Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
I doubt that referencing electronic tax filing is the path I would take to make a case for a lack of fraud. Select the 2020 report from the IRS link below, and search the document for "IDTTRF". You will see that identity theft tax refund fraud is listed 81 times in the report. This doesn't even count the references to foreign bad actors attempting to breach the IRS. You may want to find a different hill to die to promote mail-in voting.

Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) Annual Reports | Internal Revenue Service

If I'm understanding you correctly, of the tens of millions of individual tax forms filed online, "theft tax refund fraud" (whatever that is) occurred 81 times. So if we had an election where everyone voted online and, say, 81 of those votes proved to be "fraudulent", this is a deal-killer?

No, absolutely not. Not a snowballs chance in hades.

There have already been hundreds of Democrat only choices ballots sent to Republicans in NJ.
A USPS worker has been arrested for vote tampering.
A USPS postal truck carrying filled out ballots has burned to cinders already in a separate incident.
Folks have been receiving ballot request forms for dead family members.
Folks have been receiving multiple ballot request forms for people who haven’t been at that address in years.

It’s already a goat rope and not likely to improve.

Ballots via mail. Curious... why not just have the finalized ballot available to voters online, thereby avoiding a mailing process and the snafus you've listed?
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True. There is no evidence to show that mass voting by mail leads to an increase in voter fraud. Nor is there any data to suggest that mail-in voting favors one party over the other. In theory, larger-than-expected voter turnout favors the Democratic Party candidate, but that's not always the case. This is an example of Trump wanting to suppress the vote, and making a claim that his followers are eager to believe and get behind... just because dear leader said it. If Trump had come out in favor of mass voting by mail? Trump's sheep would be lining up to support it.


Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we have lots of troops overseas and other US citizens around the world that vote by mail? Are these votes inherently fraudulent, too?
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If I'm understanding you correctly, of the tens of millions of individual tax forms filed online, "theft tax refund fraud" (whatever that is) occurred 81 times. So if we had an election where everyone voted online and, say, 81 of those votes proved to be "fraudulent", this is a deal-killer?


You're not understanding correctly. In the annual filing by the IRS, identity theft fraud was such a prevalent issue that it was mentioned 81 times in a report that is less than 100 pages in length. They aren't referencing 81 individual cases. They are acknowledging the widespread identity theft issue that occurs every year through electronic tax filing. Read the report. It's in the link I provided.
I don't know common it is, but the people who sell identity theft "insurance" sure make it out to be a big problem. I have no issue with everyone voting by mail as long as trump is re-elected.
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So a man who literally votes by mail himself wants to stop everyone else from doing it.

Makes perfect sense!
Literally EVERYBODY can already vote by mail using the exact same process Trump did. Most can also vote early over the course of days or go to a polling place on Election Day. I’m not totally against voting by mail, but voting in general has already been made into a pretty easy process.

Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we have lots of troops overseas and other US citizens around the world that vote by mail? Are these votes inherently fraudulent, too?
There have been examples of some places holding back or discounting military ballots because they vote overwhelmingly republican. But the true issue I have for possible fraud is ballot harvesting which should be completely illegal. It is way too easy to change the votes in that process
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If mail in ballots are so rife with fraud, why did Trump, Pence, Mother, and numerous other appointees in his administration use mail in ballots to vote? Trump even committed voter fraud in Florida, for which he should be fully prosecuted under the law to protect our sacred institution.

You just proved mail in ballots aren’t safe.

Thanks zep
You're not understanding correctly. In the annual filing by the IRS, identity theft fraud was such a prevalent issue that it was mentioned 81 times in a report that is less than 100 pages in length. They aren't referencing 81 individual cases. They are acknowledging the widespread identity theft issue that occurs every year through electronic tax filing. Read the report. It's in the link I provided.

Ah, OK. tyvm
Just speculation but if mail-in voting is the norm for this years election the final result may be in question for months. Add in potential lawsuits over fraud/abuse and recounts at the state level then the result could be in doubt even longer. Think of it as the 2000 “hanging chad” election on steroids that was finally settled by the SCOTUS.
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Literally EVERYBODY can already vote by mail using the exact same process Trump did. Most can also vote early over the course of days or go to a polling place on Election Day. I’m not totally against voting by mail, but voting in general has already been made into a pretty easy process.
voter fraud is not high on my worry list but it is a real thing. I spent a little time in Columbus, OH in 2008 and had multiple ACORN employees try to convince me to register to vote in OH after I told them I was a TN resident and would be voting in TN that year. Maybe they were just getting paid per registration form and didn't really care whether or not I voted in OH, but they were clearly trying to get me to commit a felony.
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voter fraud is not high on my worry list but it is a real thing. I spent a little time in Columbus, OH in 2008 and had multiple ACORN employees try to convince me to register to vote in OH after I told them I was a TN resident and would be voting in TN that year. Maybe they were just getting paid per registration form and didn't really care whether or not I voted in OH, but they were clearly trying to get me to commit a felony.
It’s a very real thing. There’s a reason “community organizer” has become an actual occupation in the past 20 years and you can’t ever figure out who’s funding them.
If I'm understanding you correctly, of the tens of millions of individual tax forms filed online, "theft tax refund fraud" (whatever that is) occurred 81 times. So if we had an election where everyone voted online and, say, 81 of those votes proved to be "fraudulent", this is a deal-killer?

Let's ask the Russians first. See if they can work within those numbers.
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Ballots via mail. Curious... why not just have the finalized ballot available to voters online, thereby avoiding a mailing process and the snafus you've listed?

I’d have no issue with online voting as long as a valid SS# is required in order to have the vote counted. SS administration already keeps a data base, so just load all the valid numbers of eligible voters into a SQL type backend for each state and as folks submit their vote online the state database instantly validates and locks that number as having voted.

Keep each state SQL tied to the SS Administration SQL on a national level so it always stays updated with the removal of dead folks.

If you move states you can instantly update your database registration when you get a license in the new state, or you can contact your local voting commission or local SS office to update and get transferred to new state SQL.

When you come of age to vote it would be the same steps to get into the database as moving from one state to another.

Military would stay with home of residence including those stationed abroad.

I would choose using a SS# because it eliminates the potential burdens I’ve heard associated with a physical voter ID and pretty much anyone eligible to vote already has a SS#.
Well here in KY (unfortunately) we have recieved multiple mail in ballots for people we've never heard of in our mailbox. My wife is a registered democrat (she wants to change that) and i'm not registered either way. I jokingly tell her stay registered as a democrat and see how many ballots we do get. It could just be human error but it is concerning. Her mom (republican) lives next door hasn't even recieved her own ballot much less multiple. In the interest of fairness we do recieve multiple letters a month addressed to other people (not the names on the ballot though) so its not strictly limited to ballots.

Also as a frame of reference, this is a new house built recently on her mother's land so no prior occupants here.
After all the accusations of foreign interference, I can't imagine why anyone would want voting over the internet.

Seems like the best way possible to allow foreign interference.

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