Can we fix our KICKOFF CHANT?

This is my first post on here...Big fan of Big Orange Football. I wanted to make it a good one but I wouldn't mine seeing this before the game especially the Alabama game.

The song is Sweet Tennessee by Judah and the Lion.

This is the address for the you tube video.

Sweet Tennessee - YouTube

It is cool. If you can't get fired up about this I don't know who can.

It has a line in the song "Sweet Home Alabama.......I WILL NEVER SING"

If you can't get to the link. Google Sweet Tennessee
A lot of schools have unique chants and/or cheers during their kickoffs. In many ways, it's the final acknowledgement and congratulations to the offense's drive and score. Sometimes it's to celebrate the start of a game. It's a battle cry before the defense takes the field. It amps up the special teams to run down the field and lay someone out or force a turnover.

It's only right that UT should have one.
Kickoff of the 2010 Tennessee Vols Season! - YouTube

They all start the same: the fans, in unison slowly build up a "Oooooohhhh" or "Aaaaaaaahhhh"

The energy builds, the volume grows, the team starts running down the field, and the kicker boots the ball.

This is the climax of the experience. The fans are supposed to yell their unique chant or cheer for the team. For instance, UGA fans bark. Alabama fans yell RTR.

As illustrated by the video above, our big kickoff chant is "Aaaaaahhh Boom!" Or "Aaaaaaahh Yuuh!"

Why can't we decide on something a little more complex than the drunken cry of 100,000+ mesmerized by foot-to-pigskin contact? Boom and Yuuh aren't really synonymous with UT or anything that we do here.

What about: Aaaaahhh...U-T Vols!
Or something where we can turn the "U" sound that we all want to make into an actual cheer.

Just adding two syllables to the kickoff takes it from us just yelling nonsense to us chanting something that everyone can get in on. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Does this drive anyone else crazy?

Before people come in here caps locking "WE NEED TO WIN GAMES BEFORE WE CARE ABOUT KICKOFF CHANTS" just know that football season is coming up, and it's inevitable that our fans are going to yell. We're loud, we get wild, we like to chant and sing and yell all sorts of stuff. Might as well agree on something and get it going.

No. Sorry. Our anemic kick off chant is part of our tradition I'll be gosh darned if some young whipper snapper tries to change it.
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I like it and think something like this would work. I imagine the players would want to take someone's danged head off out there if they heard 100,000 yelling this. It's also like telling opponents that they're gonna hear Rocky Top a LOT during the game -- so get used to it.
siiiiiiiiiiiiic em Smokey , i still remember when ole Smokey nipped that kickier before the game,aaah good times and :post-4-1090547957: the board needs some Smokey icons too ,i just looked and can't find a Smokey smiley anywhere :)
This is my first post on here...Big fan of Big Orange Football. I wanted to make it a good one but I wouldn't mine seeing this before the game especially the Alabama game.

The song is Sweet Tennessee by Judah and the Lion.

This is the address for the you tube video.

Sweet Tennessee - YouTube

It is cool. If you can't get fired up about this I don't know who can.

It has a line in the song "Sweet Home Alabama.......I WILL NEVER SING"

If you can't get to the link. Google Sweet Tennessee

nice song for sure and i found this video too

2013 A New Era for Tennessee Football - YouTube

will live on forever

everyone just show up to games and see if your version sticks. Hopefully all the fans will meet somewhere in the middle

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