Cam Sutton takes former 1st round pick Artie Burns place on the 1st team defense

Man you seriously keep moving that timeline up. It started that he was going to tear it up this season, then it was apparent it wasn’t going to happen you changed it to next year. Now it’s 4 years from now?

The other poster is the one who mentioned 4 years from now.

My timeline goes like this:

Dobbs will have some spot starts next year in 2018.

Then in 2019 he'll be the full time starter and have a MVP caliber season.
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There's nothing about any of them, including Alvin, where the HOF is already clearing space. Kamara has certainly looked very good and made the Pro Bowl (which is great to see for a VFL) but he didn't even lead his own team in rushing and is well behind fellow rookies Fournette and Hunt. Hunt still actually has a shot at the outright rushing title. (Gurley/Hunt/Bell are all within 14y of each other) And regardless of how good Alvin's been his last 3 games have garnered 25 att for 78y (3.1ypc).

Alvin's made the Pro Bowl and that's great but doesn't make one a HOF player. (You've made that argument repeatedly regarding other players) and there's nothing to indicate Dobbs/Sutton are even solid NFL starters yet. (note this observation doesn't reject that possibility but it is absolutely factual as of this posting)

My point there was that you clowns stopped mentioning Alvin to attack me. Last year when I said Alvin was the best RB in the draft, I had many Vols fans attack me and say guys like Cook, Fournette, and even McCaffrey were better.

Now nobody says anything about Alvin to me cause they know he's exactly what I said he would be.

Look for Cam and Dobbs to join him over the next two years. By 2019 when Dobbs, Alvin, and Cam are all First Team All-Pro, y'all will be avoiding me like the plague cause you won't want to admit I was right.

First off, nice job cherry picking and skirting the main points of my post. Of course, if I were you and were wrong 99% of the time, I suppose I’d do likewise.

I was the one CONSTANTLY arguing that Kamara deserved more touches, more carries more everything at Tennessee for 2 straight years while you constantly said otherwise and claimed Hurd was the best running back in the country, was a Heisman trophy candidate, future NFL HOFer, etc, etc.

All you did after the 2016 season was claim that every Tennessee player eligible for the draft was an immediate All-Pro and first ballot hall of famer...and you want credit for being late, oh so late to the party on Alvin. So you get ZERO credit for predicting any of AK’s success in the NFL...ZERO. You didn’t even think he deserved to play in college. And as great as Alvin has been this year, he’s far from a HOF enshrinement just yet kid.

Btw, all I did was defend Cook from you and your ridiculousness. I said he was one of the top running backs coming out, along with Fournette, while you basically said both were overrrated and wouldn’t do nearly as much as Hurd when he comes out....which he never will. Lol. In case you missed it, both Cook and Fournette were having outstanding rookie seasons prior to being injured. So of course, you were wrong yet again.

Dude, you’re absolutely delusional.

And back to my original point.....Goff and Bosa>>>>Hogan and Garrett. Thoughts??

Nope. Stop back tracking. I clearly remember you saying that you thought Dalvin Cook was the top RB in the country and Deshaun Watson was the top QB. I told you Watson was injury prone. You said no. And we all saw what happened there. I also said Alvin was better than Cook and everyone else.

You never said Alvin was an elite NFL talent and that he was better than Cook and Fournette. I'm the only person who said that. You only preferred him over Hurd in 2015. And guess what, THAT WAS WRONG. Hurd was better than Alvin in 2015. I only started hyping up Alvin after I saw the improvement he made in his game from 2015 to 2016. That is what made me confident he would be a better NFL player than Cook or Fournette.

And you know better than anybody I don't hype up every Vol player. I got into it with you a million times over Derek Barnett. I said he would be a decent player in the NFL but not a star. I also didn't hype up JRM or Josh Malone. I said both might be starters but not much more.

I only said 3 Vols would be STARS. Dobbs, Kamara, and Sutton. And I have been consistent on that front. So please stop lying and creating fictional arguments.
My point there was that you clowns stopped mentioning Alvin to attack me. Last year when I said Alvin was the best RB in the draft, I had many Vols fans attack me and say guys like Cook, Fournette, and even McCaffrey were better.

Now nobody says anything about Alvin to me cause they know he's exactly what I said he would be.

Look for Cam and Dobbs to join him over the next two years. By 2019 when Dobbs, Alvin, and Cam are all First Team All-Pro, y'all will be avoiding me like the plague cause you won't want to admit I was right.

I avoid you like the plague already.
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Nope. Stop back tracking. I clearly remember you saying that you thought Dalvin Cook was the top RB in the country and Deshaun Watson was the top QB. I told you Watson was injury prone. You said no. And we all saw what happened there. I also said Alvin was better than Cook and everyone else.

You never said Alvin was an elite NFL talent and that he was better than Cook and Fournette. I'm the only person who said that. You only preferred him over Hurd in 2015. And guess what, THAT WAS WRONG. Hurd was better than Alvin in 2015. I only started hyping up Alvin after I saw the improvement he made in his game from 2015 to 2016. That is what made me confident he would be a better NFL player than Cook or Fournette.

And you know better than anybody I don't hype up every Vol player. I got into it with you a million times over Derek Barnett. I said he would be a decent player in the NFL but not a star. I also didn't hype up JRM or Josh Malone. I said both might be starters but not much more.

I only said 3 Vols would be STARS. Dobbs, Kamara, and Sutton. And I have been consistent on that front. So please stop lying and creating fictional arguments.
But yet, Watson’s touchdown total for this year, will be more than Dobbs has in his career. Watson is injury prone? Lmao let Dobbs run against the Jags, Eagles, or panthers and see what happens. Watson at least can throw an accurate pass over 5 yards consistently.
My point there was that you clowns stopped mentioning Alvin to attack me. Last year when I said Alvin was the best RB in the draft, I had many Vols fans attack me and say guys like Cook, Fournette, and even McCaffrey were better.

Now nobody says anything about Alvin to me cause they know he's exactly what I said he would be.

Look for Cam and Dobbs to join him over the next two years. By 2019 when Dobbs, Alvin, and Cam are all First Team All-Pro, y'all will be avoiding me like the plague cause you won't want to admit I was right.

Everyone that "attacks" you for saying he's a HOF'er is correct to do so in precisely the same way anyone saying X rookie can be criticized. It's a declaration of fact where no such fact exists.

While we're discussing "best running back in the draft" even that is of questionable merit. Hunt, Cook (admittedly in a smaller sample size) and Fournette (in that order) all have a higher yards from scrimmage avg per game than Kamara and MUCH higher rushing per game. I don't pretend to know things I don't (that's your modus operandi) but I do know for certain that Alvin's not getting near the HOF with his rookie numbers.

Now the rote reply would be he's not carrying the load the others are and that would translate into more production. To at least some extent it's hard to imagine that not being the case. The problem arrives when you understand that increased load is very, very often associated with decreased efficiency. I don't know if you saw (most likely ignored) my pointing out Alvin's ypc over the last 3 games? (hoping he picks it back up in the last game/playoffs) So can Alvin carry the big load (200+ per year regular season) over the long haul? I'd like to think so but anyone claiming to know that for certain at this point is quite simply a liar.

Alvin deservedly made the PB and I've never cited a negative against him other than to refute your hyperbole with things like this:

You can have all the love in the world for Kamara but he's much too slow in comparison to Marshall Faulk. You just can't take a an observation seriously when comparing a 4.56 guy to a sub-4.4/track sprinter. That's a major contextual discrepancy and not some nuance of opinion. Kamara can be a very productive back but he will be run down NFL DB's. That just really didn't happen with Marshall. (unless maybe by Darrel Green or somebody in that speed class)

Kamara is a lot of things. Quick? Sure. Explosive? Ok. Dynamic? Certainly. Fast? No. Marshall very much was.

We'll see about the rest but that is one failure we can empirically and demonstrably point out right now.

Alvin has shown a lot...he's proven nothing that merits your level of lunacy, though it's nigh impossible for a rookie to be vetted near that level regardless. That's on you BTW, not the player.
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No need lol. Last year he predicted Dobbs would win a super bowl this year. Now he’s just pushing it back and acting like he knew all along.

I don't know when it will happen. I just know that it will happen.

Dobbs will be a NFL legend. My best guess right now is 2019 but who knows it could be sooner.
I don't know when it will happen. I just know that it will happen.

Dobbs will be a NFL legend. My best guess right now is 2019 but who knows it could be sooner.

I honestly want to know what makes you say that lol. I could think of 20+ QB's in college right now that have a better shot at being an "NFL legend" than Dobbs.
I honestly want to know what makes you say that lol. I could think of 20+ QB's in college right now that have a better shot at being an "NFL legend" than Dobbs.

The same thing that made me say Alvin Kamara would be the next Marshall Faulk in the NFL when everyone else was saying guys like Cook, Fournette, and McCaffrey were better. I just watch the games and trust my eyes. Alvin Kamara flashed superstar NFL talent in 2016 while Dobbs flashed superstar NFL talent since 2015.

I'm more surprised that nobody else sees it. You would think that given how inept our offense looked this season that people would realize what an extraordinary talent Dobbs was. You would think given how badly Kamara was mishandled, people would realize how much Butch Jones held him back.

In 2-3 years when Dobbs is one of the best QBs in football, I bet most of you will be acting like you saw it all along. Just as many on here act like they saw Kamara's success in the NFL all along when in reality I was the only one that said he would be a superstar.
The same thing that made me say Alvin Kamara would be the next Marshall Faulk in the NFL when everyone else was saying guys like Cook, Fournette, and McCaffrey were better. I just watch the games and trust my eyes. Alvin Kamara flashed superstar NFL talent in 2016 while Dobbs flashed superstar NFL talent since 2015.

I'm more surprised that nobody else sees it. You would think that given how inept our offense looked this season that people would realize what an extraordinary talent Dobbs was. You would think given how badly Kamara was mishandled, people would realize how much Butch Jones held him back.

In 2-3 years when Dobbs is one of the best QBs in football, I bet most of you will be acting like you saw it all along. Just as many on here act like they saw Kamara's success in the NFL all along when in reality I was the only one that said he would be a superstar.

When a person has no real track record of success and they have no resume of evaluating talent an a regular, full-time basis, its like they are throwing darts at a board from about 100 feet away ... sure, every now and then one will hit the board and that one may even hit near center but it's PURELY luck and nothing more. There is no evidence that you "trusting your eyes" should give anyone any confidence that your eyes know what they are seeing and can relay that to your brain that you are seeing a "future NFL Legend."

Rather than just give reasons why you think someone will do well in the league, you just say "I trust my eyes" ... no response like "Dobbs scanned the field well" (which wasn't his strong suit but necessary against an NFL secondary) or "Dobbs showed he could consistently hit throws at all three levels" (which he didn't, but necessary to be a quality NFL QB). I have said over and over he is a really good athlete who can run quite well but his passing isn't consistent enough to become a consistent NFL starter much less some All-Pro, MVP, Super Bowl Champion, HoFer.

You've pointed to your "eye test" for the UT DL talent level also and yes, there was some talent there, Shy Tuttle being the big piece of that but there simply wasn't enough to say "it's a very talented DL" and there was certainly not enough depth on the two-deep.

So how about instead of your "eye-test", how about some legitimate reasons why you feel the way you do?
The other poster is the one who mentioned 4 years from now.

My timeline goes like this:

Dobbs will have some spot starts next year in 2018.

Then in 2019 he'll be the full time starter and have a MVP caliber season.

So've moved your goalposts yet again.

You started off saying he would have a breakout year THIS year.

Then when it was obvious that wasn't going to happen, you changed it to he would take over for an injured BR and lead the team to the AFC Championship THIS year and then take over and have an MVP season in 2018.

Now you're saying 2019 will be the year.

Keep kicking that can down the road Mr. Football Genius.
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I honestly want to know what makes you say that lol. I could think of 20+ QB's in college right now that have a better shot at being an "NFL legend" than Dobbs.

It's because he hitched his wagon to Dobbs in 2015, and he's predicted he'll be out of the world awesome ever since. And yes he had a great UT career, but nothing close to the lofty accolades he predicted.

He predicted he would lead the Vols to an SEC Championship and National Championship 2 years in a row (he didn't). He predicted he would win the Heisman Trophy (wasn't even a finalist or really even a blip on the Heisman radar). He predicted he would be a 1st Round Draft Pick (he wasn't).

And now it's his last shot. He has to go big because after this, he's got nothing left to predict. And as usual, as time keeps going on, the more wrong he looks to be.
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First team all pro would mean Dobbs is the best quarterback in the league lolz how anybody could think that’s actually possible is beyond ridiculous

Hell even 2nd team all pro is ****ing impossible he just doesn’t have the ability to throw the ball that accurately in the nfl

Decent starter is his ceiling but even that seems like a stretch
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Here’s the facts what we know about D4H:

1. He predicted Tennessee to win a National Championship in 16 and 17. The team that went 4-8.

2. He predicted Tennessee to blowout Georgia in 17.

3. Race is always a factor in everything.

4. Statistics can’t measure a players greatness or legend status. Only his eye test does.

5. Players that perform well on the field but fail his eye test were just lucky or were given favorable matchups in almost every game all season long.

6. Tennessee was more talented than Alabama in 2016.

7. Daniel Bituli is the best LB in college football followed closely by Darin Kirkland.

There’s more that I don’t have the will to post.

None of this would be an actual issue if he wasn’t so arrogant and self absorbed about it.

Edit: 8. He loves Justin Martin's body.
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It's because he hitched his wagon to Dobbs in 2015, and he's predicted he'll be out of the world awesome ever since. And yes he had a great UT career, but nothing close to the lofty accolades he predicted.

He predicted he would lead the Vols to an SEC Championship and National Championship 2 years in a row (he didn't). He predicted he would win the Heisman Trophy (wasn't even a finalist or really even a blip on the Heisman radar). He predicted he would be a 1st Round Draft Pick (he wasn't).

And now it's his last shot. He has to go big because after this, he's got nothing left to predict. And as usual, as time keeps going on, the more wrong he looks to be.

Once Dobbs balls out in the NFL, you'll agree with me that if he had a decent coach in college, he would have reached those lofty expectations I had for him.

Butch Jones incompetence cost Alvin Kamara. We're seeing that right now. By 2019 people will be saying the same about Dobbs.

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