Carroll v. Trump ($88 million judgment for Carroll)

Accused vs. Tried to a jury and found to have committed the assault and ordered to pay $5 million

Wee difference there, wouldn't you say?
Oh I would but only because your commies are above the law and never held responsible. You all love saying the 5 mill lol that’s peanuts to President Trump
Biden lies every day. Get out of here with that BS about lying once X years ago.
Dude, your schtick is getting old. I've been calling it out for years. Case in point:

Really, this is the basis of your moral equivalence argument? This is all you got? Saying she carried hot sauce and being part of a joke that used "colored people time" are just as mendacious as telling Americans that are in the opposition party--and who happen to be of Latino, Black, African and Middle Eastern origin--that they should go back to their own countries? And then you claim that Trump really didn't intend to be racist.

And by the way, Clinton is on the record for liking hot sauce and the colored people time quote was actually delivered by De Blasio, not Clinton. So, you know, you sorta got that problem too.

Hillary's hot sauce long con: If Clinton <em>is</em> pandering with this latest food revelation, it's the most impressive suck-up ever

New York Mayor's Racially-Tinged Joke Hits Sour Note
Sure, once you bring the goods. To my knowledge, there's been a lot of talk, but no evidence to date.

I am talking about the focus of the media. You know journalism, investigation, gathering, assessing, presenting, news and information.
What about, what about, what about.

How about you just admit Trump is scum and a conman with no business being within 100 miles of the WH.

Not a what about. Just asked a couple of questions that you seemed to be very sensitive towards.
Oh I would but only because your commies are above the law and never held responsible. You all love saying the 5 mill lol that’s peanuts to President Trump
Then why does he keep begging his poor and gullible supporters to send him $20?
Accused vs. Tried to a jury and found to have committed the assault and ordered to pay $5 million

Wee difference there, wouldn't you say?

Will that be on Trump's criminal record?

I already know the answer is no.

The real problem, one that you and BB and even Trump lovers continue to ignore, both sides keep offering us **** human beings as candidates.

Both sides includes your side.
Are you advocating for the elimination of political donations for campaigns or just being stupid?
I would like to advocate for that, and I don't find it stupid.

I've yet to see a politician that actually deserves donations.
Will that be on Trump's criminal record?

I already know the answer is no.

The real problem, one that you and BB and even Trump lovers continue to ignore, both sides keep offering us **** human beings as candidates.

Both sides includes your side.
That's why I say it's all about the primaries and continuums.

You're welcome.

You can't take the position that "all politicians are equally bad", "they all lie", and "both parties suck equally" and ever hope to improve the quality of our options. You have to first identify the worst to get rid of the worst. Or more optimistically, you have to first identify the best in order to choose the best. The differences may not always be great, but there are always differences.
I really like the ones who go all in on the unrelated whatabouts while claiming to despise Trump. They know who they are.
Maybe, in each thread, we should start a running list of all the things people tried to use to distract from from the subject of the thread. We could use it as an unofficial measure of how serious each story is.
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