'19 CA LB Henry To'oto'o (Tennessee Signee)

Lol, don't care about stats, but if correct I'll be 1 for 1 !!! Something have to go bad wrong for it not to happen.

If you are right on this one with your first post a plaque will be made with your name on it and you’ll be revered ( if you don’t say anything else ) if your wrong it will be Dilly Dilly and the pit of misery for you 😂
I'm not saying you know or don't know, if he is or isn't; but I've always liked our chances with him more than most it seems. I'm not saying we land him, but if he does leave Cali (USC), I think we have as good a chance as anyone, maybe better. He has a real close bond with Kevin Simon, real close. And i know some of you believe AV to be FOS, and that's cool, to each their own, but I put a lot of stock into what he says. A few wks ago he said HT's family wants him to leave the west coast. Like South FL, we all know how hard it is to pull kids from out there away from USC, but it has been done, and we have done it, and i trust Pruitt will do it. I truly understand the hesitance of everyone who is not fully bought in, after all we have been through (one of my best friends just keeps saying, "beat Florida"; that's what is going to take for him to buy in, and I get it); but, it's a new day on Rocky Top brothers and sisters. I promise you guys and gals, it would probably make you sick to hear how much of the kool-aid I have drank. o_O
I guess you'll have to forgive me. As I've said before, I haven't been this pumped in a long time. My point being, Dooley and Butch...Henry To'oto'o wouldn't even know their names, much less want to play for them. The best players in the country want to play for Pruitt, just like they want to play for Saban and Kirby and Dabo, and on and on. I truly believe this.
Was watching his Hudl again. Watch the first 3-4 plays.

Guy is a missle coming up the middle on a blitz.
LA seems to think we’ll get an OV. Also says To’ is tight with Kevin Simon.
I put a lot of stock into what LA says.
If you do the same for AV(?), he said HT's parents want him to get away from out there. H
HT is definitely one I have been keeping my eye on for some months now. That relationship with Simon is a BIG thing for us.
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You can say that again.

And this isnt a long shot. Fam situation here where they want the kid out of west coast. More to come...

Can we get an update? Seems like the last good news was a couple months back with Price saying he liked our chances if he left the West Coast. After that, it sounds like the wheels came of the track.

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