Can We Have...

I don't think anyone here is claiming Islam doesn't have a serious problem with radical clerics. There are simply too many of them preaching their hate.

You all want to keep classifying them as radicals and that is just not the case, they are doing what they are supposed to do as rules of their "religion". A radical muslim would believe they should not commit terror and murder.
You all want to keep classifying them as radicals and that is just not the case, they are doing what they are supposed to do as rules of their "religion". A radical muslim would believe they should not commit terror and murder.

So religions based on the Old Testament whose followers commit any act of violence against others are terrorists as well? I guess those that are peaceful are simply radicals.

I'm just trying to get this straight, there are vast amounts of Muslims in the world today yet by percentages very few carry out attacks against others because of religious beliefs yet you are willing to label all of them radicals when many do not subscribe to the radical beliefs and certainly don't act on them?
So religions based on the Old Testament whose followers commit any act of violence against others are terrorists as well?

I'm just trying to get this straight, there are vast amounts of Muslims in the world today yet by percentages very few carry out attacks against others because of religious beliefs yet you are willing to label all of them radicals when many do not subscribe to the radical beliefs and certainly don't act on them?

One of them works for me and protects the citizens of this country!

So religions based on the Old Testament whose followers commit any act of violence against others are terrorists as well? I guess those that are peaceful are simply radicals.

I'm just trying to get this straight, there are vast amounts of Muslims in the world today yet by percentages very few carry out attacks against others because of religious beliefs yet you are willing to label all of them radicals when many do not subscribe to the radical beliefs and certainly don't act on them?

A "good" muslim, commits acts of terror or supports the action. A "bad" muslim does not support or commit the acts.
i.e. The Crusades

You bring up something from a millennium ago and call it moral revelance??

A military expedition to relieve their brothers in faith from slavery, castration, having their tongues cut out, or for the fortunate the paying of up to 80% of their wages in dhimmi taxes to muslims and the Crusaders killed less than 1/10 of 1 per cent of the muslims a 1,000 years ago as the number of Christians that the muslims killed in the twentieth century, far less than the number of people the muslims have killed in the last ten years in the name of islam and you call that moral equivalence????

Your moral equilavence is as a stinking dog turd on the parlor rug is to decorum and intelligent conversation.

It has been intuitively obvious to me since I was a small child where dog turds come from but still I am at a loss as to where cock roaches come from, I can though surmise, it must be some dark place where the sun never shines. :hi:
As I have said before, but you may not have the mental capacity to understand, not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. Now if you are too scared to say that, I understand.

I know this has been rebutted but I'm going to add to it. Tim McVay, dude behind OKC bombing. Was muslim?

Or the guy who shot the abortion doctor last year?


That's alot of closet muslims. And yes do a lets bash Muslims Compendium thread and lump em all in there.
I wouldn't take that bet.


Leave it to some ignoramous to play the race card as if that trumps all else.

Stupid is as stupid does.

One of them works for me and protects the citizens of this country!


You better stop that stupid crap about shooting dumcraps, he is probably undercover interpol.


So if the world population is 6,794,778,371 (as of ten minutes ago) and one fourth of them are muslim and 13% percent of those that profess to be muslim condone suicide bombings as a ligitimate form of jihad, (which I perfer to call jerkwadism) then I come up with the number 88,3321,184.

Of course the 13% is what they say and according to islam it is permissable even mandated that being untruthful is a major advantage for those who would promote islam, so we don't really know that 88 million is a reliable number, probably low end at best.

Nothing to notice there, keep moving along sheeple, everything is hunky dory, dear leader will make peace for us by kissing their arses etc etc etc etc.

Wise up pal.

Try reading 'a hundred camels in the courtyard.'


Nothing personal but do you ever wonder why you've never made detective???

Could it possibly have anything to do with clues?? :hi:
I know this has been rebutted but I'm going to add to it. Tim McVay, dude behind OKC bombing. Was muslim?

Or the guy who shot the abortion doctor last year?


That's alot of closet muslims. And yes do a lets bash Muslims Compendium thread and lump em all in there.

Here is the skinny.

McVeigh was recruited and assisted by muslims and was always intended to be the fall guy.

His mentality was on par with the infamous shoe bomber and Christmas day whizinator screw ups who were also designed to be fall guys.

Here is some interesting reading for you.

Realizing all along though that you more than likely won't even read it, being filled with apathy like most you will find it much easier to float along with your semi-PC attitudes about everything rather than actually consider the facts and do the hard part; actually really think about it on your own. :hi:
Hmm.... he is from a french colony in East Africa.

The only problem is, about a year ago he told me about a warlord general in his country that he disliked greatly and he needed a month off.

Oddly enough, the general was removed from power.

He can also break into a car in less that ten seconds without any damage to the car.
Leave it to some ignoramous to play the race card as if that trumps all else.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You better stop that stupid crap about shooting dumcraps, he is probably undercover interpol.


So if the world population is 6,794,778,371 (as of ten minutes ago) and one fourth of them are muslim and 13% percent of those that profess to be muslim condone suicide bombings as a ligitimate form of jihad, (which I perfer to call jerkwadism) then I come up with the number 88,3321,184.

Of course the 13% is what they say and according to islam it is permissable even mandated that being untruthful is a major advantage for those who would promote islam, so we don't really know that 88 million is a reliable number, probably low end at best.

Nothing to notice there, keep moving along sheeple, everything is hunky dory, dear leader will make peace for us by kissing their arses etc etc etc etc.

Wise up pal.

Try reading 'a hundred camels in the courtyard.'


Nothing personal but do you ever wonder why you've never made detective???

Could it possibly have anything to do with clues?? :hi:

Why would I take a pay cut?

I'd rather be in charge of every one.

The guy can break into a car in 10 seconds without doing damage? Glad he is a cop, because he definitely had other career opportunities.
Why would I take a pay cut?

I'd rather be in charge of every one.


A power freak are you then rather than a pursuerer of the truth?

Why then would you not be for Democrats, the ultimate power freaks of our time??

Be careful that those you are in charge of don't end up in charge of you.

A power freak are you then rather than a pursuerer of the truth?

Why then would you not be for Democrats, the ultimate power freaks of our time??

Be careful that those you are in charge of don't end up in charge of you.


Your first statement is down right silly.

Second, I hate both major political parties because they hate freedom.

Third, how in the world would you qualify your statement?

Fourth, please click on the link.

YouTube - Mental Health Ringtone
Here is the skinny.

McVeigh was recruited and assisted by muslims and was always intended to be the fall guy.

His mentality was on par with the infamous shoe bomber and Christmas day whizinator screw ups who were also designed to be fall guys.

Here is some interesting reading for you.

Realizing all along though that you more than likely won't even read it, being filled with apathy like most you will find it much easier to float along with your semi-PC attitudes about everything rather than actually consider the facts and do the hard part; actually really think about it on your own. :hi:

Look I know PC is killing this society and not helping in the war on terror at all. See Fort Hood for a prime example. I also am aware of the ties on the McVeigh (I really thought it was McVay maybe I'm thinking of the Satanist) was reported as having ties with muslims, but I still think his main motivation was to avenge what he thought was an assault on the 2nd Amendment and his paranoia the Gov't had way overstepped their bounds. (Which don't get me wrong they are but you don't target innocent civilians and children to die for ANY cause) I still think that moving into the Middle East was the right move. I do have objections to how the whole thing was basically botched from that point on.

The only thing I was pointing out was I take the whole muslim tripe to be akin to Cheney is the devil arguments and I think it does more harm to that side of the debate than helps. Terror in any form in the name of any cause or crede needs to be eliminated and it's not just in the name of Allah.
Look I know PC is killing this society and not helping in the war on terror at all. See Fort Hood for a prime example. I also am aware of the ties on the McVeigh (I really thought it was McVay maybe I'm thinking of the Satanist) was reported as having ties with muslims, but I still think his main motivation was to avenge what he thought was an assault on the 2nd Amendment and his paranoia the Gov't had way overstepped their bounds. (Which don't get me wrong they are but you don't target innocent civilians and children to die for ANY cause) I still think that moving into the Middle East was the right move. I do have objections to how the whole thing was basically botched from that point on.

The only thing I was pointing out was I take the whole muslim tripe to be akin to Cheney is the devil arguments and I think it does more harm to that side of the debate than helps. Terror in any form in the name of any cause or crede needs to be eliminated and it's not just in the name of Allah.

McVeigh = Fleetwood Mac member?

Also, as to the above-quoted gsvol estimation of the number of Muslims who support jihad, I note first that 64.5 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. Second, I think you have to ask who it is that is asking that question and getting that 13 percent number, their methodology, and extrapolating it into 88 million people.

Last on that point, I see that Brit Hume has twice now said that Tiger Woods should consider becoming a Christian, as opposed to his Buddhist faith, because Christianity allows for forgiveness, implying that Buddhism does not. Aside from the fact that he is once again showing his bias and his complete ignorance of the subject on which he speaks (which seems to be pretty much a full time gig for him), I continue to be amazed at the people who call themselves Christian and profess, in one form or another, to be totally uninterested in anything other than the most superficial us vs. them themes.
Your first statement is down right silly.

Second, I hate both major political parties because they hate freedom.

Third, how in the world would you qualify your statement?

Fourth, please click on the link.

YouTube - Mental Health Ringtone

Your link jammed me up, what do it purport to say??

Do you have a name for that 'warlord' in Mauritania?

He wasn't the guy who won the election fair and square promissing to put an end to slavery in that country was he??

That wouldn't go so well with the muslims since they own somewhere between 800,000 and a million black Africans off whose sweat and labor they live.

Not sure what happened in mauritania but I do know what happened in Rhodesia aka Zimbabwe.

A lot of people have been labled 'warlord' over the years, usually what that means to me is that they either oppose the communists or the muslims or both, who are often in league with each other.

Communists and muslims are 'freedom fighters' don'tcha know?

I find many of your statements to be downright silly, I never know whether you are serious or trying to be funny. :ermm:
I ignored it when 13% of one-fourth of 6,794,778,371 came out to be 88 million instead of 221 million.

Oops, well I've already confessed I am not a very good bean counter. :blush:

You make my point even better, those peace loving muslims who don't abhor violence aren't so small in number as is being is bandied about in the media and among the more PC inclined among us.

A quarter of a billion is a lot of people.

I think the 13% is only from a survey of muslims in England so one might expect that figure would be much higher in reality, considering the world population.

Now of that 13% I would expect the ones fool enough to actually consider doing it themselves would be far smaller, still the point that they would condone it as being a ligitimate form of socio/political expression is something to think about.

There is also the social dynamic of the islamic socio/political/economic system that one man can have four wives or more and numerous concubines, whatever he can afford basicly.

Now there are those who happen to be at the low end of the totem pole and could possibly dispair of ever even having one wife and the 70 however many virgins supposedly waiting for him in paradise might seem an attractive proposal at times.

Some time ago it became evident that my dad wouldn't be around much longer and I wanted something light to read, so I picked up a little sci-fi novel to help pass the time.

The gist was that there was a ten galaxy federation that was growing and spreading, habitating all known inhabital planets and establishing outposts on new planets all the time.

In their distant past there had been a great war and so one of their main goals was to avoid war at all costs and on their new outposts the advance party was suppose to establish contact, study and try to communicate with and make peace with the most intelligent form of life on the new planet.

Among the citizens of the federation a personal profile was maintained on each and every citizen, not to control the citizen but so that the federation could collectively meet the needs of each citizen.

Now the part that made me laugh out loud was one of the characteristics on the profile that read; "level of need to self-destruct."

That doesn't seem as funny now as it did then somehow. :eek:hmy:
Look I know PC is killing this society and not helping in the war on terror at all. See Fort Hood for a prime example. I also am aware of the ties on the McVeigh (I really thought it was McVay maybe I'm thinking of the Satanist) was reported as having ties with muslims, but I still think his main motivation was to avenge what he thought was an assault on the 2nd Amendment and his paranoia the Gov't had way overstepped their bounds. (Which don't get me wrong they are but you don't target innocent civilians and children to die for ANY cause) I still think that moving into the Middle East was the right move. I do have objections to how the whole thing was basically botched from that point on.

The only thing I was pointing out was I take the whole muslim tripe to be akin to Cheney is the devil arguments and I think it does more harm to that side of the debate than helps. Terror in any form in the name of any cause or crede needs to be eliminated and it's not just in the name of Allah.

I'm only asking you to consider the actual facts.

McVeigh's supposed motivation was the
Waco massacre.

There is absolutely no excuse for what happened at Waco no matter what anyone says. (not to say that I think McVeigh acted appropriately at all.)

He was suckered in to be a fall guy though and so the PC crowd in Washington can point to the white Bible and gun totin' peaceful productive citizen as America's worst enemy.

To McVeigh's even worse shame, the OKC bomb killed a bunch of children who were there in day care.
Your link jammed me up, what do it purport to say??

Do you have a name for that 'warlord' in Mauritania?

He wasn't the guy who won the election fair and square promissing to put an end to slavery in that country was he??

That wouldn't go so well with the muslims since they own somewhere between 800,000 and a million black Africans off whose sweat and labor they live.

Not sure what happened in mauritania but I do know what happened in Rhodesia aka Zimbabwe.

A lot of people have been labled 'warlord' over the years, usually what that means to me is that they either oppose the communists or the muslims or both, who are often in league with each other.

Communists and muslims are 'freedom fighters' don'tcha know?

I find many of your statements to be downright silly, I never know whether you are serious or trying to be funny. :ermm:

General Ould Abdel aziz

The only important thing is that I know.

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