Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Cut discretionary spending and increased the age/work requirements for SNAP from 18-50 to 18-54. Dropped the % states could exempt on that from 12% of snap recipients to 8%. Seems there’s a lot of wins here. Especially since Biden claimed he wouldn’t give in on any of these.

May favorite part is the 24 billion cut to the IRS
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Like recall voted in other countries. I don't recall any speaker having that taken away, as the Freedom Caucus is threatening.
He barely won the speakership and House members say they will challenge him. I doubt they will wait to 2025. I'm curious as to the mechanism

Lol. It seems you’re trying to distract from the fact that we got a pretty good deal from the side who claimed they wouldn’t negotiate
Like recall voted in other countries. I don't recall any speaker having that taken away, as the Freedom Caucus is threatening.

Just one member has to make a motion to remove him and it goes to a full house vote.
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Cut discretionary spending and increased the age/work requirements for SNAP from 18-50 to 18-54. Dropped the % states could exempt on that from 12% of snap recipients to 8%. Seems there’s a lot of wins here. Especially since Biden claimed he wouldn’t give in on any of these.

May favorite part is the 24 billion cut to the IRS
Republicans. Taking food from poor people to fix the mess they got themselves in during Trump's term. And the rich get richer....
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Cut discretionary spending and increased the age/work requirements for SNAP from 18-50 to 18-54. Dropped the % states could exempt on that from 12% of snap recipients to 8%. Seems there’s a lot of wins here. Especially since Biden claimed he wouldn’t give in on any of these.

May favorite part is the 24 billion cut to the IRS
A $24 billion cut to the IRS, or a $24 billion decrease in the already planned MASSIVE increase in the IRS budget?
You really aren't serious about cuts if you are simply limiting increases. It's the alcoholic promising himself while sober he'll limit what he's going to drink - not finding a way to stop.

Or, it's a step in the right direction. Seems to me we have to slow the rate of spending before we can even think of reversing it.
Republicans. Taking food from poor people to fix the mess they got themselves in during Trump's term. And the rich get richer....
Democrats only feign championing the poor.... They serve the same end as the Republicans. Quit kidding yourself.
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