California bill to purge Christians from police

As long as you can do your job I don’t really care. If my banker is for defunding the police but he can protect my money, I don’t care.

It's not whether you can do your job--it's whether you will. If a police officer had been outspoken against Christians on social media and was providing security for a church event, how confident would you be in his willingness to do his job if there was a need? Wouldn't you prefer someone who had been outspoken for Christianity? Or someone who had not said anything at all?
Do you think you are being bigoted to say you don’t agree that consenting adults should be able to practice incest? Pretty much the same hollow argument for homosexual “marriage”. You can disagree with both and not be a “bigot”
👆why the hell did you bother disagreeing with me if you were just going to come out and say that what I said was right. Dumbass cops....

There’s a reason why the government might have an interest in prohibiting incestual couples, their kids are at high risk of genetic defects. Even you knew that.

The same does not apply to interracial couples or gay couples (who can’t even procreate).
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It's not whether you can do your job--it's whether you will. If a police officer had been outspoken against Christians on social media and was providing security for a church event, how confident would you be in his willingness to do his job if there was a need? Wouldn't you prefer someone who had been outspoken for Christianity? Or someone who had not said anything at all?
Or maybe you can recognize that just because someone disagrees with you politically doesn’t mean they won’t do their job. You may not like what most nurses and doctors think about your beliefs if you are ever in a hospital
Do you think you are being bigoted to say you don’t agree that consenting adults should be able to practice incest? Pretty much the same hollow argument for homosexual “marriage”. You can disagree with both and not be a “bigot”

Do you even read what I write? This is, I think, the third reply in a row where I've had to ask "who said that?" I don't think the government has a compelling interest to stop people from practicing incest or getting married. I already answered this. I never said it was "okay" though. In fact, I even asked you to clarify what you meant by "okay" but instead of answering you put more words in my mouth. Is this what you do when you file a police report, officer?
👆why the hell did you bother disagreeing with me if you were just going to come out and say that what I said was right. Dumbass cops....

There’s a reason why the government might have an interest in prohibiting incestual couples, their kids are at high risk of genetic defects. Even you knew that.

The same does not apply to interracial couples or gay couples (who can’t even procreate).
LOL you aren’t even smart enough to know who you are talking to and what I do. Let alone grasp simple logical discussion points. No wonder you left for so long 😂
Do you even read what I write? This is, I think, the third reply in a row where I've had to ask "who said that?" I don't think the government has a compelling interest to stop people from practicing incest or getting married. I already answered this. I never said it was "okay" though. In fact, I even asked you to clarify what you meant by "okay" but instead of answering you put more words in my mouth. Is this what you do when you file a police report, officer?
I’ve not been a police officer for 14 years. I work as an executive in healthcare. I just asked you a yes or no question and you refuse to answer for an obvious reason. DO YOU believe that incest between consenting adults is right or wrong
LOL you aren’t even smart enough to know who you are talking to and what I do. Let alone grasp simple logical discussion points. No wonder you left for so long 😂

Yeah, super logical comparison of gay marriage to incest. How will I ever understand that... oh wait, already did.
I’ve not been a police officer for 14 years. I work as an executive in healthcare. I just asked you a yes or no question and you refuse to answer for an obvious reason. DO YOU believe that incest between consenting adults is right or wrong

What do you mean by right and wrong? Morally right? Legally? Pragmatically? Something else? I've asked for clarification a number of times now and you've not provided it. Instead, you've chosen to put words in my mouth. For someone who likes to criticize others for their logic, you sure seem to utilize logical fallacies frequently in your own arguments.
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What do you mean by right and wrong? Morally right? Legally? Pragmatically? Something else? I've asked for clarification a number of times now and you've not provided it. Instead, you've chosen to put words in my mouth. For someone who likes to criticize others for their logic, you sure seem to utilize logical fallacies frequently in your own arguments.
You said in another post that the government doesn’t have a compelling interest for regulating incest or stopping incest or whatever.

Incest isn’t just a taboo. As far as I know, it does involve a heightened risk of congenital defects in children. Is that just a private concern if the adults involved as their parents or does the government have an interest in protecting unborn life?
Oh excellent, you do want your nose rubbed in it. It’s so much more enjoyable when you ask for it.

The thread became partially centered around “traditional marriage,” because that’s the only way that the premise of the thread could even remotely be true. It starts in post 5. But you already knew that because you left your tramp stamp on post 5.

It comes up again in post 34, 40, 62, and 91. Basically, once or twice per page, a reference is being made to gay marriage by either Ricky or Wafflestomper.

In post 102, Wafflestomper then analogized interracial marriage and gay marriage. He says essentially that they’re two similar acts that were not acceptable to prudes and this delayed the government’s recognition of them. This sparked a discussion that goes on for a while in post 134, 136, 140, 142, 144, 147, and 148.

In 148, Ricky brings up incest as a strawman to these other forms of marriage. It’s supposed to be the bottom of this supposed slippery slope of not restricting marriage between consenting adults. When asked for a reason why it should be illegal, he responds with something that isn’t applicable to a gay marriage, or an interracial marriage. Even if the rationale is valid, it doesn’t apply to the types of marriage that were being discussed.

A reasonably dignified person would now be ashamed and just shut up, a lesser person would become angry and resort to insults, a dishonest person will pretend that’s not what happened.

Can’t wait to find out which one you are.
Nice research which means......absolutely......nothing. Bet you are a hell of a paralegal.
You said in another post that the government doesn’t have a compelling interest for regulating incest or stopping incest or whatever.

Incest isn’t just a taboo. As far as I know, it does involve a heightened risk of congenital defects in children. Is that just a private concern if the adults involved as their parents or does the government have an interest in protecting unborn life?
Unborn life? That's a fun thing to define. Even as a prolife person.
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Unborn life? That's a fun thing to define. Even as a prolife person.
Sure. This is somewhat stream of consciousness, forgive me.

I don’t think it’s tricky for the same reasons as the abortion debate, but you’re right.

The fact that it’s still a dice roll as to whether there would even be any congenital issue does make it a bit tenuous to be regulated. Any birth could have defects; I’m not sure what the delta in the probability of a defect needs to be for me to say it’s worth government involvement.

But it is something that states have an interest in. You can get in a mess of legal hot water for popping positive on a meth test when pregnant. Even if meth were legal or decriminalized, I think I’d support that because do the risk of harm to the fetus.

There’s also the fact that a prohibition of incest under that rationale is essentially protecting life before conception which is very much in line with the issues around abortion.

I don’t know. It’s not something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. I think I’d come down on the side of not regulating it.
It's not whether you can do your job--it's whether you will. If a police officer had been outspoken against Christians on social media and was providing security for a church event, how confident would you be in his willingness to do his job if there was a need? Wouldn't you prefer someone who had been outspoken for Christianity? Or someone who had not said anything at all?
Prefer? Looks like you’re once again manipulating to try and better your case.
So, we’re supposed to Dox him because he has problems with our religion? Umkay.
Can you do your job despite your beliefs?

Maybe like congress women who have called for the destruction of Israel?
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Prefer? Looks like you’re once again manipulating to try and better your case.
So, we’re supposed to Dox him because he has problems with our religion? Umkay.
Can you do your job despite your beliefs?

Maybe like congress women who have called for the destruction of Israel?
I think he’s making the point that a municipality has an interest in maintaining the public perception of the fairness and integrity of police. I may be projecting, though, because that’s where I land on this.
Well, no one's ever accused you of being particularly bright or inciteful.

I'll let you slide on this one, just try to keep your feet in your own stall next time.
Gotta say, your insight into gay culture is impressive for someone who isn't gay. Take your Grindr comment. Had to ask my girlfriend what Grin Dr was. She is a medical researcher at Emory so I figured she would know. She advised its a dating app her gay male colleagues utilize. Must be something you picked up during your flight attendant/pharma sales/male nurse days? Sometimes if it looks like a fruit and smells like a fruit, its probably a fruit..

(ps, I find it amusing when you use words you don't understand. Dont stop!)
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Prefer? Looks like you’re once again manipulating to try and better your case.
So, we’re supposed to Dox him because he has problems with our religion? Umkay.
Can you do your job despite your beliefs?

Maybe like congress women who have called for the destruction of Israel?

Yes. Police are public servants. We need to have confidence that they both can and will perform their job in an unbiased manner; especially when they carry guns around and can take you to jail.

Our congresspersons don't represent Israel, or at least they shouldn't. I'm also unaware of comments they've made calling for the destruction of Israel. But let's say one or more of them have done so--would you support their constituents voting them out for that?
You said in another post that the government doesn’t have a compelling interest for regulating incest or stopping incest or whatever.

Incest isn’t just a taboo. As far as I know, it does involve a heightened risk of congenital defects in children. Is that just a private concern if the adults involved as their parents or does the government have an interest in protecting unborn life?

I think if the incest is for reproduction that's coming closer to a compelling interest. Although I don't know how you enforce that since it's not like you have to be married to reproduce; nor do you have to reproduce if you're married.

There are people who have genetic problems that can be passed on to their kids who make a conscious choice to reproduce. I have a neighbor who did that and his son has the same debilitating condition. Sort of ****ed up, but we don't tell people who are at risk for something like this that they can't reproduce.
Yes. Police are public servants. We need to have confidence that they both can and will perform their job in an unbiased manner; especially when they carry guns around and can take you to jail.

Our congresspersons don't represent Israel, or at least they shouldn't. I'm also unaware of comments they've made calling for the destruction of Israel. But let's say one or more of them have done so--would you support their constituents voting them out for that?
A voter doesn’t need my support. They can vote them out if they don’t like the color of their tie.

But again you’re conflating. Where is the line? I hat I’d they disagree with trans surgeries? Homeschooling? Prefers blondes over brunettes?
A voter doesn’t need my support. They can vote them out if they don’t like the color of their tie.

But again you’re conflating. Where is the line? I hat I’d they disagree with trans surgeries? Homeschooling? Prefers blondes over brunettes?

I'm conflating? Are blondes/brunettes/homeschool kids protected groups? Were they mentioned in the proposed law?
I'm conflating? Are blondes/brunettes/homeschool kids protected groups? Were they mentioned in the proposed law?
How about this? Let’s just say an officer attends a church that refused to perform same sex marriages?

Maybe that will help avoid any obfuscation.

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