAA has the goods. It is not a coincidence that majority of his kids are being looked at and why TN backed off them. It all makes sense now to why we stopped recruiting Redmond, Jovon, Dawson and Herron

if it was one kid then ok you may be a victim but seriously fat boy your entire team is being investigated.

Hopefully not his entire team, because that would include Bowles.
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Hopefully not his entire team, because that would include Bowles.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

We have had a few players that played for BD. But Dooley wouldn't have anything to do with him. I think the staff knows enough if something is going on with a player of his to stay away. He has made it known the coaches he likes and the fact that he doesn't like CDD. I would be worried if he liked Dooley to be honest. He gets upset when we get one of "his kids" because there will be nothing in it for him. Dooley has a lot to prove here , but he does his homework with people like him. Bowles isn't driving a new car and I doubt Cam would have been stealing stuff if he had a booster to give him $.
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Hopefully not his entire team, because that would include Bowles.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Isnt Jalen Reeves Mabin one of his 7 on 7s also. I just hope we are fully investigating these kids before they come here.

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