I agree with the last two posts. 4/5. I was afraid it would seem too crowded, but it didn't. Everyone was a factor, but it still managed to stick to the characters the story was mainly about. Spider-Man and Ant-Man were great. Black Panther too.
Loved it! Wife fell asleep. Best Spider-Man casting ever! Wife...sawing logs. Didn't know how Black Panther would translate...guy playing him was perfect and didn't overdo it...vibranium works pretty well in suits. Still think Winter Soldier was in it's own class but this was nearly perfect.
you think Cap gets hooked up with a new shield since he's good with Wakanda...the sole supplier of vibranium?
I thought a few of the fight scenes were drawn out more than was needed. Also Spider-Man & Ant-Man stole every scene they were in! I'm not that familiar with Black Panther but I ended up liking the character.