Thanks for the welcome! I think the way the Lady Vols are playing right now.....that they would give UCONN a game at least. I was just stating what I stated. This might not be our year, but I think we will own everyone for at least the next 2 years!
i understand, we too had a coach, Kiffin, who disrespected the league and we too were too blind to see it. You, my friend, are a blind enabler. calipari has and is a cancer on every program that he has coached. I understand the SEC isnt the powerhouse in roundball like it is in football but he shouldnt hvae dissed the SEC either. JMO
No "my friend", it wouldn't matter if Matt Daugherty said it. The fundamental principle is the same. I'm not enabling anything. He's not dissing anything, he is simply stating the facts. Which are, to elite schools, conference titles don't mean jack.
Anyone who feels "dissed" by this statement obivously does not have a strong grasp on the state of elite college athletics.
Now quit following me around from thread to thread.
The only difference is, and this may be splitting hairs, you won't see Roy Williams or Coach K saying that winning the ACC means nothing even if they truly feel that way. I just don't see the point in basically insulting the conference even though you may feel that way.
Yeah, its splitting hairs, but I see where your coming from. In a perfect world, if it were up to me, would I have wanted Cal to say that? No.
I'm arguing the truth and validity of the statement, more so than the percieved public reaction to the statement.
However, I honestly believe the difference in those two conferences allow Cal to say that. To say such a thing about a historical basketball conference that has spawned several national champions would be, unfavorable.
Saying it about the SEC, the only people your really pissing off are the fans of rival programs in the SEC.
Winning the ACC conference, more often than not, guarantee's you a first seed in the NCAA's. Thats not so with the SEC. Winning the SEC title really isn't all that important.
Again, should he have said it? Probably not. Is the statement true and do I have a problem with it? No.
That's reasonable. I'm not attacking him; I just think it shows little taste to say something like hat. And I stated earlier that he is probably right; I just don't think it's something you say. But, I think I would have the same view as you if I was a UK fan.
I think it also has a lot to do with his "marketing" savvy as well. If you have listened to him at all since he has been at UK, he has repeatedly talked about "rebuilding our brand", setting ourself apart from the rest of college basketball. (Which UK fans obviously salivate over)
During that press conference, it was an easy, national televised instance where he could put UK on the pedestal, saying that we aren't in everyone elses league.
Is that a stupid thing to say? Yeah.... in alot of ways it is.
I think thats alot of his reasoning behind it, in my opinion.
Yeah, its splitting hairs, but I see where your coming from. In a perfect world, if it were up to me, would I have wanted Cal to say that? No.
I'm arguing the truth and validity of the statement, more so than the percieved public reaction to the statement.
However, I honestly believe the difference in those two conferences allow Cal to say that. To say such a thing about a historical basketball conference that has spawned several national champions would be, unfavorable.
Saying it about the SEC, the only people your really pissing off are the fans of rival programs in the SEC.
Winning the ACC conference, more often than not, guarantee's you a first seed in the NCAA's. Thats not so with the SEC. Winning the SEC title really isn't all that important.
Again, should he have said it? Probably not. Is the statement true and do I have a problem with it? No.
I really don't think UK or any other school has reached such an elite status that winning conference championships mean nothing. If so, take down all those banners at Rupp. A ridiculous statement from someone who has never won a national championship trying to act like that's the only goal for him.
I really don't think UK or any other school has reached such an elite status that winning conference championships mean nothing. If so, take down all those banners at Rupp. A ridiculous statement from someone who has never won a national championship trying to act like that's the only goal for him.
Do you see any SEC Banners hanging?
The last time I was there SEC banners were either in the arena or as you enter the arena. In any event, if conference championships mean nothing to KY, why don't they just go independent as Notre Dame does in football. You have great tradition in basketball--embrace it. You got a great deal of that tradition when the SEC was nothing but a football conference and KY was the only school that took basketball seriously, since they could never compete in football. You aren't good enough or have enough tradition to say conference championships mean nothing. Just Cal acting as if he has accomplished much more than he ever has.
Those titles mean something to their fans. I know this, b/c it's among the stats they brag about.
Yeah, but they pick and choose when to do so. Our fanbase will always have the last word, or at least try. We use different arguments predicated upon the level of the opponent we are facing) I think the breakdown goes like this.
Arguments against elite programs. (KU, NC, UCLA, Dook)
Who cares if you won a national championship recently because.....
-We have more national championships than you.
-We have done it over a longer period of time than you.
-We did it first. (whatever the issue is about)
Against UCLA.
You were great for 10 years. But you suck now. See argument concerning other elite schools.
Arguments against SEC schools.
-Who cares if you beat us this year, or won the conference last year because...
-We've done it more.
-We really don't care if we don't win it....because...well we've done it more. (But we care)
- See all above arguments as to why you suck.
Don't call us cheaters because.....
-Every school cheats, we just got caught.
I think I covered everything.
It would be funny if UT won the SEC Tourny and had Doc, Jeff, and Feather bragging about it all week, then lose in the 1st round of the tournament!
They are on the verge of winning their 44th Southeastern Conference title. They've won more titles than the rest of the conference combined. It's nice, but National Championships and Final Fours are what is celebrated in Lexington, Kentucky.