Campus Police and KPD plans to silence Neyland Rowdys

No joke.....there should be a rule that you have to declare the size of your @$$ when purchasing a ticket. I once had to sit beside a woman and her blubber pushed into me the whole make it worse she ate enough food to feed the Brady Bunch during the game. :sick:

It's funny watching people in their seats early grade out the fans coming into the stadium as to whether they want them on their row.
i have seen folks come in drunk and not drink a drop during the game but get hauled out by cops.

Some of them need to get hauled out. I saw a young man dog cuss 4 USC fans after they scored the go ahead touch down in 2005. These people were sitting silent and not bothering anyone around them.

Since you are the OP, where do you get making police the bad guys here? I go to the games to enjoy the good things about college football and historic Neyland Stadium. And listening to a few classless and obnoxious thugs does nothing to contribute to that experience. There is quite a difference in people being buzzed and happy and those who are slobbering all over the people around them.
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I always give the cops the benefit of the doubt. If they're hauling u out, they had a reason...and there's nothing u can do to convince me otherwise. 2+ decades of going to Neyland and I have never seen someone hauled out who didn't deserve it. Drinkers who can't control themselves are pathetic.
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Depends on what he said.

What could he have possibly said outside of "Fire", "I will kill you" or possibly "Allahu Akbar" that would have been jail worthy? The guy seemed to be annoyed that the drunk guy at the KY game was ragging on his camouflage outfit.

Is that jail worthy or even citation worthy?
We're coming too dangerously close to arresting people in this country for the slightest inconvenience.

Typical over reaction to the stated problem. I have never seen anyone removed from Neyland who was not being offensive to someone else, or a hazard to their own or someone else's safety.
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If you don't walk in stumbling drunk or cuss out a cop, you're not going to even be looked at twice.
First time I was ever in Neyland I got to the stadium early, was standing just inside the concourse entrance looking at the field, not moving and hadn't had a drop of alcohol to drink and was arrested for public intoxication. Now that was in 1970 but nevertheless..........
What exactly consists of being to rowdy? I'm probably gonna have a buzz going and I'm not gonna just sit in my seat like a bump on a log all night.
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What could he have possibly said outside of "Fire", "I will kill you" or possibly "Allahu Akbar" that would have been jail worthy? The guy seemed to be annoyed that the drunk guy at the KY game was ragging on his camouflage outfit.

Is that jail worthy or even citation worthy?

Security monkeys think everyone is a possible terrorist these days
Typical over reaction to the stated problem. I have never seen anyone removed from Neyland who was not being offensive to someone else, or a hazard to their own or someone else's safety.

I'm 42 years old and have been to plenty of sporting events concerts and festivals with large crowds and alcohol and drugs. Neyland is no different than anything I've seen in Oxford, Columbia, SC, Nashville, or any other sporting or music events outside of an SEC football game I've been to. You have drunk people. You have rowdy people. What did you expect when you came?

Its like people voluntarily paying their good, hard earned money to go to a hockey game but complain about the drinking in the stands and fighting on the ice.
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First time I was ever in Neyland I got to the stadium early, was standing just inside the concourse entrance looking at the field, not moving and hadn't had a drop of alcohol to drink and was arrested for public intoxication. Now that was in 1970 but nevertheless..........

were you a hippie ?
i understand that point of view and i try and curb my words around the younguns but, you can't shield them forever. just tell them not to repeat what they hear or there will be consequences.

besides if our team and playing improves the usage will language improve meaning you will hear less bad words and more yay and woo's.

Sounds like you're still drunk, big boy...
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I'm 42 years old and have been to plenty of sporting events concerts and festivals with large crowds and alcohol and drugs. Neyland is no different than anything I've seen in Oxford, Columbia, SC, Nashville, or any other sporting or music events outside of an SEC football game I've been to. You have drunk people. You have rowdy people. What did you expect when you came?

Its like people voluntarily paying their good, hard earned money to go to a hockey game but complain about the drinking in the stands and fighting on the ice.

Actually... let me retract that statement because it is a lie. Neyland is actually one of the tamest places I've been to, honestly.
Let me just say I've seen KPD and the stadium attendants go above and beyond to try and not throw an idiot out and finally have to after giving him multiple warnings. Drink if you want but if you become a danger to yourself or others or a nuisance to other's enjoyment of the game then your ass should be gone.
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More proof that America is turning into Europe.

Would they arrest you at a soccer/futbol game in Europe for being too rowdy and drunk?

We're no where near Europe in this instance.

We're just a country full of tattletails that want the police involved to solve the most trivial of inconveniences. Notice I didn't say crime... just the inconvenience of having someone yelling too loudly in a stadium with 100k in attendance. We are going to single out that one guy that happens to be in our vicinity. Or even putting a guy in jail for dropping a few F-bombs...
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What could he have possibly said outside of "Fire", "I will kill you" or possibly "Allahu Akbar" that would have been jail worthy? The guy seemed to be annoyed that the drunk guy at the KY game was ragging on his camouflage outfit.

Is that jail worthy or even citation worthy?

Hence the reason I said it depends on what was said. If he threatened him, there's a problem. If he harassed the guy nonstop, there's a problem. If he ragged him a few times, no big deal.
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Were his actions worthy of jail or even a citation?

Yes he should have been hauled out and cited for pd. He was cussing and running his mouth to everyone around us. Both families to his right and left got up and left before halftime and I left him alone till he cussed the camo I was wearing and grabbed me, All the room we had around us gave me plenty of room to spin grab his drunk a%% by the throat and threaten him, my point being it doesn't make it right for what I did but if you are going to come and get hammered to the point you bother everyone around you to where they can't enjoy the game then be prepared to handle the results of your idiotic actions whether it be by the law or by carrying an a$$ beating.
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No joke.....there should be a rule that you have to declare the size of your @$$ when purchasing a ticket. I once had to sit beside a woman and her blubber pushed into me the whole make it worse she ate enough food to feed the Brady Bunch during the game. :sick:

Agreed. I sat next to one at a bball tournament game. You would think with seats you might be OK, but she poured right over into my space/seat and then got angry when I would move. If you are that big: diet, stay home, buy two seats, or whatever. Others shouldn't suffer because you are overweight.
Would they arrest you at a soccer/futbol game in Europe for being too rowdy and drunk?

We're no where near Europe in this instance.

We're just a country full of tattletails that want the police involved to solve the most trivial of inconveniences. Notice I didn't say crime... just the inconvenience of having someone yelling too loudly in a stadium with 100k in attendance. We are going to single out that one guy that happens to be in our vicinity. Or even putting a guy in jail for dropping a few F-bombs...

Yeah I def can't imagine a weaker/softer country than ours. Proud to be here but year after year we turn more and more into politically correct *******. Now we're going to start ruining sporting events too. Smfh
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Get drunk or get high, hold your stuff together. Why would Neyland be any different than any other public place. U get drunk at a bar and get out of line,you could go to jail. I've been on the wrong side of this and had a friend to look out for me and talk sense to me, and get me home without being arrested, the police were there and was about to take me downtown for public drunk, but like I said I had a friend to say they would get me home and I wouldn't cause no more trouble for nobody. Once again if you can't HOLD IT TOGETHER, at least have someone looking out for you. Come on why get so drunk you can't even remember the game, and as for being vulgar and all that cussing, show some class you sorry piece of ear wax (I apologize for my strong language), the worst cussing my dad ever got was at Auburn by a drunk lady, I laughed he didn't until I told him that she was drunk and confused.
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Yeah I def can't imagine a weaker/softer country than ours. Proud to be here but year after year we turn more and more into politically correct *******. Now we're going to start ruining sporting events too. Smfh

You must not know much about other countries if you think the U.S. is the "softest" and "weakest" country in the world concerning these issues.
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