Can we fix our KICKOFF CHANT?

I can't think of anything. Maybe we should be super quiet instead of loud on kickoffs. How weird would that be
I do think that it would be cool if everyone got quiet like someone was about to sing the Star Spangled Banner before every kickoff. Then we chanted something crazy while the players took the field to get ready for the kick.
Can you imagine how much it will help recruiting if we have chants in honor of Butch? Even better would be to name a street on campus after him. GBO

As to chants, knock yourselves out. If you want to make it stick, find someone who is in charge of the cheerleaders.

As to renaming streets, let's win some games first.
I think the op is really on to something. I like the simple

Gooooooooooooooooooo (kick) Go Vols Go
I've always thought it would be great for 100,000 to just be eerily quiet, and to erupt when the ball is kicked. Never seen it done. And I know probably impossible. I just know I'd hate to be catching a kickoff when it happened.

That's actually an interesting idea.
of course, if the stadium is half-full of, say, Alabama fans (not that we would ever let that happen), the quiet thing might not work.
Goooooooooooo (ball is kicked) Big Orange

Goooooooo (kicker starts towards ball) Biiiigggggg (ball is kicked) Orange!

I say we all chant "Buuuutttcccchhhhhhh" when the kicker starts making his way toward the ball and the "Slapped!" After he kicks it.

This would also be good for as the clock runs out at the end of a win, or as the team takes the victory formation.
(QB gets under center) Buuuuttttcccccchhhhhh (QB takes knee) SLAPPED!
I've always wondered if there was something I did not know. The stadium is kinda like uhhhhhh??!!!goooooo?? Or something. The only time I feel like I'm doing it right is when I'm to drunk to care. There should be a decision and it should be on the jumbotron at kickoff.
Really what we should do is make really loud noise all together as the kicker approaches the ball. AHHHHHHHHHH or UUUUHHHHHHH building up.

Then about when the kicker is about 3 steps from the ball everyone go mute. Go deathly quiet but continue the wave our arms mouthing something but no noise coming out.

We could even get the cheerleaders to be going through the motions and mouthing to some cheer but not really shouting anything.

The opposing team would be like "What the F*** just happened!"

:) Thats great!
I've been trying to get this one going for a few years... it sounds pretty good even with just a few people.

Aaahhhhhh-ohhhh (this part is already happening pretty much). Then once the ball is kicked- TENN-UH-SEE!

I do it every time and sometimes it spreads a little. But I don't make it all the games like I used to.

Is what the whole stadium should yell just before the punt is caught. If it distracted the guy and he muffed it, crowd goes wild.

I would think the students may catch on to this one, as muff is a funny word and you don't get to say it in legitimate context very often.
I've been trying to get this one going for a few years... it sounds pretty good even with just a few people.

Aaahhhhhh-ohhhh (this part is already happening pretty much). Then once the ball is kicked- TENN-UH-SEE!

I do it every time and sometimes it spreads a little. But I don't make it all the games like I used to.

I think this whole concept is pretty much goofy, but that's not a bad idea. That would be unique, not some completely cheesy chant and is simple enough that people could catch on.

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