Captain America: Civil War

Why do so many people gripe about.."slow"? It is precisely this gripe that makes so many bad movies happen. Jeez folks..relax and let the story be told. The big overdone action is going to happen. The calm before the storm always makes the storm stronger. I read you guys comments, and then see the movie and I wonder what in the hell you were talking about. THE ADHD generation kills me.

good god man. i have adhd. bonafide, diagnosed. and i wanted em to slow it down. take about four or five characters out (rocing Marvel billboard ad for future movies), and give us the WS story, or Ironman story. too convoluted and complex for stupid ass Jerry Bruckheimer esque big budget action ****.

now the action scenes with Bucky and Ironman were great. could have done without the Avengers dog and pony act.
I mean I can't imagine a situation in which it isn't Star Lord

Drax played a fairly significant role in Infinite Gaintlet and Star Lord was basically a little used and all but forgotten character at the time but yeah... I agree.
If they're going to involve one, I don't see why all couldn't appear. Hell they could use Rocket and Groot for free. Just don't give them any lines.
Did anyone else feel something was off with Black Panther's African Accent? It just didn't seem natural for me.
Free was a poor choice of words. It would be a lot cheaper though if you don't have to pay big name actors like Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper.

A bit off topic, but I don't understand why you would pay Vin Diesel to play Groot in the first place. I mean anyone can dress up like a tree and say "I am Groot" a hundred times. It's not like you could even tell it was Diesel's voice.
Just another marvel popcorn flix with little character development , and a story a kid could write .
And the fact you gave Superman vs. Batman an 11/10 makes me ROFL about your review of Civil War.

Batman vs superman at least attempted to come up with a plot not made by a kid . It was a much better movie then CW . BVS had moments where the hair on my arms stood up . CW was a popcorn flix . All action and not character or plot development except the very end
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Batman vs superman at least attempted to come up with a plot not made by a kid . It was a much better movie then CW . BVS had moments where the hair on my arms stood up . CW was a popcorn flix . All action and not character or plot development except the very end

Again....ROFL. We must have watched completely different versions of BvS if you think it did any of those things you're complaining about better than CW. And LOL that BvS isn't the definition of a popcorn flick.
Batman vs superman at least attempted to come up with a plot not made by a kid . It was a much better movie then CW . BVS had moments where the hair on my arms stood up . CW was a popcorn flix . All action and not character or plot development except the very end

Just to be clear, you're upset that Civil War, a 2.5 hour long movie, didn't take an extra 45 minutes to develop characters that have been developed over the course of three phases of movies?

Also, can you explain how Civil War failed to "develop its plot"?
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Just to be clear, you're upset that Civil War, a 2.5 hour long movie, didn't take an extra 45 minutes to develop characters that have been developed over the course of three phases of movies?

Also, can you explain how Civil War failed to "develop its plot"?

Exactly what I was thinking about the characters, considering only 2 were new and it was known that this was an introduction and both are getting their own stand alone movies.
Just to be clear, you're upset that Civil War, a 2.5 hour long movie, didn't take an extra 45 minutes to develop characters that have been developed over the course of three phases of movies?

Also, can you explain how Civil War failed to "develop its plot"?

Spider-man , ant man , black panther , vision , and even scarlet witch
Could of developed more in this movie . None have much if any character . And minus the last 20 mins the movie was useless and nothing really happened to change marvel at all
Just another marvel popcorn flix with little character development , and a story a kid could write .

You are aware that this was lifted directly from the comics story-line of the same name of course some characters story had to be altered do to Marvel/Disney not owning filming rights.
Batman vs superman at least attempted to come up with a plot not made by a kid . It was a much better movie then CW . BVS had moments where the hair on my arms stood up . CW was a popcorn flix . All action and not character or plot development except the very end

If you are seriously criticizing Civil War for having a plot a kid could up with (which is both a bit of an exaggeration and not even necessarily a big deal given how well it was done), then you should definitely be criticizing BvS for the same thing, if not more so as it wasn't done as well as CW.
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If you are seriously criticizing Civil War for having a plot a kid could up with (which is both a bit of an exaggeration and not even necessarily a big deal given how well it was done), then you should definitely be criticizing BvS for the same thing, if not more so as it wasn't done as well as CW.

BVS had multiple plots in one movie . CW had one plot that had no point until the last 20 mins
Spider-man , ant man , black panther , vision , and even scarlet witch
Could of developed more in this movie .
None have much if any character . And minus the last 20 mins the movie was useless and nothing really happened to change marvel at all


How in the heck can you sit there and criticize CW for "character development" yet think BvS is one of the best superhero movies ever, when they threw undeveloped characters at you for the sole purpose of setting up a Justice League movie? You're not making any sense.
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BVS had multiple plots in one movie . CW had one plot that had no point until the last 20 mins

And you seem to be one of the few that thinks that was a good thing; most seemed to think Zach Synder had runaway ADHD because he couldn't seem to keep up with his own story.

And how exactly did CW have no point? It was pretty clear the point.

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