Can we please stop booing our own players and coaches?

I think booing the other team running into the field and the POTSB playing their fight song is indicative of our own inferiority. Just classless.

Then we complain when we get booed at Florida and UGA. GO figure.
Usually have at least one of these "Boo" threads pop up every year. The only good they do is they let us see who the real asswipes on VolNation are.

"Coaches are used to it". Oh. Well then it's okay.

"The players are getting paid now". Oh, well that's okay then, but not all of them are. And it's just a game ffs.

"If they don't like it they should play better and coach better". If it makes you feel better booing people on the football field, maybe you should try harder in the game of life.

If you dont like my post. FO.
How likely do those boos play into CJH going cowboy and calling the most ballsy 4th down attempt in awhile? He's making millions and the fans are paying astronomical prices to support them. Boo and cheer as loud as you want.
I say same for dead ball fouls that result in big plays coming back.
Some people aren’t self motivated and need help getting that fire going. Would you take that away from those who need help?

Many of Neyland Stadium’s greatest comebacks began with some boos. 2013 Georgia. 2015 Georgia. 2024 Florida. Whether the booing helped the coaches pull their heads from their arses, or it woke the players from their hangovers; The reality of the poor performance brought the team back to life in the nick of time.

And I don’t think anyone can take the booing personally. It’s live feedback on team performance.
Where to begin...?

You really think (and maybe I should stop with that question) that there's a single player or coach on that sideline, at this level of play, who is not self-motivated????

You really think coaches are experiencing mental lethargy during an SEC football game--and that hearing boos will cause them to think more, and more clearly????

You really think players are unaware of the scoreboard during a game, or how well or poorly they are performing against the other team????

And all this magical benefit to individual players and coaches that you ascribe to hearing boos... works because they don't take it personally????

I say this not to attack you, but in the hope that you will address your blind spots (and we all have them): You have no idea how out of touch you are with how people or the real world works. Give some attention to that, and you can create a better future for yourself.
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The most important reason to not boo the players and coaches is to avoid confusion...
so that referees can know for sure that every boo is directed at them alone.

It encourages them call the game better, and reminds them to pick up the flag after a call against the home team.
Usually have at least one of these "Boo" threads pop up every year. The only good they do is they let us see who the real asswipes on VolNation are.

"Coaches are used to it". Oh. Well then it's okay.

"The players are getting paid now". Oh, well that's okay then, but not all of them are. And it's just a game ffs.

"If they don't like it they should play better and coach better". If it makes you feel better booing people on the football field, maybe you should try harder in the game of life.

If you dont like my post. FO.
Exactly my sentiments
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FWIW... I'm going to tell you what drives me crazy. Can we stop BOOING our biggest rivals (or anyone for that matter)? Seriously, jawing and booing at Florida gets them fired up. When Florida entered the stadium, the fans and student body lost their minds. It was very visible how much it fired Florida's players up.

I think if we ignore them, it sends the message that we don't care about them. They are not worth our hate and discontent. I think they won't be as driven to play hard.
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Usually have at least one of these "Boo" threads pop up every year. The only good they do is they let us see who the real asswipes on VolNation are.

"Coaches are used to it". Oh. Well then it's okay.

"The players are getting paid now". Oh, well that's okay then, but not all of them are. And it's just a game ffs.

"If they don't like it they should play better and coach better". If it makes you feel better booing people on the football field, maybe you should try harder in the game of life.

If you dont like my post. FO.
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Dude, if that makes you feel better, bigger, smarter what ever it does I'm happy I could be here for you.

I honestly couldn't careless who you boo, I just gave my opinion of it. But lol at booing me. That hurt. Bad. Had to give you like for that.
I dont think anybody is booing the players. When its 3rd and 15 and coach calls a run up the middle for 3 yards, then he deserves to hear our disagreement.
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Tennessee has one of, if not the most passionate fanbases in the country. That passion doesn't just evaporate when it's upset about something. You want insane crowd noise and an unhinged home environment? To get that you have to accept that the fanbase is going to express itself when it wants, not just when you like what it has to say. Nice respectful crowds are awful quite.
Not to mention the fact that with the cost of tickets and parking the average fan can barely afford to go now so when players are getting paid big money and they tell you that’s why the prices are so high what do you expect ? I’m sorry but the NIL is changing my point of view. These are no longer kids playing for the school and scholarships. Just saying 🤷‍♂️
Can we please stop booing our own players and coaches. I also get frustrated with players and especially play calling but it looks bad to recruits and the players.
Who is booing? Granted I wasn't there in person, but on the telly, I didn't get any of what you're describing. Are you just witching like the "sit down" crowd or do you have evidence this really happened?
They said it a few times until security put an end to it. It’s disgusting as there are kids in the stadium. But then again, the 49 ur old man behind me was using F bombs all night.

It happens everywhere, incl Oklahoma few weeks ago. It didn’t make it rt but profane language is accepted.
We have political signs and flags with one of the stronger curse words in the English language being proudly displayed on homes and vehicles the last four or five years. Didn’t think I’d see the day when that was considered acceptable.
Can we please stop booing our own players and coaches. I also get frustrated with players and especially play calling but it looks bad to recruits and the players.
Not even sure what they gain from doing that to their own team. The optics are certainly bad. Maybe they think their drunk-assed whining will somehow help the team play better? Who knows....
I think booing the other team running into the field and the POTSB playing their fight song is indicative of our own inferiority. Just classless.

Then we complain when we get booed at Florida and UGA. GO figure.

FWIW... I'm going to tell you what drives me crazy. Can we stop BOOING our biggest rivals (or anyone for that matter)? Seriously, jawing and booing at Florida gets them fired up. When Florida entered the stadium, the fans and student body lost their minds. It was very visible how much it fired Florida's players up.

I think if we ignore them, it sends the message that we don't care about them. They are not worth our hate and discontent. I think they won't be as driven to play hard.
Sorry, what? I may be wrong, but I’d bet that the visiting team gets booed when they run on the field about 9/10 times in major college football, the NFL, and some high school. Don’t think that’s changing any time soon.
I’d like to tell you about something called the ol 1st amendment….. really though, would you express your concern with your financial officer if you weren’t getting returns? Your employees if they weren’t performing? Your child if they didn’t meet expectations? Your electric company if the power was flickering? Your waitress if your drink runs dry? People will always voice displeasure. Especially when millions are now attached to it. And the price is only rising mind you. A family of 4 probably paid 12-1500$ to sit in those stands and possibly boo last weekend. It may not be your thing, but I don’t see the “classless” high horse thoughts either. When people pay money they’re allowed to have opinions and expectations. Get off your high horse.
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Where to begin...?

You really think (and maybe I should stop with that question) that there's a single player or coach on that sideline, at this level of play, who is not self-motivated????

You really think coaches are experiencing mental lethargy during an SEC football game--and that hearing boos will cause them to think more, and more clearly????

You really think players are unaware of the scoreboard during a game, or how well or poorly they are performing against the other team????

And all this magical benefit to individual players and coaches that you ascribe to hearing boos... works because they don't take it personally????

I say this not to attack you, but in the hope that you will address your blind spots (and we all have them): You have no idea how out of touch you are with how people or the real world works. Give some attention to that, and you can create a better future for yourself.

I don’t know when you grew up or what team experience you’ve had, but there’s a way to get people to perform beyond what they believe they are capable of. It starts with emotions. Sometimes when you think about giving up, your pride can be used to challenge yourself to dig deeper. It’s not magic. It’s a chemical release from your brain.

To dismiss this is nothing other than nonsense.

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