California bill to purge Christians from police

Is that part of the law?
You tell me. We know how broadly “constitutional rights” can be interpreted. That was the exact concern expressed in the article, which is the context of the discussion.

The bill defines hate speech as “as advocating or supporting the denial of constitutional rights of, the genocide of, or violence towards, any group of persons based upon race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.”
You tell me. We know how broadly “constitutional rights” can be interpreted. That was the exact concern expressed in the article, which is the context of the discussion.

The bill defines hate speech as “as advocating or supporting the denial of constitutional rights of, the genocide of, or violence towards, any group of persons based upon race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.”

Do people have a constitutional right to be married in a particular church?
I think if the incest is for reproduction that's coming closer to a compelling interest. Although I don't know how you enforce that since it's not like you have to be married to reproduce; nor do you have to reproduce if you're married.

There are people who have genetic problems that can be passed on to their kids who make a conscious choice to reproduce. I have a neighbor who did that and his son has the same debilitating condition. Sort of ****ed up, but we don't tell people who are at risk for something like this that they can't reproduce.
I think if you’re ****ing, the government can assume you might reproduce, but I think after working through it, I agree with your second paragraph. It’s too tenuous.

There’s probably a compelling consent-based reason to prohibit parent/child relationships but the brother/sister stuff seems like it ought to be left to society and not the law.
Prefer? Looks like you’re once again manipulating to try and better your case.
So, we’re supposed to Dox him because he has problems with our religion? Umkay.
Can you do your job despite your beliefs?

Maybe like congress women who have called for the destruction of Israel?
agree. Would a public official who retweeted tweets saying Israel should be destroyed not fall under the same law? And deserve to be fired?
Gotta say, your insight into gay culture is impressive for someone who isn't gay. Take your Grindr comment. Had to ask my girlfriend what Grin Dr was. She is a medical researcher at Emory so I figured she would know. She advised its a dating app her gay male colleagues utilize. Must be something you picked up during your flight attendant/pharma sales/male nurse days? Sometimes if it looks like a fruit and smells like a fruit, its probably a fruit..

(ps, I find it amusing when you use words you don't understand. Dont stop!)

Flight attendant? Oh man, you really got twisted over this. I mean, you're really working hard to make sure everyone knows how hetero you are. HE HAD TO ASK HIS "GIRLFRIEND" WHAT GRINDR IS, LOOK HOW MANLY HE IS EVERYONE! HAHA.

Dude, don't worry about it - I don't have a problem with gay folks (even insecure ones), your secret is safe with me.
agree. Would a public official who retweeted tweets saying Israel should be destroyed not fall under the same law? And deserve to be fired?

Who said that? I honestly have not heard of that. But anyway, is Israel a protected group in the United States?
Who said that? I honestly have not heard of that. But anyway, is Israel a protected group in the United States?

Yes. We give them like 4 billion or something every year. Gave them money for their iron dome defense system as well. We make sure they have free health care. We do everything in our power to prevent Palestinians from taking their land back(Israel) which was stolen from them.

And by "we", I mean our Zionist puppet government. I personally have no interest in giving anything to Israel, but that's just me.
Yes. We give them like 4 billion or something every year. Gave them money for their iron dome defense system as well. We make sure they have free health care. We do everything in our power to prevent Palestinians from taking their land back(Israel) which was stolen from them.

And by "we", I mean our Zionist puppet government. I personally have no interest in giving anything to Israel, but that's just me.
LOL another “new” poster 😂
Okay. You gonna analyze it for me again? You've done a bang up job so far.
Considering I didn't analyze anything for a first time, I think you ought to see a psychiatrist for your hallucinations. Your first trip to the asylum didn't pan out.

Go read the case yourself. Then point out where I'm wrong, since you insist that the Court ruled that gays don't have the rights I said.

(hint: CO, the state in question in that case, still allows the same baker to be sued over 'civil rights', meaning their government's own commission believes gays have a right to force someone to do what they want... As I said.)

I last posted here in 2014 I think? I haven't posted here in years though so this isn't an alt account or anything. I just find politics entertaining. The woke freakshow commies are an interesting species.

I just laugh because you just happen to post an anti-Israeli post in a thread where three of our resident leftists are “debating” and want to say their true feelings
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I do thank Sir Stomper for sharing with us a case where the Supreme Court itself ruled that a state government was hostile towards a religion, though.
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Considering I didn't analyze anything for a first time, I think you ought to see a psychiatrist for your hallucinations. Your first trip to the asylum didn't pan out.

Go read the case yourself. Then point out where I'm wrong, since you insist that the Court ruled that gays don't have the rights I said.

(hint: CO, the state in question in that case, still allows the same baker to be sued over 'civil rights', meaning their government's own commission believes gays have a right to force someone to do what they want... As I said.)

You can sue someone for essentially anything. I'm not aware of any case like this where the baker, who was acting in accordance with their religious beliefs, has been forced to make a gay couple a wedding cake (or something similar). What you said before was "Gays apparently have a constitutional right to force someone to make them a cake." That's not what the Supreme Court said, so I dunno where you get off name calling and telling me I don't understand the ruling, since, if they did, wouldn't the Supreme Court have ruled in favor of the gay couple? In other similar cases the Supreme Court has apparently vacated judgments against businesses back to state supreme courts, rather than affirming them, in light of the masterpiece cake shop ruling. That seems to be an indication of where the Supreme Court stands on the issue at the very least.

There are laws against discrimination where, say, a grocer couldn't refuse service to gay people. So if that's what you mean then that's not what it sounded like earlier.
Flight attendant? Oh man, you really got twisted over this. I mean, you're really working hard to make sure everyone knows how hetero you are. HE HAD TO ASK HIS "GIRLFRIEND" WHAT GRINDR IS, LOOK HOW MANLY HE IS EVERYONE! HAHA.

Dude, don't worry about it - I don't have a problem with gay folks (even insecure ones), your secret is safe with me.
Interesting. For a guy who has admittingly ventured into multiple traditionally female job roles and is so well versed in gay sub culture you sure seem pretty homophobic. I just assumed that someone who name drops as much gay sub culture information as you do is most likely a homosexual. Luckily, you came on here to declare your heterosexuality and repeatedly say you weren't gay. You even went as far as saying "I dont have a problem with gay folks". Thats when I knew you were truly not gay. When you can say "I dont have a problem with <enter protected class here>" it really hits home and resonates with everyone that you truly aren't the stereotype everyone thought you were. I bet you even have some gay friends.

That being said, you shouldn't keep getting hung up on this. A lot of people care about what I think of them, and for good reason, because I care about them. You aren't one of them. You don't have to keep looking for my affirmation. What you need to do is to look at your "Live Love Laugh" sign hanging over your sh!tter and really let those words take root in your heart and assuage the hate and shame from your soul.
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Gays apparently have a constitutional right to force someone to make them a cake so I imagine this is coming.
Not sure why anyone wouldn't make a cake for gay people. If you don't agree just make the, dare I say, gayest cake anyone has ever seen! Problem solved.
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