California Lunacy Thread

Oakland Descends into Anarchy as it's Overtaken by 'perfect storm' of Crime and Scandal amid 'vacuum of leadership'​

Residents of a California city are grappling with out-of-control crime and the loss of confidence in their elected leader.

While scenes of brazen criminal activity in the city have become too common, Democrat Mayor Sheng Thao's fledgling administration is wrought with scandal.

Thao's home was raided by the FBI on June 20, with agents confiscating devices belonging to her and her partner Andre Jones. This comes as the embattled mayor faces a recall effort just two years after taking office.

None of this has put a damper on the frequent lootings of businesses, random shootings or brutal assaults on the elderly.

Jim Ross, a Democratic consultant based in Oakland, called the crime wave and the political turmoil in the city 'the perfect storm times three.'

Oakland's rage is being aimed directly at Mayor Sheng Thao, who is presiding over a crime-ridden city as she also deals with personal scandals involving her romantic partner

Oakland also has a homeless crisis, with scenes of despair like this becoming more and more commonplace in the troubled metro

An elderly woman is brutally-attacked in unprovoked assault in Oakland


Oakland Descends into Anarchy as it's Overtaken by 'perfect storm' of Crime and Scandal amid 'vacuum of leadership'​

Residents of a California city are grappling with out-of-control crime and the loss of confidence in their elected leader.

While scenes of brazen criminal activity in the city have become too common, Democrat Mayor Sheng Thao's fledgling administration is wrought with scandal.

Thao's home was raided by the FBI on June 20, with agents confiscating devices belonging to her and her partner Andre Jones. This comes as the embattled mayor faces a recall effort just two years after taking office.

None of this has put a damper on the frequent lootings of businesses, random shootings or brutal assaults on the elderly.

Jim Ross, a Democratic consultant based in Oakland, called the crime wave and the political turmoil in the city 'the perfect storm times three.'

View attachment 664791
Oakland's rage is being aimed directly at Mayor Sheng Thao, who is presiding over a crime-ridden city as she also deals with personal scandals involving her romantic partner

View attachment 664792
Oakland also has a homeless crisis, with scenes of despair like this becoming more and more commonplace in the troubled metro

View attachment 664794
An elderly woman is brutally-attacked in unprovoked assault in Oakland

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a few moved to TN but all will not move to TN....bottom line is they're moving OUT of CA because of failed left wing policies
The problem with that is they bring their failed ideologies with them as if believing that a fresh start will magically alter the final outcome instead of recognizing that maybe they are part of the problem.
The problem with that is they bring their failed ideologies with them as if believing that a fresh start will magically alter the final outcome instead of recognizing that maybe they are part of the problem.
I think not all but many people moving out of CA lean to the right......tired of the high cost of living, high taxes...
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I think not all but many people moving out of CA lean to the right......tired of the high cost of living, high taxes...
In my experience, a few are work, a couple that live on the same road, and others I've met over the last couple of years............ Every one of them is liberal. Just my experience.
In my experience, a few are work, a couple that live on the same road, and others I've met over the last couple of years............ Every one of them is liberal. Just my experience.
We have some new neighbors that moved to FL from Kali. He actually still works in Hollywood (remotely). They couldn't take the politics/high prices, yada yada yada anymore. He says the stupidity there is off the scale.
In my experience, a few are work, a couple that live on the same road, and others I've met over the last couple of years............ Every one of them is liberal. Just my experience.

I met my wifes new assistant for the first time this weekend. She's an admitted anchor baby (parents crossed the border from Mexico to have her) from San Diego and she makes me look like a liberal. I was pleasantly shocked.
I just saw this on cable news. Who’d want to stay in that effed up state if you didn’t have to?
Chevron has huge amounts of investment and rights to drill in promising fields in CA. CA has denied all new well applications for nearly a decade from my reading. Chevron was hugely incentivized to remain in CA in hopes of a political change that would be more energy friendly, but they’re obviously giving up on that idea. Huge old corporations don’t make these type moves flippantly so look for more to follow. Bad times ahead for CA who will soon be in DC with their hats in hand begging for a bailout as they’re on the express train towards insolvency.
I think not all but many people moving out of CA lean to the right......tired of the high cost of living, high taxes...
Several folks have moved into my neighborhood from CA during the COVID era. They all caused friction with their neighbors and the HOA. My wife works in education and they’ve had a good many CA folks fill job openings. One was a conservative type who was fleeing the CA insanity but the majority were coming for affordability issues and didn’t abandon their left coast ideas at the state line. Funny how these folks don’t want to change and take zero responsibility for the problems in CA. They look down on the ideas and values of East TN and must think we have nothing to do with this area being a better place to live?
Chevron has huge amounts of investment and rights to drill in promising fields in CA. CA has denied all new well applications for nearly a decade from my reading. Chevron was hugely incentivized to remain in CA in hopes of a political change that would be more energy friendly, but they’re obviously giving up on that idea. Huge old corporations don’t make these type moves flippantly so look for more to follow. Bad times ahead for CA who will soon be in DC with their hats in hand begging for a bailout as they’re on the express train towards insolvency.
Hewlett-Packard was another old-line large corporation that fled California, but more in the high-tech field. Chevron leaving has to be a big blow, you’d think, but given the mindset of the state’s “leaders” they probably say “good riddance”. BTW on my first business trip to Califonia 40 years ago I was calling on Chevron’s Richmond refinery.
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I won't even eat at restaurants in California. I carry my own food into the state when i have to go there. Same thing with Minnesota
California and most blue states are a disaster socially and economically. This is where we are headed as a nation. If elected Trump would slow the insanity down. However, I think it is inevitable that we end up here. We will have destroyed ourselves.
They then move to the red states and vote the same way they did in the blue state....Never grasping the problem. 2020 there were over 6 million Trump voters is CA. I would imagine those people, given the opportunity, would be the most likely to try and leave the state.

That in no way is meant to say what you posit doesn't happen however.
It’s not just California they’re invading from. They move west to east and north to south. The southeast is being overrun. From housing to traffic to schools to overall cost of living it’s all getting worse. There are no shortcuts or backroads anymore. Every scrap of land is being turned to a subdivision or apartment complex. That’s where the best deer hunting is now because they have nowhere else to go.

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